Put your smart phone technology to use.

If you’re suffering from depression you may find yourself spending a lot of time with your phone.

Maybe you’re looking at Facebook and noticing all the happy people with their perfect lives, with the selfies and the family pictures that just happen to have that new swimming pool in the background. You’re wondering why you’re not as happy as they all seem to be.

Or perhaps you surfing through today’s events and wondering when the bad news will end. Maybe you’re looking through old photos and wondering what went wrong with your life.

Here’s an idea: Use that smart phone to call or send an email that will help you change your life. There are thousands of people out there that want to help you get your life back. People who have dedicated their lives to helping those with depression, anxiety, stress, and all kinds of issues that hold you back.

They’re easy to find. They are called therapists. I am one of them.

Start changing your life today.

Tell me your story.


(817) 946-1620 | carrie@carrienet.com | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling

4 Responses to “Put your smart phone technology to use.”

  1. Shelly,

    Hi, I ran across ur page just a bite ago. Everything u just said about ur phone is true. I look at my friends pages and see how they have ppl around them that love them etc. How happy they are, how good things r going. I know that not all ppl that post stuff like that r truly happy and they r going through their own problems. I used to b happy….I have not been the same since I have a breakdown in 2013/2014. I’m not happy,mimic lonely. I have no friends, no support system etc. I see a therapist & psychiatrist and that’s it.

  2. Richard,

    Was never much of a cellphone person, actually forced to get a cellphone for work and then a late adopter of a smartphone. I now have a number of apps which I use on my phone to help with my bipolar and anxiety. I had a change of routine a while back and cos of this I found I was forgetting to take my meds, I found a med reminder app which I set to go off each morning. I also find sounds of the bush or storms very calming and have downloaded an app with these on it and I am able to use it anywhere and no-one needs to know I am grounding myself.

    The best feature of any cellphone and one that I feel isn’t use enough is the off button. Sometimes I just need space and not to be bombarded with tests, emails, phone calls. Modern society expects us to be connected 24/7 and contactable and for me this creates stress/anxiety.