Linux Mint 11 “Katya” released!

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 11 “Katya”.

Linux Mint 11 “Katya”

New features at a glance:

For a complete overview and to see screenshots of the new features, visit: “What’s new in Linux Mint 11“.

Release notes:

  • Known issues
    • Gnome theme failing to load
    • Compiz Fusion
    • Battery status indicator
    • Moonlight
  • Important information
    • Overlay scrollbars
    • Black splash screens
    • CD images
    • Distributors and magazines in the USA and Japan
    • Local repository and GnomePPP
    • Windows installer

To get more information about these problems and their solution, read the “Release notes”.

System requirements:

  • x86 processor (Linux Mint 64-bit requires a 64-bit processor. Linux Mint 32-bit works on both 32-bit and 64-bit processors).
  • 512 MB RAM (1GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 5 GB of disk space
  • Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution
  • CD/DVD drive or USB port

Upgrade instructions:

  • To upgrade from a previous version of Linux Mint follow these instructions.
  • To upgrade from Linux Mint 11 RC, simply apply any level 1 and 2 updates (if any) available in the Update Manager.


Md5 sum:

  • DVD 32-bit: 010bad6bf2bb58f61fea8e437366576c
  • DVD 64-bit: 773b6cdfe44b91bc44448fa7b34bffa8
  • CD no codecs 32-bit:  b68ffed453e8d64e683bca5c041c3208
  • CD no codecs 64-bit: f7ba8582b319eeda33636bf2b39546a3
  • OEM 32-bit: c8d1d0b9eaef8b1f1b1b38b65f9c144e
  • OEM 64-bit: 635879235d2c7a450331c53b767f1e0e


HTTP Mirrors for the 32-bit DVD ISO:

HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit DVD ISO:

HTTP Mirrors for the 32-bit CD No codecs ISO:

HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit CD No codecs ISO:

HTTP Mirrors for the 32-bit OEM ISO:

HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit OEM ISO:


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun with this new release!


  1. wooohoooo first post and just updated to full version 11 from the RC release!!! loving me some Mint!!!

  2. Thank you for the server in China. It is difficult to download from outside China. Now I can download at full speed.

  3. Congratulations to the team! I am Linux Mint newbie for 5 weeks now and already can not imagine to ever go back to MS. I’ll probably stick with Isadora until the support ends, but I look forward to testing the new release via Live DVD!

  4. Or not. Well any way, can’t wait to check it out. I hope that the new software manager was improved a lot.

  5. Thanks Clem for your work. Looking forward to the KDE version.

    Think the website is suffering under Mint’s popularity – it’s vveerryy slooooow.

  6. Dear Linux Mint Team,

    Congratulations on your nw release, and as ever, thanks very much for all your hard work

    1. RavS: Updates were released already. The ISO itself needs to pass QA before it’s released, so traditionally by the time the release is announced all package updates addressing fixes featured in the final release are already out. Also make sure to check the release notes for additional info on remaining bugs and upcoming fixes.

  7. Does anyone know how to run keymapper? I downloaded it from repositories but I have no idea what to do now…

  8. Thank you int Team for the release. I was eagerly waiting for this day. Hats off to you guys for providing the best distro time and time again. [:)]

  9. Is their a way to have the Plymouth splash during Boot please as I have managed to get it during shut down by installing ‘plymouth-theme-mint-logo’

  10. Apart from being fast, looking great, codecs and dvd support out of the box, CONTINUING WITH GNOME 2 is fantastic – Mint will pick up lots of new users that don’t like unity or gnome 3 shell.

    I have been a long time Fedora user, but F15 is nearly unusable now, even the fallback to gnome 2 doesn’t work (the panel isn’t the real panel we know and love). So when Mint 11 is GA I’ll install it on all my boxes.

    Well done and thanks!

  11. Today i have birthday i waiting mint from 1 week.THIS IS THE BEST GIFT THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUU (HAPPY)

  12. 谢谢你们的辛勤劳动。我终于在电脑上安装了mint11.

    i finally got it installed on my pc.
    many thanks from China!

  13. I’ve been using it since yesterday and everything looks good except the compiz settings. I can never turn it completely off. If i do so desktop management becomes hard to use. On previous version if we wanted to turn all effects off, one click was enough.

  14. Clem, Devs, Team,

    Superb effort, Downloaded all 4 ISO torrents for CD and DVD 32 and 64 bit versions to help with seeding. I will leave em up for the next month or two.


  15. Thank you! With this release I’m officially switching from Ubuntu to Linux Mint!! Cant wait for my download to finish, thank you so much for this release!

  16. Clem: was running live dvd of Mint 11 Final (64 bit)…just to note…still seems to have the “bug” in Mint Menu where if you resize the icons in favorites (make them smaller) it doesn’t “lock in”…goes right back to the 48 pixel size again…the bug was in R/C and still seems to be in Final Edition…
    Please check….thanks!

  17. I’ve been using this release since the RC came out. I’ve never, ever seen a better op/sys than this. It’s snappy-quick, highly functional, and BEAUTIFUL! Each time I’m done doing my thing and turn off my computer, I think “wow, that was cool”. I don’t remember the last time I had that thought with Windows.

    Okay, enough gushing already.

    Excellent job Mint Team!

  18. @Craig, that’s on the release notes 😉

    Great job. Been using Julia. Gonna check if it’s worth cheating with Katya 😀

  19. Clem,

    Totally awesome release!! I wanted to ask you about the heat issues regarding this kernel. Do you know if they have figured out the problem yet? Thanks

  20. This is not only a great release just in general, but it’s also very stable. I love the artwork improvements. Great work!

  21. yes! 😀 I’m glad you chose to stay with gnome 2 for now, it’s kinda hard to call gnome 3 “stable” right now because i had many issues with it. should be very useable by the time mint 12 comes out, and i hope that gnome shell will be included, along with a traditional panel interface like gnome 2. Great release, you guys always do a fantastic job.

  22. Great!
    Guess it’s time to switch back from Ubuntu 11.04. As always, thanks for putting the extra polish and features into Mint.

    (I didn’t really last long on Unity, I was using “Classic” most of the time. I’ll be very interested to see what you guys do with GNOME 3…I was not as put off by it as I had expected)

  23. Smashing!

    I’ll give it a download tonight. I’ve already been using Mint 10 (Gnome) and it is great. Rgds.

  24. Clem,
    >Known problems: Icon sizes in the menu, Mint-X theme improvements
    This is NOT elegant at all. Please make a maintenance release as soon as these problems are fixed. Will stay on 10 for the time being…

  25. If I have just installed the RC version last night…do I have to re-install Final or can I just run an upgrade like Ubuntu? Also does anyone know if they fixed the “About Me” issue with it not keeping typed data after close? Thanks to the community in advance.

  26. Man, there are way more upstream known issues and bugs than usual. Some of these are real show stoppers too… The kernel power consumption bug, and broken compiz makes me totally want to pass on this.

  27. Can we have Plymouth please also there are poor fonts on Google Earth 6

    otherwise a drastic improvement on Ubuntu 11.04

  28. I was really looking forward to this release… But ! After the install everything crashed: no more rights on my home directory, no more mint menu, impossible to launch a browser. I then wanted to burn a CD, this did not work either… I might try it again later, but for now, I’m a bit disappointed…

  29. Have been running the RC since it was released. Now updated to the release. Has been stable, very polished and faaaassst since day one.

    That’s the idea, improvements and stability. Not new fangled half-baked ideas.

    Great job, congrats Clem and dev tean.

    One question, what happened to ‘visual effects?”

