Man accused of sex assaults on disabled women


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A Brandon man stands accused of sexually absuing a number of disabled women in cases that date back nearly three decades.

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Hey there, time traveller!
This article was published 21/02/2012 (4446 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current.

A Brandon man stands accused of sexually absuing a number of disabled women in cases that date back nearly three decades.

The investigation only began a couple of weeks ago, on Feb. 9, 2012, when Brandon police say that claims were made against the man. The suspect owned a home where adults with disabilities were cared for, and police allege that he had been sexually assaulting female clients who were living there.

So far, police have identified three victims, in incidents that date back to 1985, although they say the investigation continues and further charges are possible.

A 54-year-old Brandon man is to appear in court on April 5, to face charges of assault, four counts of sexual assault, and six counts of sexual exploitation of a person with disabilities.

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