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  Yaguchi Mari: "I'm a Gamer" Vol 1-4  
  Hello!Project Written by B.Slade & Kuno , updated: 20:56, 2-Jun 2009  

I'm a Gamer. vol. 1

I love games ☆

Hello everybody! This is Yaguchi Mari ☆ (⌒▽⌒)ノ I'll be talking all about my favourite games here in Famitsu, so please stay with me! m(_ _)m As you can see in the picture, I really love games, and I have just about every game console. My favourite games are the "Dragon Quest" series! Lately, I've just finished playing "V" and "VIII". My favourite in the "Final Fantasy" series is "X"! For Wii, I like "WarioWare: Smooth Moves". For PS3, I've been replaying "Dynasty Warriors: Gundam" and "Aquanaut's Holiday" a lot. I'll be telling you my thoughts about these games as I go... But since this is the first column, I'm going to talk about my gaming memories ♪

I first discovered games in grade two. On my way home from school, I went to a boy's house and got to play "Super Mario". That was just so much fun... So that year I asked for a Famicom for Christmas. I want that captivating dark red console! (≧▽≦) But even though they bought me the console, I didn't get any games for it for several months. So in the beginning, I played games that I borrowed from my friend. Both parents worked all day, so when I came home from school, I'd go right to my grandmother's house and play games every day. Games like "Super Mario", "Adventure Island", and "Mappy". I played them all the time. I did nothing but play games (lol). I played the "Kunio-kun" series a lot too. Looking back now, even I'm surprised by how earnestly I played them.

After that, all of my allowance went towards buying games. (* ̄▽ ̄*) Of course there were the games themselves, but I also bought a Super Famicom, Gameboy, Gameboy Advance, Sega Saturn, PSX, N64, and more. I have most of the game hardware out there ☆ Soon after I started high school, I joined Morning Musume. I was so busy for the next two years that I started drifting away from gaming. But I got right back into it ☆ I got used to the rhythm of my life, or rather, I started being able to make time for myself. And then, I was even more intensely into games than before. It got to the point where I couldn't relax if I hadn't touched a controller all day. ( ̄▽ ̄) Okay, I think next time I'll talk about my daily gaming life. Stay tuned ☆

I'm a Gamer. vol. 2

Games make me feel better ☆

Hello everybody! (⌒▽⌒)ノ This is Yaguchi Mari who bought most of her games with her own allowance when she was a kid ☆ This week I'll be telling you about my gaming life (* ̄▽ ̄*)In the past, I was mostly into RPGs, but since 2000 I've been playing a lot of different genres. I was really into the "Warriors" series, like "Dynasty Warriors" and "Samurai Warriors", as well as games like "Yakuza" and "Kenka Banchou". Oh. Speaking of "Kenka Banchou", that "menchi beam" system was really funny! (^w^) Huh? Does it seem like I'm into yankee-style games? When I was in primary school, I started playing "Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun" with another boy, and maybe that's what influenced me...? ( ̄- ̄)

I really got into the story of "Final Fantasy X" and "X-2", and I played over 100 hours on them. Especially with "X-2", where I got all the endings. You can't get them all if you don't get 100% completion! Anyway, the graphics were beautiful and looked like a movie, and the story and the game system were really great too. For the "Dragon Quest" series, I play the ones around "I", "II", "V", and "VII". There's no problem with which ones I like. I've been playing them since the Famicom, so I (always) play "Dragon Quest" games!

In terms of my playing style, I need to raise my level up as high as possible. I get my level up so high, I can kill the bosses easily. So I always wander around in the game world. I just keep fighting random battles. In "Dragon Quest", I keep playing, trying to meet the metal slimes. In "X-2", I keep on levelling up in the Calm Lands. (>口<)ノ So of course, my play times are always long ♪ By the way, at home I play my games in the living room. There's a big screen hanging from a blank wall, so using a projector to get a big screen when I play is the best ☆ I always have my favourite sofa in front of the projector, so I can relax, change into my pyjamas, and sit with my legs crossed, playing my games. These days I do it with a beer in one hand, but I'm relaxing... For me, that's the way it has to be. That photo at the top of the page is my real game playing style! (≧▽≦) By the way, my consoles are scattered all over the place. I really can't keep things organised.

