Episode 61: Chill the Body Out! a 13 minute Full Body Yogic Relaxation

11 Jan

Something new! In this yoga podcast, it’s all about relaxation!
Since I still don’t have a public class and therefore no “live yoga class” I decided to do a sweet full body relaxation. Listen up and enjoy allowing the body to let go and release 🙂 The 1st 8 min are feedback and intro and the next 13 min is pure bliss….

I would so enjoy any sort of feedback from you guys! Especially letting me know if you like this sort of thing, ’cause I tell you chillin’ and the ‘slow’ is where it’s at 😉

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6 Responses to “Episode 61: Chill the Body Out! a 13 minute Full Body Yogic Relaxation”

  1. Bob McWilliams January 14, 2008 at 10:35 pm #

    My you look so young when you relax 🙂 Sounds prefect for the end of a Monday.

  2. Elsie January 14, 2008 at 10:37 pm #

    Don’t I? oh those were the days, believe me do I wish I could sleep with a big pink suit like that 😉

  3. Taquoriaan January 22, 2008 at 9:51 pm #

    This is perfect for me as I have to learn to let go of all the tensions and stress in my body. I use it before sleeping. And I do sleep very good.

    Maybe it’s a good idea to do some podcasts about letting go of stress and other ways to relax and tag them as ‘relaxation’ or ‘anti-stress’ to make them easier to find together when people visit your Kula. 😉

    Trying to put together some posts about stress, tension and tightness of muscles in relation to emotion (anxiety and fear). Relaxation is a great tool when you have to deal with anxiety problems and emotions in general. They tend to ‘somatise’ as ‘tight muscles’ or inability to relax your muscles even if you want to. I will keep you posted on that. 😉

  4. Elsie January 22, 2008 at 9:55 pm #

    Inge! you are such a treasure! Thank you so much for your suggestions and I will most definately tag some of these that way 😉
    thank you! I’ll keep that in mind with my next post 🙂

  5. Chenoa January 17, 2009 at 2:55 am #

    I looooove this one, Elsie! I have to admit, I haven’t actually made it to the end, I always fall asleep (but I think I read a quote somewhere from St. Terese about falling asleep during prayer being OK 🙂


  1. Episode 1: Elsie’s Yoga Kula (The Beginning of Deepening Community) « Elsie’s Yoga Kula: Free Online Yoga Classes - June 29, 2009

    […] are so welcome! You know, I have to do another one of those deep savasana (Episode 61: Chill the Body Out, A 13 Minute Full Body Relaxation) and yoga nidra episodes (Episode 62: Yoga Nidra Yourself Out, a 65 Minute Deep Meditative […]

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