  30. Too many bugs in this release for me. I am now officially without a distro… Ubuntu 11.04 is a disaster, and Mint 11 has inherited its problems. I so hoped Mint would overcome most of the 11.04 problems, but I guess it was not to be.

    Not sure what to do now. I guess move to the outdated yet stable Debian squeeze until most of the current “weirdness” in the Linux world blows over.

  31. I’m using the RC version as my unique OS for a week ago and it runs wonderful for me. I don’t use cubes and the huge amount of keyboard shortcuts available, that only cause distractions.


  32. error…or bug I don`t know… but I don` know what to do

    this is what I get when traying to acces synaptic:

    “E:Malformed line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/local-repository.list (dist parse)”

  33. An absolutely breath-taking, wonderful release. A complete out-of-the-box install. No fuss in installation and everything just works flawlessly. Thanks!!

  34. [[error…or bug I don`t know… but I don` know what to do

    this is what I get when traying to acces synaptic:

    “E:Malformed line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/local-repository.list (dist parse)” ]]

    ——> slash ( / ) is what is the solution…. just add ( katya/ ) instead of ( katya ) in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/local-repository.list file

  35. Linux Mint 11 lo aspettavamo tutti noi con grande interesse in quanto, è la migliore distribuzione linux!!!

  36. @Bob, there is also either Mint Debian (with GNOME) or Mint Xfce (also Debian testing, but with Xfce). I’ve been seriously tempted to change to Xfce. Worked very well for me in Virtualbox.

  37. Leider startet mein Notebook mit Linux Mint 11 nur mit angestecktem Strom-Adapter. Wenn es nur am Akku hängt, will Linux Mint 11 nicht starten, und bleibt nach Grub stehen. Das Problem war schon bei der RC Version. Ältere Linux-Mint Versionen funktionieren ohne Probleme. Was kann das sein?

    Unfortunately, my notebook with Linux Mint 11 starts only with stuck on current adaptor. If it hangs only on the battery, Linux does not want to launch Mint 11, and stops after Grub. The problem was already with the version RC. Older Linux-Mint versions function without problems. What can this be?
    Sry for my poor english.

  38. I hope that I am not in a minority because it’s looking great !
    Startup Disk Creator wouldn’t work for me, but LiLi 2.7 has created a persistent USBkey that’s working very well on my E5200 rig, allowing the addition of more multimedia software etc.
    I have my doubts about the kernel but am hoping that it will load and then work on my netbook where the RC didn’t.
    At the moment it’s definitely better than Ubuntu Natty and a lot faster than Fedora 15 or the Fedora 14 Fusion Linux derivative.

  39. A nice and really polished release. There are a few minor bugs, however – after installing a package software manager still shows it as “Not installed”, if one does not navigate away from the window.
    Another one – again, after installing a package software manager stays on top of Mint menu (overlaps it).
    Tried enabling desktop cube, but found it not configured properly – it’s hard to move a window to another wall, it turns very slowly and comes back to the first wall. It seems it conflicts with Grid plug-in.
    But still, it’s a nice release. I wonder what would happen if I installed Gnome 3 on it…

  40. WOW ! – Now I’m really impressed. My HP Mini 110 (N455) netbook not only loaded and ran from the desktop-created USBkey, it then promptly and automatically found its Broadcom WiFi. Then, to my great delight it did the same on my old Thinkpad laptop, finding its Intel WiFi.
    So, it looks as though Mint11 Gnome is already beating Mint10’s great hardware compatibility so congratulations on a great formal release !

  41. Tested: LM11 LiveCD on an Acer D250 Netbook with 1 GB RAM. All major apps installed functioning normally. Ethernet functioning normally. I pulled the wifi card long ago, so I can’t speak to that. The interface is noticeably faster, there must have been some improvements under the hood. Bug: The corners of window title bars show a strange little artifact when unmaximized windows are positioned close to the panel.

    Unfortunately, I was not able to enjoy the new UI offerings from Gnome/Ubuntu this time around and remain productive. Both are visually stunning, but may need to address usability issues in future releases.

    I was resigned to skipping upgrades until the Canonical, Gnome, and Compiz crews find a way work through their differences, Or until the OS community rescues Ubuntu, Gnome, and Compiz by wrestling them away altogether and forking them all.

    I was also curious to see how the LM team would handle this. Interesting predicament. This is not too bad actually, I must say. Very usable. Who ever mentioned the fast boot is correct. This is very fast, even on a netbook. I may go ahead and give this a spin after all and see how it works under pressure. The LM team did a good job here. Good work.

  42. Guys… back in November 2010 I ditched Ubuntu in favour of Fedora 14. In those days, I couldn`t stand the look and feel of Unity. It`s Canonical`s 12 caliber shot on the foot. Then, in Fedora 15, they were stirred and did the same thing. Shot themselves on the foot, making GNOME 3 default. – Not to mention that everytime I installed one of those distros, I would have to hunt down all codecs and stuff. Today I FIND PEACE AND GRACE IN THE ARMS OF LINUX MINT 11 KATYA. I`m really glad I did it because I just found out all the software I use comes as default. Good shot Mint! Looks like I am sticking with you for some time. Just don`t shoot your foot as well.

  43. Note: the bug mentioned in post #83 only involves the top panel. I see no effects when unmaximized windows are positioned near the bottom panel.

  44. Mint 11 looks great! Will Mint 12 use Gnome 3 shell with the ‘workspace dock’ on the right side. I tried out Fedora 15 and it looks new and exciting.

  45. Hi guys,
    Just wanted to clarify the size of the torrent
    LM v11 -64bit DVD edition the size specified is 864 MB
    but in my torrent client (TIXATI) the size reported is 905 MB

    Now what do i do. Wont be complete for another 2 hours!. So can’t chech the MD5 CSum.

  46. With the kernel of this release, should I expect any power consumption or heat issues on my HP Probook? I don’t know much about this matter, and I don’t want upgrade from Mint 9 LTS and introduce a new problem.

  47. Great release, been anticipating this since the travesty Ubuntu 11.04 was released. Boot is fast, the .38 kernel is wonderful, and although several upstream bugs gave me a little headache (enabling the Desktop cube kills EVERYTHING in Compiz), I’ve gotten it all set up and it runs like a dream.

    Keep up the great work team.

  48. Dear Linux mint team, thank you!!
    Finally I have an OS with my name! And best of all I will be using it! Goodbye Isadora and welcome Katya 😀

  49. Installed in amd x2 255 with 4 gb of ram, and after install all drivers, including ati drivers, system startup of Linux Mint 11 64bits dvd takes a lot. I was never a linux mint has taken so long to start.

  50. Wow release again. Switching to mint from Fedora. However, I would like to see a mint release based on debian stable. A fully polished, stable, out of the box working Gnome system is my dream! It could complement what Mepis does for KDE users. Thankyou MINT Team!

  51. Simply outstanding work as always!.The only minor bug on my HP Dv7 notebook is internal speakers wont automute when earplugs are connected and on my Toshiba NB200 netbook sound and movies went into an endless loop if the mouse or touchpad was left untouched,however that was a simple 3 line fix trough the terminal,it runs just fine now.Thanks for your hard work and for “sticking to your guns” leaving us with a fully functional desktop experience!.Dont really miss Compiz Fusion that much.Tested a lot of distros but this is the one that sticks on my computer.Would be nice though if someone with deeper knowledge in computers than i posess could “compile” a database of computers,printers and other hardware with known issues and their command line fixes and a simple “howto” use terminal paste and copy fix.I belive that would really give Linux OS the final liftoff that it deserves.I have installed Mint on many of my friends computers and so far they have been satisfied but with a “fixme” database to direct them towards when problems occur it would be so much easier to be “spreading the word”.Thanks Clem & Mint Team for an amazing distro!.

