Techno-News Blog

January 10, 2016

Penn State Partners with NFL Players Association on Distance Ed for Athletes

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

By Joshua Bolkan, Campus Technology

Penn State World Campus is partnering with the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) to offer union members the opportunity to finish their degrees online. Offered through World Campus’ Corporate Alliance program, the partnership will provide access to Penn State’s online courses and educational services. “World Campus provides students with admissions and advising counseling,” according to a news release. “Players who have credits from another university will work with staff to determine how to complete their degree at Penn State online or through another university. Staff also will also work with players who want to start a new undergraduate or graduate degree from among the more than 125 online academic programs in fields including business, health care, liberal arts and sciences.”

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