Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the 2019 Celebration of Caring Gala! All volunteers must be 18 years of age or older and will be on their feet for the majority of the evening. Volunteers will be asked to arrive no later than 4:15pm for a walk-through of the space. The general time frame for the Gala is as follows:

4:15pm Volunteer Arrival

4:30pm Volunteer Walk-Through

5:15pm Volunteer Donation Collection Rehearsal

5:30pm Volunteers in Place

6:00pm VIP Reception Begins

6:30pm General Reception Begins

7:40pm Program Begins

7:50pm Live Auction & Donation Collection

9:30pm Brett Young Concert Begins

11:00pm Evening Concludes

There will be a volunteer training held prior to the event. All volunteers are expected to attend this training to be given details on the event space and expectations.

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