  52. If I have just installed the RC version last night…do I have to re-install Final or can I just run an upgrade like Ubuntu? Also does anyone know if they fixed the “About Me” issue with it not keeping typed data after close? Thanks to the community in advance.

  53. Another fine update to an already well polished and respected Linux distro, as well as being my personal favourite! 😉

    Personally, I’m sticking with Linux Mint 9 Gnome, as I have no real reason to upgrade for what I use my computer for.

    But for those who want updated software, refinements and new features should go for it 🙂

  54. I say this with every releases but may also be good for newbies to hear with each release.

    I started with LinuxMint when there was 3.0 Casandra, I “toyed” with Linux having come from SUSE (beginning with 8.2 PRO), but always relied on WinXP for my serious stuff. After 3.1 Celena, I was not booting into my WinXP side much, and when 4.0 Daryna came out, I never booted in again and stopped “toying” with Linux and it became “MY OS”. When Elyssa 5.0 came out I wipe the drive, dumped Windows and have not turned back since.

    As always, an excellent job!!!

  55. Thanks again for keeping it elegant. If I wanted an Android, I’d get an Android – I just didn’t like Unity – although I liked Gnome 3.

  56. First of all, many compliments to mint team.. great work, hard work,smooth work:) it is my primary system on pc, no others alnogside (sorry for my bad english) well only thing i waiting for long time and it is still not present is a choice to implement a docky as a standard option during the installation..cause it is not part of an system as it seems and it has a lot of bugs( worked with mint 10 very nice)..dmz pointers dosent respond..only default..i hope it will be fixed during the time via update manager, cheers

  57. Mint Team:

    Thanks yet again for all your hard work! I’m sure you really had an uphill battle with this one, as this is not exactly Ubuntu’s best release ever. I’ve found a number of Ubuntu-based bugs that really frustrate me, particularly with the way Compiz has been really buggered up, runs jerky, crashes like crazy, and won’t use the version of Emerald included in the repos. I’ve found an ok workaround, so mostly I’m happy. I have to say, the bits you guys have added are really the only things that make this release worth holding onto.

    Everyone else:

    If you’ve run into problems with Compiz, like I have, here’s my (not so perfect, but usable) solution: If you can, set up Compiz the way you like it now, because you won’t be able to run Compiz Settings Manager after this. Go into the repositories and temporarily revert the main natty repositories to maverick. Uninstall all Compiz-related items. Reinstall Compiz from the Maverick repos. Change the repository entry back from maverick to natty. If you use Synaptic at all, highlight all Compiz-related items and go to Package->Lock Version. In the MintUpdate tool, right-click and Ignore each Compiz-related package. Compiz will now work just like it did in Mint 10, with the exception that the Compiz Settings Manager won’t run (Python version conflict).

    After this, Emerald will run fine (even the version from the natty repos). Again, you won’t be able to change your settings anymore, but personally, I never messed with them once I got them the way I liked them.

  58. Please post the correct /etc/apt/sources.list file for LM11 (Katya), so that those of us willing to “risk” this method of upgrading can do so.

    [I choose this method, because after five “fresh” installations (LM5-10), I’m just effing tired of having to reinstall a pantload of post-installation additions, such as tcsh (among many others). Of course, I keep my own files on a separate partition — 23 years as a Unix sysadmin has taught me at least that much.]

    I assume that one item involves changing “julia” to “katya”.

    What about the Ubuntu entries with “maverick”? Simply change to “narwhal”, or… ?

    Please advise.

  59. Just downloading now… pleased Clem didn’t like Unity.
    to “aP” (reply 92). Your English is way better than my German (er, that is German, right?). Anyway, just a guess but you may be experiencing a power management bug similar to the one that blighted Ubuntu a few releases ago…. but limited, at that time, to HP laptops; holding a key down on the keyboard throughout booting allowed the boot process to continue, as did starting up on a battery, then plugging the mains in after it froze. If any of these “fix” the problem, you can disable acpi in grub as a more permanent workaround. Unfortunately I can’t find the original thread in ubuntu forums. My solution eventually was to dump the HP laptop.

  60. I tried installing Linux Mint 11 alongside Windows 7. I used the install DVD and did everything I usually do (I’ve installed Mint before) but after I installed Mint, my boot loader was destroyed. OK, I’m not sure if it was DESTROYED but I do not get a boot screen. Instead I get an “input not supported” error on my monitor and a blank screen. After a minute or so, Mint will load. No chance to load Windows. I should probably consider myself lucky but I do need Windows when I want to get some things done. Any idea what happened to my boot loader? I have the feeling Windows is still there. I just can’t load it from the boot loader. For the record, I have a Nividia graphics card and an Acer monitor. Never had a problem before with Mint. Thanks.

  61. JBHoren: No problem, man! Glad my post was helpful!

    Good luck with your in-place upgrade. Had one of those go horrifically wrong once, a few years back when I was on Debian. Since then, I’ve always done a fresh install. Using a separate partition for personal files and MintBackup for programs/system files I want to keep pretty much automates the process for me. One thing I do, though, is make a copy of my /etc/apt folder into my Home folder so that I can remember which 3rd party repositories I had installed before so I don’t have to figure all that out again.

  62. Please, stop making greenish themes. Keep the name, but use other colors too. It looks like my monitor is broken.

  63. Today marks a first time ever I royally messed up my LM10 installation… Boots fine, then after mintues of using it the screen flickers, then drops me to a black screen (no prompt). REISUB reboots it, but it seems to die even before login now. Good thing LM11 is released. WOOT!

  64. Alright, everything is fine, no problem in the world, except one little thing!



    I barely play games anymore, you get it, instead I move the knobs, colors and the number values in this thing, it’s a twitchy, yet fun disorder a bizarre atempt to create a visually pleasing yet comfortable user interface turned to obsessive-mad scientist proportions an jyou say to me NO Compiz Config Settings ManagerRRRRwwrWrrr !! Wait a sec…

    *[hiperventilates on a paper bag, for a min.]…

    *[cleans out bilis & drool with paperbag, fold-and-tuck-away…

    …aaanyway I’ll have to refrain myself from downloading and installing untill bug is fixed from upstream. It’s a tweaker thingy, you know?. Sry. Luv’U Bye.Fan since LinuxMint6 (the only distro that withstands twitchy-tweakers).I’ll do Julia until-after you fix Katia’s CCSM.

    Please confirm the bug squashing update! I’m as anxious to test drive Katya as I’m into turning knobs.

  65. Katya is great. Running RC since release. Last update this morning was upgrade to FF 4.01. No longer RC.. Still running Ubu 10.10 on other drive and will keep it. Modified Katya desktop to operate like Maverick. Just like I never left Ubuntu. Even though I have, permanently.

    Good work clem and team. A new mint user..

  66. HMMM… it has more silly known problems than i would have liked. How was it too much to delay the release a couple of days to fix those little things?

  67. Congrats

    New challenge: Defeat Gnome3-Shell/Fallback and Unity-3D/2D and maintain the same look taht caracteristicate you

  68. d/l’ing from torrent now (to seed), but staying with 10 for a while, so I don’t have to go through the install process again (again) (you learn by your mistakes). I must say though that Mint was my first Linux distro, then I tried ubuntu, pclinuxos, zenwalk…. every now and again I’ll try a different distro, then come right back, because I realize I left the best.

    z0m6 1 |0v3 m1n7~

  69. Congratulations, you’ve done a terrific job with Mint 11. I used to hate the modified google page, just used it because you mentioned it was your main source of income, Now it’s even more useful than regular google!

