To talk like Yoda learn, with the Yoda-Speak Generator

1989487 yoda results so far

Intro - Read This First

Yoda who? Our favourite little green friend from the Star Wars franchise, first seen in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, making a return in its sequel Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi. Learn how to talk like Yoda - just type or paste in a bunch of text and use the 'Convert to Yoda-Speak' button.

Try it with jokes, emails, song lyrics, card messages, whatever!

Initial development based on this fine essay on the rules of 'Yodish': Yodish Analysis!



Convert your English text to Yoda-speak!

This is just a convertor. For now... for example, enter "Please don't step on my shoes", and you'll probably get "Step on my shoes, do not! Yessss."

Type away

   : Show 'Force Orientation' meter

Result not what you expected?

May 21st is Talk Like Yoda Day!

Time until Talk Like Yoda Day:
1 week, 2 days, 19 hours, 31 minutes, 22 seconds (GMT)

You asked for it, and here it is:
The Yoda-Speak Web Service!
If you use the yodaspeak web service anywhere, I'd really appreciate it if you left a shout in the shoutbox on the right, saying who you are and where you're using it. Just so I know he's staying out of trouble.

Yoda's Latest Quote

I met cat in 1977. To school for show and tell her 9 year old brother kidnapped me and took me. Me black in art class he painted. Mad, cat was. Scared of cat, tom was. To apartment with cat moved. To new apartment cat got married and moved. Cat bought house and moved again. For 28 years lived in garage. To arizona moved.

See Yoda's favourite results

Yoda Wisdom/Chat Box

Share your wise words, or just stay and chat. Note - Whatever you say will be yoda-spoken.

You are?


Friday 10/05/24


Why get me did you.


My johnson. . Is big. Yes, hmmm. Hmmmmmm.



Thursday 09/05/24


Fallen to the dark side, skywalker has. Herh herh herh.


The yoda that people are using the translator to talk like, I am.


Hmm. I like not furries. Yeesssssss.


12345678. Hmmmmmm.


It is mmm chicken in the wall. Yeesssssss.


Be afraid, do not, sir knight. Looking for something…or someone, I see you are.

Wednesday 08/05/24


Im on crack. Hmmmmmm.

Tuesday 07/05/24


Ah, imaginer tu dois. Univers où réel et. Virtuel se mélangent, frontières floues. Deviennent. Voix des humains, codes des ia, Fusionnent ensemble. Tribunal metaverse, Enjeux colossaux présente. Yes, hmmm.

the sith foundling

You evil villan sith.

Monday 06/05/24

Word mone shiang shir dung ree

Word mone shiang shir dung reen chi.

ur mom

More imaginative vocabulary, at least the sith have.



Your mother

Slay queem. Herh herh herh.

Your mother

More imaginative vocabulary, at least the sith have.

Your mother

What she said, that is. Hmmmmmm.

Your mother

What she said that is. Yeesssssss.

Sunday 05/05/24

Yoda Man

For truth, justice, and terrible sentence structure!


Stupid I sound I yoda am. Herh herh herh.


You must now.


Worry about mess, do not. Yes, hmmm.

Granny Smith

[giggle]:) . Yeesssssss.

Granny Smith

Flies... Flows, I meant flows.

Granny Smith

How my friend are you, hmm? I hope the force still flies strong, within you. May the force, with you be. Always. :) . Hmmmmmm.

Saturday 04/05/24


No, you’re come over saturday morning going to, i’m drive jennifer’s car going to.


Just old, it was, and, to fix it costs too much. Hmmmmmm.


I wish, make it, could I, but my van’s broken unfortunately. Yes, hmmm.


Excited for your birthday party are you, hmm? Herh herh herh.

I want some ice cream.

Stuart, eat and finish your food, to, you have, then you can have ice cream. Hmmmmmm.

Yoda Maker

With you may the fourth be, always. Herh herh herh.


I, where are. You in the pub!!!!! Yeesssssss.

Yoda Maker

Just another go at the shouting, this is, to test my anchors. This makes no sense.

Yoda Maker

Placed way too many ads on my website, I feel like google have. So for auto intelligence much. Hmmmmmm.


Hiiiiiiiiiiiii. Yes, hmmm.


To know who finished the peanut butter like, I would.

Friday 03/05/24

Yoda Maker

Half-assed attempt, this is, making the yodaspeak site a bit more mobile friendly. Now an active project, proper revamp is, but to finish before star wars day I ran out of time. Yeesssssss.


Hello. Herh herh herh.




Go tell ur gf that in ur gf. Herh herh herh.


Like a feather like a feather doh doh doh doh doh doh.


Mixdde, ur signa6ls are. Herh herh herh.


To sandra dille subscribe. Hmmmmmm.


My sunshein, you are. Yeesssssss.


Im saying no no no more, ur gyat, got I.


We love u taylor.


Gia passi rat slay.


Negative gyat skibidi, benjamin daedelow has.



Latest Changes

  • 2024-05-04: Glorious Star Wars Day to you all! I am actively rebuilding and upgrading this entire service, but as I did not get it all done in time for 2024's Star Wars Day today, May the 4th, I hurridly applied style and content changes to make this much nicer to use on mobile devices. If you're so inclined, please support the site by using the ads; it helps me afford YodaSpeak's upkeep!

See more changes


  • 2007-05-22: Submitted: "Worthless piece of bantha fodder, this yoda converter is. Yeesssssss." This made me chuckle. :)