I'm a Gamer. vol. 3

The Terrifying DSi ☆

Hello everybody! This is Yaguchi Mari ☆ (⌒▽⌒)ノ I finally got one! The Nintendo DSi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (≧▽≦) Yay! Of course I already had the DS Lite, but now I've got the newest one ♪ My impression of the DSi... In a word, it's great! Watching the commercials with Audrey in them, I got an idea of all the different built-in features... But I didn't expect it to be that different from the DS Lite. But as soon as I touched it, it seemed totally different (°口°;) The first night I got it, I spent two hours just playing around with the features of the DSi itself ☆

First, the camera feature ☆ If you push the A button, you can take photos just like it's a digital camera. You can take the photo and draw on it directly, put a frame around it, and do all kinds of effects on it, so that's really addictive... I took a bunch of photos around the house ☆ And then, I made myself into this "Yagu Mario" ♡

Next, the DSiWare ☆ I downloaded "Moving Notepad" and "Nintendo DSi Browser"! For someone like me who's hobby is drawing, "Moving Notepad" is a great feature. The reason is that you can make your drawings animate and move around! If I get the chance, sometime I want to show off the ones I've made somewhere. (*^o^*) Next, I downloaded "Phantasy Star ZERO Mini" and "Sakutto Hamareru Hori Hori Action Mister Driller". When I have the time, I'll continue Sakutto Hori ☆ I'm playing "Phantasy Star ZERO Mini" for the first time, but I'm playing day and night trying to raise my score before I fight Rayburn. (≧ε≦) Honestly, I thought I wasn't going to play any more portable games until "Dragon Quest IX" comes out, but the DSi is different! (≧▽≦)

If I have to choose one key point of the DSi's appeal, it's all the different ways you can play with it. Especially with the DSiWare, it's seriously captivating being able to play games without any software! If you're thinking about getting a DSi, why not try out the DSiWare?

I'm a Gamer. vol. 4

The games I play on my holidays... ☆

Hello everybody! This is Yaguchi Mari ☆ (⌒▽⌒)ノ How was your Golden Week? Did you have fun travelling and going out to play? On my holidays... I sleep all the time! (-_-)zzZ Just kidding. Sometimes I do, but I also go with my friends to the hot springs ♪ And of course, one thing I have to bring with me on a trip is my Nintendo DS! Without saying anything, my friends all (silently) take their DS out of their bags (lol). Just what you'd expect from my friends! (^w^) At the inn, we have to play "Mario Party DS" ☆ Since I'm an adult, I like changing into a yukata and drinking while playing with the adult rule. That is... If you lose a minigame, you have to take a drink! (^▽^)/ That makes it really fun. By the way, I'm unbeatable at "Camera Shy" and "Hedge Honcho"!! p(・∩・)q I've been playing the "Mario Party" series since the N64 days, and I love it. I've probably played it with everyone more than 20 times. You can play party games without using your mind, so adults and kids can play against each other in a fair fight, so that's good. Actually, maybe kids are even better at them? I think when the next one comes out, they should add new games like UFO catchers and coin games.

Also, there's a game I've been playing lately when I'm relaxing at home, "Dongari Boushi to Mahou no 365-nichi". I started playing it because I was attracted by the relaxed atmosphere and cute characters. I like finding the strange creatures, learning magic, and making friends with my classmates, but the part I'm really into now is collecting cute clothes! (o^∀^o) So, I gradually save up my money. There are so many types to choose from, it's really tough! It's a lot of work, but that's what makes it fun. ( ̄∀ ̄) And then going to the sea at night. In that indescribable and charming world, it's nice to just stare at the screen for a while. But actually I think my mother might be more into this game than I am. She's learnt more difficult spells and charms than I have, and she always seems to be playing hard to get the "mysterious happening" event. Whenever I come home, she always has the DS in her hands. Could it be, my mother is a bigger gamer than me!? Σ( ̄口 ̄lll) Oh no...


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