  70. Thanks to the Mint team we have an almost flawless Linux distro. Considering how buggy Ubuntu’s new desktop environment Unity is, kudos to this community.

  71. Congratulations! will update my julia to katya soon. but need upgrade option from DVD or Update Manager. that will be better for many of users.

  72. grazie al tutto il Team per l’ennesima e riuscita relase.
    Sono oramai 4 anni che uso Mint e mi ritengo soddisfatto.

    grazie ancora a tutti Voi e buon lavoro 🙂

    ciao dalla Sardegna!

  73. Ottima release, complimenti!!! Grazie per il tempo che dedicate a questo progetto, spero per il futuro una splendida release di Mint Debian magari con Gnome 3!

  74. gThumb instead of F-Spot? Great!
    LibreOffice instead of Great.
    But why the hell have you replaced Rhythmbox with that Mono s**t? When you do not like Rhythmbox, why not Exaile? Or Eina?

    You’re making excellent distro, so why such mistake?

  75. mint 11, wow fantastic work guys, i put it on my old dell 1501 , works a treat, even got the broadcom wireless to work using the add windows driver (.inf file) cheers, vince.

  76. Amazers! Love Mint! Can’t use it myself unfortunately because I’ve got an old crapple powerbook g4 which I’m hoping to replace with a PC at some point asap but installed it on girlfriend’s quad core system and she doesn’t want to go back to win7 anymore. Sweet!

  77. Oh dear, sickly dull greyness abounds – what happened to the lush green mintiness?

    Why does the taskbar colour have to alternate between light and dark with each release or three – do you guys get bored easily? 🙂

    Mint 10,11 – light
    Mint 7,8,9 – dark
    Mint 5 – light
    ( )

  78. Hello i have a problem, when I change 800×600 4:3 my screen is not complet,only is complet in 1280×800.
    Sorry for my english, i´m spanish

  79. Great work, cannot wait to give this a try. Hope the anticipation is fulfilled by the real deal.

  80. Excellent job guys three years ago we use Linux Mint at home and works perfectly, congratulations and keep it up!!

    Excelente trabajo muchachos, hace tres años que usamos linux Mint en casa y anda perfecto, los felicito y sigan asi!!!!

  81. i must run “sudo service bluetooth restart” to enable my bluetooth everytime!!!!!

    how could i do ?

  82. Thanks for another realease of the best linux distro!!

    everything fine but i see a big bug!! linux mint 11 doesn’t mount NTFS hard drives!! i have proved with two of my NTFS formated hard drives and it doesn`t mount any of them!! and in linux mint 10 i didn`t have any problem!!

  83. i love linux mint but why is not there Gnome 3 (with shell and without shell)??? it could be better for users. like that we could be able to switch between shell and fall back mode on gnome 3.

    and you wrote the known problems. if you know the problems why dont you fix them and than relase the distro. for me it is silly and not realy professionel and attractive.

    and the last thing i dont see any differences between 10 and 11 except default programs.

  84. @valentine is the bluetooth off from when the computer boots?
    If so i have found that if i do not switch it on with the physical switch and just click on the icon and chose switch bluetooth on then it switches on.

    Hope that helps.

  85. Way better than Ubuntu 11.04. Hopefully you integrate Gnome3 at some point in time, which in turn is wqay better than Unity. Thanks for this brilliant piece of work!

  86. I like it a lot. It’s also the best distro for GNOME 3. Yes I prefer new GNOME to mint standard desktop for mainly two reasons: taskbar doesn’t look nice when positioned on the side of the screen (keeping it top or bottom is waste of space for my needs on already sqashed, 16:10 format screen; hard to switch off text from open application buttons in the taskbar. However, it remains my only Linux distro. It’s a great distro for convincing people that Linux is easier than Win…

  87. My install freezes, tried to download diferent images from diferent mirros, not going anywhere. It stays on the installation window with saving packegs message. The whole evening…
    Had Mint 10 working well. Have Vaio with i5. Any clues why? I would appreciate any help. Live works! I am installing from USB stick… Did before with mint 10 and no problem at all.

  88. Great job! ^o^
    Waiting for a KDE version based on Debian instead Ubuntu, it would be far better. :3

  89. hey guys.. ive an old rig. P4, 3.06GHZ with a 512mb RAM. do you think its good enough to install and use linux mint 11 comfortably?

    much appreciated.

  90. Thank you very much and congrats to the mint team! The best distro just got better! /me bows.

  91. “Hot” Upgrade Doesn’t Work

    I tried. I updated /etc/apt/sources.list for “katya” and “natty”, ran “apt-get update”, followed by “apt-get dist-upgrade”. Some 1500 packages to replace/install/remove.

    The download took almost an hour, over “broadband Internet” (a 4Mb/s cable-modem connection), but finished without a hitch. But the installation was fraught with GdkPixbuf errors and failed to complete. Fortunately, I had a browser open, so I downloaded the LM11 32-bit iso and burned a DVD “just in-case”.

    I tried to reboot, nada. OK; I re-rebooted into the liveCD and performed a “fresh” install. Like buttah! *I* love the new shiny metallic look for LM 11… it works great with Mac4Lin. Here’s a screenshot:

  92. The release is fine, smooth and Mint is more mature than ever before.
    I think it’s more user friendly than other releases, but the problem with Compiz and Emerald not running should be fixed.
    Thanks, Clem and team for another quality release.

  93. Thank you very much 🙂

    i’m working with windows 7 as host system and various ubuntus as vms. my new vms will be linux mint instead of ubuntu. thanks again!

  94. – Esta dando erro direto na Instalacao! Ja baixei 3 x .iso diferentes,e testei em pendrives diferente mas permanece o erro. Diz que preciso limpar o cd de instalacao ou diminuir a velocidade de gravacao, mas no pendrive. Estranho pois utilizei o Unetbootin tanto no windows quanto no Ubuntu para gravar a .iso.

  95. – Have bug in instalation(), here have ! I cant install, Errors directs ! – Lost my time in down isos an burn pendrive. Only me (interogation point) (Here dont have, direct from live Katya)

  96. Very nice release.All features work out of the box and very fast distro. I had little trouble with compiz, but able to restore original settings and now all looks fine.

    thanks team for the great distro.

  97. O instalador encontrou um erro ao copiar arquivos para o disco rígido:

    [Errno 5] Input/output error

    Isto acontece geralmente devido a uma falha no CD/DVD (disco ou unidade), ou uma falha no disco rígido. Talvez ajude limpar o CD/DVD, gravar o CD/DVD em velocidade mais baixa, limpar as lentes da unidade (kits de limpeza podem ser encontrados em lojas de eletrônicos), verificar se o disco rígido é antigo e precisa ser trocado ou mover o sistema para um ambiente mais fresco.

  98. Hi!

    I am sorry but thumb down!

    I did install the Mint 11 without codec, cutting along story I was thinking downloading the 107 updates I was able to solve to see dvx, flash and more video, the result was : nada!

    my little opinion is Mint is loosing it charisma and the fact of good standing versus Microsoft, it sound to install Windows O.S. to me, because he’s lead me to dvx page and so on

    bottom line: after installed Linux Mint 11, updated I am to see 0 video by all mean, any codec….for me was just a waistline time!

