Streetart: “They Live” – Cookie Monster Every Day Life Installations

Schönes Streetart-Projekt aus Mainz (yay!) von Timm Schneider, der sich ein paar Krümelmonster-Augen anfertigte (Bild #13) und damit gewöhnliche Alltagsgegenstände wie Mülleimer, Briefkästen oder Urinale zum Leben erweckt – so simpel wie genial:

“Wonderful Streetart by german designer Timm Schneider, who turns trash cans, coffee cups, and street posts into goofy cartoon faces.”



8 Antworten zu “Streetart: “They Live” – Cookie Monster Every Day Life Installations”

  1. […] More pics and info here. 0 var addedComment = function(response) { //console.log('fbComments: Caught added comment'); //console.log('fbComments: Making AJAX call to update Facebook comment count'); $.post('', { fn: 'addComment', xid: '_post44369' }, function(resp) { if (resp === 'true') { //console.log('fbComments: Updated and cached Facebook comment count for post with xid=_post44369'); } else { //console.log('fbComments: FAILED to update Facebook comment count for post with xid=_post44369'); } }); }; FB.Event.subscribe('comments.add', addedComment); […]

  2. stiller sagt:

    Bestes Streetart-Ding ever.

  3. Verena sagt:

    :D Danke, made my day!

  4. […] Großes Streetart-Tennis. Mehr Bilder gibt’s auf Timms Website. Gefunden beim MC Winkel. […]

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