Archive for the ‘PlanetKDE’ Category

Choqok-devel mailing list

I’m pleased to announce that choqok development mailing list is up and ready (thanks to KDE sysadmins)

and from now on, we will talk about development stuff there. So I invite anyone who is interested to involve in Choqok development and contribute code, subscribe to choqok-devel mailing list.

Choqok will be back soon

Good news is that I received several comments and emails from people who would like to work on Choqok and keep it up. And I asked kde sysadmins to give us a choqok-devel mailing list, to use it for communication between Choqok developers. will announce it when it become ready.

So, I will keep maintaining Choqok for some time, until we find someone to get my place and maintain it :)

The bad news is that Twitter had a deadline for it’s version 1.0 API which Choqok is using now, that deadline is over. and from today (pacific time). Choqok stopped working with Twitter. I’m sorry for that, but fortunately we have someone(Daniel Kreuter) who is working on it right now, and this issue will be fixed soon, and we’ll have a release when its ready. so stay tuned.

Resistance is futile

As everyone know it’s a long time that Choqok and Blogilo had no real update from me, 5 years ago when I started them I had time, energy and passion to spend on them. in the past year, all of those had gone little by little. but I was trying to resist it and keep them up even a little,

But now, I have to admit that I cannot continue, because of some personal reasons:
mostly because I’m working as a software engineer somewhere, and that fulfill my programming and coding joys, so I replaced my coding hobby with another hobby (photography) recently and It’s keeping me too much busy that there’s no more time to spend somewhere else :)

So, If anyone interested to work on either Choqok or Blogilo I would be really appreciated to help him/her and give away their maintenance.

I know I wasn’t a good maintainer/developer because I didn’t find and prepare someone to fill my place after me, I’m sorry.


PS: BTW, If anyone was interested to check on my photography, here are some links: 500px, facebook, flickr,

BetterNotify, a new plugin for Choqok

Long time after Choqok version 0.6.6, Now I’m going to introduce you a similar notification solution for version 1.x series.

It’s going to show you text content of post, to you. instead of just telling you how many new posts you have.

It implemented as a plugin. So, you can enable or disable it. and you can select what do you want to see from it. (Thanks to my previous works on Choqok plugin system :D )

So now(in git) if you go to Plugins section of Choqok configurations dialog. you’ll see the new plugin:

And you have to go to it’s configuration to enable it for any timeline you want:

At first page, you can set how long you want to see a notification, its appearance and position, and in second page you have to select which timeline from which account you want to see! (It’s timeline based now)
And its quite easy, first select account (You should see all of configured accounts here) and then select timelines:

By default. notification is positioned at top-middle of your screen, you can change this, by selecting “Adjust notification’s position” button, and then you’ll see a fake notification, that you can re-position it easily.

Don’t forget to select the Ok button (that blue tick) on fake notification to store your desired position. If you just close the BetterNotify configuration dialog, your position won’t store on disk.

Here’s an example of what you’ll see later:

Some additional tips about how to interact with notification itself:

  • If you place your mouse cursor over notification, it will stop. until you either move away mouse, or click somewhere on notification:
  • If you click on notification, it will mark the post as read! and will show next notification. (If there’s any)
  • If you click on the close button, it means you are ignoring notifications for now, It will close this notification (unmarked) and won’t show other notifications currently in queue.
  • And the most important one is what you see under configuration dialog, You have to disable plugin, click on Apply, and then re-enable it, after changing it’s settings, to take effect. or they will take effect after Choqok restarted.
  • One more tip, This plugin won’t disable Choqok’s notification of new post arrived! You have to disable them in KDE or Choqok notification configurations.

So, that’s it. Having this plugin was a long time wish and work of me, This weekend I found time to finish it’s configuration, and here we are :)

You’ll see this in next release of Choqok i.e. version 1.4
I hope to release it at last week of June.

Or, you can get Choqok from git, and try this new plugin and report back it’s bugs and your thoughts about it.

Why did we not use KDE notifications?

I tried to do it at first, but in KDE notifications if it has more than one notification to show, they will overlap each other. due that system is used widely in KDE, if user has another notification from another application, it will overlap current notify and disturb user reading post :)

Go on,
Enjoy Choqok :)

Choqok User Survey 2012

We have prepared a survey to gather some information about Choqok users and their needs, please participate in it, and help us to improve Choqok

Link to survey

More info in Choqok website