    In addition the page once opened has a big wasting portion of the screen (I am talking about the grey , top part above the browser)

    back to the Mint 9 much better looking, simple and most of no hustle to find codec to watch video!

    My hope is 12 will improve o this the all above lack! It’s nice to think people behind the scenario think a little bit more to not Informatica expert, and Mint 9 is just great! I am worrying for hit deadline, net to it what we will get nice, simple and functional such as the 9th version?

    Please guys, re-get Linux Mint face, let Mint stands steel again! 🙂

  99. Good news! Going to install soon. Just a minor point guys: I want to share this with friends on facebook. But I don’t want some company (LinksAlpha) to access my personal info and do all kinds of other stuff with it. So I click ‘No’, but then it keeps asking. Ok, Iĺl just post the link. Bit of a shame, really.

  100. Installed a fresh mint from DVD version on virtualbox and didn’t see the real improvements. UI was bugged on various places for me. The simple method to disable compiz was not on “Appearance” anymore.

    Got an strange bug when started the first time with gnome saying that cannot start the “show desktop button”!!!! Removed and reconfigured and now is working. This is only one example.

    I saw a lot of other very tiny glitches everywhere, maybe all rare conditions, but I’m really a perfeccionist, so…

    Besides that the new mint apps worked fine.

    But I’m staying with julia, since I have a lot of things to custom again (I use as a dev box, with IDEs, custom apache/nginx configs, custom mysql changes, ruby, etc, unfortunatelly outside of home directory. Tried to update my julia too, and got a lot of more bugs, system not booting, initrd update not working (I managed to work later) and reverted my snapshot.

    Didn’t like the default julia theme, and the same for katya. Equinox themes are more beautiful to me. But the icon pack on katya was a improvement, added the last changes from faenza. Visually for its the only improvement.

    LMDE is more appealing to me at this moment, it appears lot more polished than katya! Maybe I will use them on my next dev box, already using it to do some work.

    I was expecting gnome3 too, and I’m disapointed because of the decision to stick on gnome2. I’m already have 2 Fedora 15 boxes installed and it appears more polished to me than katya =/

    I’m a really advanced user, using *nixes since 1998 and now I work with ~15 boxes and 5 different distros, but choosed Mint since I have no time to do theses tiny adjustements, and got disapointed. Maybe it’s a bad day, and bugs choosed to appear on my box, but already lost the entire day trying to do the update and no luck =/

  101. Just switched over from win 7 and love mint 11 everything worked with no problems recognized all my hardware . installed all the drivers needed for computer .Works great and alot faster than win7 home 64 bit

  102. I’m having difficulties with my LM11 update. First I installed “successfully” and got clock applet errors every time I started up, had to wait a really long time on each start-up (approx. 45s – 2min) and there was no loading screen message, bar, image, nothing? Every time I restart My screen would flash pretty awful colors. I am currently reinstalling. Is it normal for the disc to sound like it’s eating my machine while it works?

  103. Mint11 has a problem with the Via Raid configuration. After install at the end grub or what ever crashes. it happed three time in a row

  104. Found Mint Linux 10 to be more smooth and flawless especially with NVIDIA and compiz set-ups.

    Tried Mint Linux 11 and wasn’t impressed at all especially with the missing Visual tab.

    Tested by running glxgears via terminal and showed poor OpenGL performance.

  105. Let me congratulate all the Gnome users and the LM team for this release, hope you enjoy it very much since LM is known for great quality on all their OS. If any one of you is not fully satisfied with this release, don’t desperate, there are solutions in the LM world, just try LM KDE, you will love it for sure.

    Linux Mint Really Rocks!

  106. Wow! Great job Mint programming team! Just installed Mint 11 and it’s incredible – a perfect blend of elegance and performance.

  107. Well, despite all the hoopla, Linux Mint did not cut it on my computer. Once installed, it took 3 minutes and 15 seconds to boot from grub to login and seemed to hang when trying to mount my SATA terabyte drives, of which I have two. This was not a problem with Mint 10.

  108. I’m new using Mint..

    can anyone please tell me different betwen ;
    32-bit DVD ISO
    32-bit CD No codecs ISO
    32-bit OEM ISO

    thanks a lot… 🙂

  109. well..after instalation Mint 11,on my HP dv7 with GT 230,buttons on the corner of the windows,for minimize,maximise and close is disapiere..this result when i install drivers for nvidia(recomended).After deinstalation drivers,all working ok,but,it is not more possible use the Compiz bennefits…jet i download Mint 10(again) and instal this version..enivey,i support Mint team,and i wish best of all..

  110. “Your APT sources point to a local repository in /usr/share/local-repository to which GnomePPP was added.”

    This doesn’t appear to work.
    The file may have been added,
    but it’s dependencies were not.

  111. When i try to boot from the live dvd: linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-64bit

    it don’t boot, message:

    Unknown keyword in config file
    could not find kernel image: linux

    Please help me!
    Thank you!

  112. Okay:

    HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit DVD ISO:

    Germany downloated size: 884 572 KB

    Denmark downloated size: 884 634 KB

    Germany has a wrong ISO?, I try to burn now the Denmark ISO …
    i will inform you later if this will work!

  113. This is nice, but you should have used the Unity interface and improved on it with a touch of Mint magic… maybe next release? I think I’ll stick to Ubuntu 11.04 with Unity for now.

    Great release though, very sleek! =)

  114. Okay, running in Linux 11 now, it works!

    (wrong iso from Germany – downloated good iso from Denmark)

  115. For now too many problems with this release for me, at least the issue list is too long if you ask me. Will stay with 10 for now or try switching to Debian as this has been an idea for quiet some time since setting my system up takes quiet some time.

  116. Icon sizes in the menu
    Mint-X theme improvements missing
    Gnome theme failing to load
    Compiz Fusion
    Battery status indicator

    Think I’ll be skipping this release.

  117. Mint 11 is OK. But… please, consider in next release remove Brasero the “coaster” maker. That program have own life, making burn DVD times 22 instead of 8 creating useless CD/DVD. LOts of CD is ureadable even if speed was fine. I recommend instead GnomeBaker which is working just fine.

  118. Man, I don’t know, how you did this, but with Mint 11 my battery runs 2x longer than with 10.10 Ubuntu, and the whole system is a lot better than 11.04.
    Thank you very much, you just gain a new user 🙂

  119. Robyman, there is a work around for this. I had exactly the same issues, but am now using all the effects I want (including cube) and I have minimise and maximise, etc. See

    Now everything is working correctly I want to say what a lovely. polished peice of work that Mint Katya is. I see on distro watch that mint is number 1 over the last 30 days! Woot!

  120. how i upg from 10 -11 without the need for a dvd iso….can it be done tru apt line, if so what repositories to aim my manager @?

  121. hi,

    congrats, Clem & tem, 24 hours with Katya, amazing, stable release.
    to those who said they are back to mint 10. r u sure !!!??
    mint 11 is perfect.


  122. I want to run 11 64bit bad, but the installer keeps crashing on my machine. I have a Zotac AD02, with the new AMD E350 processor, 4 gig ram, and a 500 gig HDD running win 7 and mint 10. Tried to replace 10 but half way through, the installer crashes. Guess I will have to wait as well… unless someone knows what is up? Keep up the awesome work on Mint guys. It is my preferred OS on all my other machines as well.

  123. Thank You!! Wonderful looking OS- superfast and fanbloodytastic!
    No problems so far. Works brilliantly with my Medion. Been a fan since Mint 7 though it did have problems with my old laptop. Migrated to Ubuntu for a while but now coming back to Mint!
    I am thinking of putting it on all my laptops plus my families computers if I don’t run into any problems soon. Tired of everyone asking me to fix their Windoze sh*t.

