The One 'Daily Show' Clip to Watch About the Conventions&#151Plus One More

See UPDATE for Canadian readers, below.

Yes, I know that it's lame just to make an item out a Daily Show clip. But this should not be missed. Seriously.

And maybe it becomes less lame, and certainly more "balanced," if I include this one too. It's another look at the "disappointment" question I mentioned here.

"Real" items will resume after a decent interval.

UPDATE.Was off the grid just after posting this item. Another thunderstorm brought another 11-hour power failure in our part of D.C. Since the last two storms led to outages of five and four days' duration, respectively, we're feeling lucky! But on re-connecting I find a number of messages from Canadian readers asking what the Daily Show segments are, since apparently the embedding is blacked-out north of the border. Hadn't realized that. In any case, here is the link to the first clip, which is the important one.

James Fallows is a contributing writer at The Atlantic and author of the newsletter Breaking the News.