
Nokia Again Apologizes Over Ads for Phone

Nokia expanded its apology for using misleading marketing materials for a new line of phones. Last week Nokia acknowledged it didn't use the PureView camera of the Lumia 920 to shoot a portion of a video used in promotions. Photo: Getty Images.

The company last week acknowledged that it didn't use the PureView camera of its forthcoming Lumia 920 to shoot a portion of a video used in promotional material for the phone. The company on Saturday said other pieces of the marketing material, such as still photography, also were simulated.

A video posted by Nokia on YouTube and on their official blog was meant to show off the smooth effect of Nokia's new PureView technology on their new Lumia phone. Except it wasn't shot on the phone but on a different camera. WSJ's Ben Rooney reports.

In both cases, Nokia was called out by independent blogs for not having disclosed that the images weren't captured by a Lumia.

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