    Keep up the great work!

  124. Mint Team:

    Is there any possibility of compiling the older version of Compiz and CCSM (to solve the Python version dependency problem) and including it in Linux Mint, replacing the newer, buggier Compiz? That would solve a huge problem, as many of the complaints in these comments are Compiz-related.

  125. buggy. should have stayed with mint 10, thinking about switching to arch. random log outs, ntfs-config does not work,having problems running progams from CLI.

  126. I used LM11 64 for 2 weeks , i try many times fix Ubuntu natty BIG BUG of Atheros AR 928X . After many days , i give up and return to LM10 64

    My note Sony Vaio is not prepared to LM11 yet :o((

    Does anyone can help me ?

    Anyway .

    Great Job devs !

    I still using LinuxMint

  127. Thanks Team. Installation was flawless and the fastest ever.
    Appreciate your decisions and the path you chose.

    Did not read the known issues and activated Compiz desktop cube; don’t do that. Lost most Compiz settings and window maximize/minimize buttons. To fix open CompizConfig Settings Manager:
    -Check Effects>Window Decoration to get back max/min buttons
    -Can reset Compiz defaults by checking Preferences>Reset to Defaults

  128. I quit using LM 11. The Compiz settings are pretty messed up. Banshee shouldn’t have replaced Rhythmbox.

    I am using Zorin OS 4 right now.

  129. This is beautiful! Thank you LM team!

    I predict you will surpass Ubuntu. Keep watching DistroWatch.

  130. its great. i like it. more animations.more stable.but i would appreciate if you will work more on a universal messenger to respond, work and having the options like yahoo messenger.
    great job

  131. Hi
    I tried it, and I am a bit dissapointed. Many things working in previous version doesn’t work now.
    There is many, many small/minor bugs wchich all together makes very bad user experience.
    I know it is mostly fault of ubuntu developers, but it doesn’t change the fact that this version is not ready for normal work.
    I need stable system for work, I have struggle and fight with bugs instead.

    Sorry guys, I know nobody likes bad opinion but this is what I think.
    I am going to install again 10.10 version or switch to LMDE.

    I thing you should stop rely on ubuntu, and do not make new verion every 6 monnhs, but focus more on stability and reliability of system.


  132. Arbeite seit 2 Tagen mit LM11. Bin äusserst zufrieden. Es gab echte Verbesserungen. Ich nutze LM seit der Version 8. Herzliche Gratulation und eine dickes Dankeschön!

    weiter so…

  133. Tested and liked it so far, however it is not stable enough yet for me to remain operating on. Switching back to LM10 until this is in a further stage of development.

    Common bugs:
    * Clock Applet crash
    * Cube desktop crash
    * Extremely long starup, flashy screen on startup, and many of the flaws derived from ubuntu 11.04

  134. I’ve got a temporary solution to the Compiz issue…

    Add in this PPA: ppa:guido-iodice/compiz-0.8.6-natty

    This will revert your Compiz back to 0.8.6, and CCSM will work. Unfortunately, there’s no fusion-icon with this one (yet?).

  135. Thank you Mint team, what an awesome release. This release is rock solid stable on my Dell Vostro V13. I even installed KDE on top of Gnome and absolutely no issues.

  136. Downloading right away, Iǘe been into Mint for two years now, no way I’ll go back, this is a GORGEOUS OS, keep up the magnificent job Mint Team, I’m your fan and most likely I’ll still be for the years and releases to come. ¡¡¡CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  137. In addition to the PPA I mentioned above to get the old Compiz back (without fusion-icon), I found something interesting:

    It is similar in function to fusion-icon, but works in the indicator-applet.

    So now, we can have pretty much full Compiz capabilities back.

  138. I am a hardcore fan of Linux mint.Presently using Julia. Good work by Clem & Team. Congratulations!! Awaiting Mint 11 KDE.Release as soon as possible.

  139. I’ve installed it today. It looks great, but the system freezes a lot (today i needed to reboot the system at least 8 times) sometimes freezes on login screen. I’m a little dissapointed, hope and know you’ll fix this issues, but for now i’ll keep on Julia.

  140. #92
    The problem is with the graphics card not the battery. Boot in safe mode and deactivate the nvidia graphics driver. On my computer experimental 3d driver works fine.

  141. Someone else have this applets failiure problem after new system installation?
    Also newest skype 2.2.25, problem witho cracking noisy sound, impossible to call anybody ;(
    And what is that graphic bug when rightclicking on bar/panel time?

  142. Installed LM 11 64bit yesterday and currently having problems disabling gnome-panel. Used to be able to do it before in LM10 and 9 but when running gconf-editor I can’t find panel under setting/gnome/session

  143. Fresh-installed Mint 11 Friday 5/27/2011, had Mint 10.

    Found it buggie compared to Mint 10.


    – Software Manager (SM) tends to lock up when entering search text.

    – Installed Adobe Reader from SM, will NOT work, opens and locks, have to force Quit.

    – A game I have “Eschalon Book 2” launches and plays OK but locks on game exit to desktop (never gets there), Mint 10 did NOT have this problem.

    I am thinking of going back to bug-free Mint 10.

  144. I did what Mike Freeman said, and now I have a usable installation of Linux Mint 11, on my Atom 330 based computer.

    Thanks Mike for the hint, and Mint team for your hard work!

  145. Installed on 3 machines but only 1 works well (screen problems) so back to Mint 10 for a while. Seems to be no way to set time via NTP server although package is installed

  146. Just downloading the final and during install I see the installer bug is still there. Unable to create custom mount points 🙁

    Major bug and I’m sad to see it wasn’t resolved, can’t recommend LM-11 🙁

  147. Hallo Mint Team !!!
    i love your Distro !!!
    i already had ubuntu, kubuntu, suse, fedora etc !!! and yours ist the bet for me! it is simple and powerfull !

    But please, do not integrate this unity sh!t or gnome 3 !!!
    They are horrible !!!
    I tested both of them and i ave to say it makes the life not simpler !!! But MINT does !!! NCRS !!!
    And THANKS for YOUR WORK !!!

  148. I simply can’t understand that keeping on gnome 2 and not switching to gnome 3 or unity makes the system so unstable.
    The team told to release the best LM gnome edition ever, stable and rock solid.
    But the mayor things don’t work, as you can see from all the user posts.
    I will stick to LM10 or even switch to another distribution.
    You guys really should think about switching to debian rather than keeping an 6 month ubuntu crap like now!

  149. Is there any problem with the dvd x64 iso?
    when I check the dvd integrity it say there is error in 1 file and later I can’t finish the instalation because it crashes.
    I Think this is the same problem that monux has explained before.

  150. I’m very glad with this release. No bugs on my machine – everything working fine out of the box. Using Mint since Felicia. This is the distro that made my transition from microsoft to Linux possible. Thanks to the developers!
    Don’t know about compiz. Never used it, and I don’t even know what exactly it is (make you desktop look funny? what for?).

  151. hola este es el primer linux que instalo en mi PC la verdad muy bueno y estable , muy bueno facil de intalar y usar super rapido nada que envidiar a windows 7

  152. I think this version can give me an opportunity to start using LinuxMint. Thanks for the changes, I must check this release as soon as possible.

  153. The annoying bug with broadcom wireless STA driver still not solved upstream.
    – The problem:
    – The solution (for my Inspiron 1545):

    – In short:
    In the Terminal type:
    sudo apt-get update
    – to update your repositories and tell you system where to get the driver from.

    sudo apt-get –reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-source
    – to install the driver.

