Urge Costco to Sell Ethical Gold!
Urge Costco to Sell Ethical Gold!
The Issue
From the Philippines to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, gold mining often has devastating impacts on the workers, communities and the environment. Child labor, forced labor and other abuses of internationally recognized labor rights are widespread in this industry. For example, gold was the most frequently named commodity appearing on the US Department of Labor’s List of Goods Produced by Child or Forced Labor from Africa to Asia to Latin America. But it does not have to be like this.
Over 70 of the largest jewelry retailers in the world have endorsed the No Dirty Gold campaign’s http://www.nodirtygold.org/goldenrules.cfm">Golden Rules to take responsibility for the conditions under which gold is mined. These guidelines help prevent the serious abuses often associated with the gold industry
Now, retail giant Costco has the opportunity to become an industry leader in the sourcing and sale of responsibly-mined gold. The Golden Rules include respecting worker rights and international labor standards as well as fully disclosing information about the social impact of gold mining and a number of other important principles.
Urge Costco to stand against labor rights exploitation in the gold industry by joining other industry leaders in supporting – and fully implementing – the Golden Rules.
The Issue
From the Philippines to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, gold mining often has devastating impacts on the workers, communities and the environment. Child labor, forced labor and other abuses of internationally recognized labor rights are widespread in this industry. For example, gold was the most frequently named commodity appearing on the US Department of Labor’s List of Goods Produced by Child or Forced Labor from Africa to Asia to Latin America. But it does not have to be like this.
Over 70 of the largest jewelry retailers in the world have endorsed the No Dirty Gold campaign’s http://www.nodirtygold.org/goldenrules.cfm">Golden Rules to take responsibility for the conditions under which gold is mined. These guidelines help prevent the serious abuses often associated with the gold industry
Now, retail giant Costco has the opportunity to become an industry leader in the sourcing and sale of responsibly-mined gold. The Golden Rules include respecting worker rights and international labor standards as well as fully disclosing information about the social impact of gold mining and a number of other important principles.
Urge Costco to stand against labor rights exploitation in the gold industry by joining other industry leaders in supporting – and fully implementing – the Golden Rules.
Petition Closed
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The Decision Makers
- Muriel Cooper
Community Relations, Costco
No response
- Barbara Harriott
Suppliers, Non-Food, Costco
No response
- Stephanie Bradley
Marketing, Costco
No response
The Supporters
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Petition created on March 23, 2011