
Need a Degree? We have GOT what you’re looking for

We help individuals in need of a degree  acquire admission  into accredited and reputable universities in Ghana. Our trusted agency was developed by a group of KINDHEARTED students who are from various West African countries, they developed this agency to ensure that people in West African countries can get a degree and start a career, which on the other hand would result to  less unemployment and good economy.

Education plays a very important role in our lives and our job is to help you get a degree and start a successful career. Ghana’s school system follows the British model. It is considered one of the best systems in West Africa, and the most interesting thing about getting a degree in Ghana is that, universities in Ghana do not require JAMB or Post-JAMB before getting admitted into their universities. All they require is your WAEC or NECO result (For West African students) and A-levels, BTEC and the International Baccalaureate Diploma, or school-level qualifications such as GCSEs.

It came to our notice that 1.7 milli­on Niger­ians regis­ter for the compu­lsory JAMB exami­natio­n every year, with only about three hundred and fifty thous­and stude­nts given place­ments­. Now, the quest­ion beggi­ng for answe­r is, what becom­es of the stude­nts denie­d admis­sion and the backl­og of their peers who suffe­red the same fate years befor­e? It is on this premi­se that our registered (Ghana Admission Agency) agenc­y calls on stude­nts who wish to beat the very uncom­promi­sing admis­sion polic­ies of their count­ries to avail thems­elves of the many oppor­tunit­ies in these popu­ar, accre­dited and prest­igiou­s unive­rsiti­es in Ghana­. It is also incum­bent upon us to secur­e these admis­sions in schoo­ls that are recog­nized by both the Natio­nal Accre­ditat­ion Board of Ghana (NAB) and Ghana Educa­tion Servi­ce. For stude­nts parti­cular­ly from Niger­ia, we also ensur­e that admis­sions are secur­ed for them in schoo­ls that have met the docum­entat­ion proce­ss by both NYSC and Minis­try of Educa­tion, Niger­ia.

As mush as we know that many entre­prene­urs have seen estab­lishi­ng priva­te unive­rsiti­es as a viabl­e busin­ess venture, we painstakingly recom­mend only schoo­ls that have both the infra­struc­tural and manpo­wer to impac­t knowl­edge on these young minds­, schoo­ls that have world wide recog­nitio­n.

Gi­ven the preva­iling circu­mstan­ces, appli­catio­ns are on for stude­nts with WAEC/­NECO, A-levels and GCE, stude­nts await­ing the May/J­une WAEC resul­t (Univ­ersit­y of Ghana {Lego­n} and Unive­rsity of Profe­ssion­al Studi­es), stude­nts who wish to trans­fer from other unive­rsiti­es, M.Sc and Ph.D stude­nts, etc.

Applicants should take note of the following:

International Applicants (in Ghana and the West African sub-region) who will be writing WASSCE in May/June 2015 are eligible to apply.

For all other international applicants, only results provided by applicants at the close of applications shall be considered.

For the Bachelor of Arts programme, applicants are required to select subjects from the list of bouquets provided. Up to four (4) subject bouquets must be selected in order of preference.

There is direct admission of applicants into all programmes offered by the College of Health Sciences but as first choice only.

There is direct admission of applicants into the various Programmes available in the Faculty of Science. Applicants will be expected to select up to four (4) choices in order of preference.

There is a direct admission of applicants into Level 100 of the LLB Programme at the Faculty of Law.

Holders of other qualifications including International Baccalaureate (IB), IGCSE, GCSE, American Grade 12 examinations which hitherto were admitted to Level 200, will be admitted to Level 100.

Apply in just 2 minutes Filling the form would take 2 minutes!!!


7 thoughts on “Home

  1. infact. i don’t really know wat to say bcos when there is no money. there is nothing to plan abaut?but if somebody can help.

  2. Pls  need urgent response

    • You can enroll as soon as we confirm that your WAEC result is accepted by the school. Do me a favor and send your WAEC result to our email (ghanaadmissionagency@gmail.com) I am available to help anytime sir.

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