    Seems to me this should be an easy bug to solve ‘out of the box?’, with many thankful users… 🙂

  154. I’ve rebuilt 800+ laptop and desktops, 500+ are HP d530 CMT computers, with Mint, since 2006, for charities, such as the Library Bookstore.

    Big problem with Mint 11, when loaded on that Intel 8xx GPU.
    Lots of ghosting of the Mint 11 menues, that doesn’t happen in Mint 10!
    Can’t click on them!

    “Julia” Mint 10 works fine, on this HP d530, but Katya can’t, so, hope to see the kinks worked out in Katya Mint 11, soon!

  155. In short, Linux 9 is the reason I switched from Windows.

    Mint 10 – FANTASTIC!

    Mint 11 not so much!

    If anybody is keen to upgrade, I say look elsewhere. 11 should be considered a beta for something else.

  156. Hello every one!
    Mint 11 looks like a great distro – nice wallpaper, but as is writen above, too many bugs in 11.04. I was quite happy with Mint7 until now, and Mint Fluxbox 9. Because of new – weird – hardware I have to upgrade and I am afraid I sadly have too find another distribution… :((

    Best wishes anyway!

    PS: Why not an edition based on each new Debian stable release???

  157. I had no problem creating custom mount points on install so apparently that bug is fixed. Also, I’ve been using XFS instead of Ext for my root filesytem lately and I recommend it to others, file copy/move operations seem faster. Mint 11 will be as awesome as Mint 10 after a few updates.

  158. But seriously, a suggestion: Extend support on Mint 10 indefinitely and backport the theme and software center updates. Julia is perfection.

  159. Sorry guys I really do not like this release, I have had nothing but problems with it.
    But I don’t think it is Mint itself that is the issue it is Ubuntu, 11.04 is just not good on my system it would seem.
    So I am going to try out the LMDE XFCE edition instead, hopefully that should rock 🙂

  160. Oh, I forgot to thank Clem and the rest of the guys for their hardwork, thanks guys it is appreciated just a shame what you have to work with (Ubuntu) is limiting you these days.
    As usual your own work is second to none.

    Ever thought about trying to Mint out an Arch distro, now I bet that would be awesome 🙂

  161. Mint 10 is awesome even for an over-50 computer novice such as myself. Mint 11, on the other hand, seems very sluggish. Hope it will improve with updates. Meanwhile, I’ll stick with Julia. Thanks for your hard work.Mint is a great system!

  162. Congrats Clem.
    Great job on Linux Mint 11 Katya Gnome main Edition.

    Compiz issues: me and my family, we don’t care about compiz.
    Only missing battery status monitor. I will try the workarounds
    to fix the problem. Other minor bugs will come fixed with updates.

    Now i Think it’s time to work on a new LMDE Gnome
    spin (iso) plus enhancements and improvements.

    LMDE Gnome’s users don’t have an update spin (iso)
    since 01/Jan/2011 .


  163. Upgrade using Backup Manager does NOT work for me – it renders the installed Katya virtually unusable.

    New Firefox will not import bookmarks like the old one did.
    New Thunderbird will not permit import of address-book.

    Migration from one release to the next needs a LOT of work.

    MINT 9 to MINT 10 was a snap by comparison – staying with 10.

  164. Mint 11 gnome 32 has so many bugs that I find it unusable. Firefox won’t load at times. Desktop icons disappear spontaneously. I have gone back to Mint 10, which worked perfectly except for the rare mouse cursor freeze. Mint 10 is the best Linux distro ever. Mint 11 is a considerable downgrade from Mint 10. I guess I will wait for Mint 12.

  165. I am surprised to see so many upset about imperfections shortly after release when the challenges of this edition were made so clear. Early adopters of any distribution should not expect “rock solid and stable”. That takes a few weeks. I am very happy with my early upgrade but did so prepared to return to 10 if needed.

  166. Zu “92” und “127” .
    Das Problem konte sich beseitigen lassen indem ich “Kernel-PPA” hinzufügte und auf 2.6.39 aktualisierte.

    To “92” and “127” .
    I solved this problem when i updated the kernel to 2.6.39 with the “Kernel-PPA”.

    So i think it’s a bug in the Kernel of 2.6.38, cause with older kernels my Notebook is booting.

  167. Personally I’m a huge fan of GNU/Linux Mint and LM 10 Julia is my favorite and most stable edition of LM thus far if you ask me.

    I’ll definitely test Katya (LM 11) as soon as possible, but by judging from the comments so far the upstream issues inherited from Ubuntu 11.04 are a major headache.

    But that’s not the fault of the LM team which does an awesome job at developing LM. I’ll move to Katya as well but in the mean time I’ll wait a bit for some of its rougher edges to be fixed before making the switch (i.e. HDD installation).

    But testing the LiveDVD of Katya multiple times is something I won’t miss. 🙂

    P.S. Thanks very much for all the hard and passionate work, Clem and the rest of the LM team! Keep up the good work, you (and we, as in the whole FLOSS community) are on the right track and are already way better than the Windows and Mac folks in so many aspects.

    Just don’t go the Unity or GNOME 3 way before heavily modifying them (if that’s the way you’re going to choose) and also offer improved GNOME 2 releases (as in LM 10/11 with stability/performance/improvements fixes).

    That way everyone will be happy (hopefully). 🙂
    Which reminds me to donate some humble funds to the LM cause as soon as I can. 😉

  168. At last, a Mint release that works properly with my printer and my PC’s monitor. Now I can print from Mint and have it on my PC as well as my laptop. And you’ve stuck with Gnome 2, hooray! And you’ve put in LibreOffice. And to top it all, you’ve given us a quick and easy way to get rid of that silly cow! I’m so pleased with Katya I’ve sent you a donation – don’t get too excited, I can only afford a small one.

    The only thing I don’t like about Katya is the opening screen. A screen that’s nearly all grey with a token bit of green looks cold and clinical to me, I don’t think it gives a good first impression. I miss the green dots too. I think you had the appearance right with Isadora.

  169. Hi,
    Happy to see Katya 11 out. But the instability in Ubuntu 11.04 bites me a lot 🙁 I’m very happy with LMDE, set to squeeze stable. Looking forward to more developments in LMDE. Its as good as if not better than Ubuntu. Seriously the kind of distro LMDE is, you don’t need Ubuntu!

  170. Very nice OS!

    I was introduced to Linux Ubuntu last fall; tried it and liked it, more than XP or 7. I had both XP and Ubuntu on my main machine at home, and when I realized that I haven’t used XP for 3 months, decided to go for Linux only. I upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04, but didn’t like Unity and the talk about Gnome going away. Then I found out about Fedora and Mint, tried both, and liked Mint the best, then took what I thought was a big risk, wiped the disk and installed this new Mint version as my only OS. So far so good.

    Again, a very nice OS. Thank you. There are a few nits to pick, like the behavior of Firefox’s adding to Bookmarks function, but I trust that will be worked out.

    Very happy with it. I wish I could put it in my machine at work…

  171. LM11 – what a disappointment. Unstable, takes a while to recognise the wifi on my Acer netbook, agonising boot time and slow. Sorry, I’m sticking to LM10.

  172. Currently running LMDE amd64 and waiting for a new LMDE release. I like LMDE very much. Kindly promote Debian more than your regular release please. It really has the potential and deserves it. Your regular releases are though excellent but I’m an LMDE fan. Because I don’t love to re-install new releases every six months and that is why the Debian way is better. In near future I expect a KDE based Debian release from Team Linux Mint.

  173. Had Ubuntu 11.04 installed first, but didn’t like Unity. Tried Gnome 3 on top of Ubuntu instead, liked that desktop environment but due to ATI driver issues I had to use the open source drivers to get it to work.. :/

    So tried Linux Mint 11 a week ago and got to say I am very pleased with it! It’s fast and very stable, no strange things noticed yet. 😀

  174. Great work on the release! I’ve been using Mint 11 since RC and have so far not had any major problems. Great work! 😀

  175. Overall, Katya 64-bit is great! Runs fast; its free; protected from malware; comes with thousands of free programs too, like freecell, that I thought I would never see again. Some things that could be improved though are the installation – after seeing a message about being ready, I had a blank screen for 2 full minutes before it went to the next stage. I was confused, in the dark, with no feedback as to what was going on. Many people new to linux would think that something was clearly wrong, that it got stuck or something. All that they needed to do was put a simple message saying that linux mint was being installed, please be patient… How hard is that?!?! Another thing that could be improved is that after I installed a program from the software manager, again, I got no feedback as to the status of the installation. My screen still said the program was not installed, despite me seeing the green progress bar going across all the way to the end. I only found out that the program was installed by closing out the screen and going back into it, only to see that it WAS installed. Not good for linux. Somebody just needs to put themselves in the shoes of the customer and make it a bit more user friendly.

  176. I’m a big fan of Linux Mint, but i like to know if “Katya” will have WUBI support because I downloaded the 32-bit DVD and I didn’t found it.


  177. Still fighting with black screen after suspend, no help, only reboot. Any solution for that? And for some reason Skype icon is not visible anymore… Skype is working but i can’t see icon like before. Sometimes deleting and adding notification area to panel can help. No other problems with Katya.
    Greetings from Croatia!

  178. Wow! I haven’t been this impressed with Mint since my first load, I fell in love with Helena. I had my doubts, but this IS definitely better than Natty. Good work to the mint team. Faithful founder you are a visionary my man.

    Best part, all running on my USB stick PERFECTLY! 😀
    To heck with updates!

  179. Been using mint for a year, love it. But having problems with mint 11, screen goes to horizontal lines, especially after playing a video, but it’s just done it again & I was in a document. I’m using Puppy as a stand in with no problems I hope this gets sorted.

  180. Fixed my problems with two no equal monitors(laptop and LCD display).
    Thanks for keep a good piece.

  181. Seems stable, but the boot takes too long.
    Not as useful as Mint 10 as Live CD.
    Much work to do…

  182. Because of new kernel-imposed limitations I am seriously considering un-installing Mint11 and re-installing Mint10 on my main desktop PC.
    Although Mint11’s new VLC Player is less glitchy and the Street View inclusive GoogleEarth has been fun, Mint11 is far more prone to unexpected lockups, especially on my HP Mini Note 110 netbook, on which Mint10 has been the only distribution to run without any problems.
    Other distributions utilising one of the two new kernels have also had problems, all very reminiscent of problems with Ubuntu 8.04 where many changes of kernel failed to make it work reliably on different hardware.

  183. Like in the old versions, system freezes sometimes.
    Compiz isn’t working and the fusion Icon won’t start.
    *(I can use Mint 8 or 10 instead, 10 is most stable)

    Although I can watch HD fluently for some minutes.
    2D Driver is great. 3D needs improvements, to run out of the box.
    >impression<, solid but slow. Slow is ok, but the freezes…

  184. I’ve had to move back to M10 because of the freezes, real pity because when it worked it was great. Maybe will try M11 in a month or so, hopefully it will get fixed..? Is this likely??

  185. I really love Linux Mint. My fav distro

    But man – it just sucks when it comes to touchscreen support and functionality for the non linux nerd like me.

  186. There is a big security issue, after some minutes I will be logged off and can not login again from live DVD, while browsing. Its the strongest freeze I’ve ever had.

  187. IN MINT 10 (I’m using it now) the freeze is noticeable but only some seconds (interface turns grey).

  188. Great release, thanks! Will there also be an updated LMDE iso available soon? JUst asking, because the existing 64 bit iso from 12/2010 doas not work with the current Intel i5 and HD 2000 graphics….. just needs a kernel update in the iso. Thanks! 🙂

  189. I don’t know what the fuss is about Gnome 3 shell. I used it and found it to be great. Sleek, Elegant and highly convenient to use. I also used unity which i very much disliked. I would really like mint to adopt it or atleast release a gnome 3 shell version.

  190. Discovering Mint with Felicia (release 6) was a milestone for me. Congratulations Clem and team on the release of Katya(11). This one is a big milestone as the upstream (Ubuntu) have made big leaps and deep changes. I am running my machines all on Isadora (9.LTS), but I do keep up with the latest releases and try them out. This helps me later so its not a quantum leap when the next LTS release rolls along. Mint makes it all so easy….. 🙂

  191. STOP PRESS – for further information, since reply number 293.
    I have just run a couple of Live sessions of Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric) Alpha1 release and its new kernel 2.6.39 seems a lot more stable, more promptly loading a blue Unity desktop.

  192. Me gusta Linux mint que está basado en Ubuntu, pero estoy esperando a la nueva versión de Linux Mint debian edition. Pienso que esto es lo mejor para mí! Mil. gracias por su buen trabajo, developers!!! Ps: Good luck! 🙂

  193. Have gone back to Mint 10. While using Mint 11, the screen would freeze except my mouse. Tried ctrl-alt-backspace without success. Would have to restart. Let me know if there has been a change, because I always like upgrading.

  194. I tried Pinguy (11.04 based), I didn’t like it but it was stable, it didn’t miss a beat for the week I had it. So not sure if the problem I have is wholly ubuntu. Anyway LM10 still rocks, haven’t found anything else I really like. Thanks for the posts.

  195. Clean. Stable. Elegant.

    I have switched from Ubuntu 11.04 to Linux Mint 11 and so far I’m not sorry.

  196. please make table with download links.
    a few columns and a lot of rows.
    first column title maybe: dvd 32 bit. second column might be dvd 64 bit etc.

  197. guys please include lynx or similar text based browser as standard. I often use mint on usb being on ships with poor inet connections. can’t install lynx on live usb. often have to use it on crappy windows instead 🙁


  198. Hey mint thanks 🙂 I been using for 4 days now and wow I dont use compiz and the icon so I just delete em, System runs smoothly, I now use LinuxMint 11 on my Dell using as a home entertainment Pc and HP Laptop.
    Screw Apple that uses linux and wants your money
    Screw Microsoft after windows XP die Windows went to the grave

    Keep up the good work!!!!
    Now we just need to LINUXMINT TABLET!!!

  199. BlackScreen while booting is ok, but feels not really open source…

    Banshee is great, I like the integration of miro,
    but Amazon MP3 Store with automatic Geo IP detection?
    please leave it unmarked in 12

    Fusion Icon integration is great.

    Gparted , great.

    K3B instead of Brasero would be a difference..

    Libre, the best

    Opera would be nice again, like in the old days.
    At least one push away…look at Mint 6 or 7

  200. So, you had (and still have) a perfect OS: LM 10. And decided to send your work to trash.

    It’s impossible to use LM 11 on my laptop with a nVidia GPU. The compiz settings are a serious issue. I installed the GPU drivers and rebooted. Everything was ok. Started to change the annoying effects. Once i rebooted again the GPU drivers weren’t being used. I followed de release note’s instructions but can not make things work.

    Avoid LM 11.

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