ALSA Volume Control plasmoid
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
You must install python-alsaaudio or similar in your distributive.
* fixed audiodevice detecting error;
* added detecting multiple audiodevices in system;
* added color managment of font and panel sliders with support opacity;
* added device rescan without restart plasmoid;
* added plasmatooltip with representation
device volume in panel;
* added Rescan button to Panel Devices Settings;
* added color control for slider handlers;
* fixed cardindex detection;
* improved stop control of tracking thread;
* added detect system color of text for first start;
* changed method of thread complete;
* text is replaced by icons in Common Device Panel;
* fixed warning in import module errors;
v.0.41.2 :
* added restore of device volume;
* added retrieve restored volume parameters;
* fixed slider`s mouseRelease & doubleClick events for common events;
* fixed the freez at plasmoid's init;
* some fixes & improvements;
v.0.42.2 :
* some fixes & improvements;
v.0.42.3 :
* fixed initiate;
* improve initiate;
v.0.43.5 :
* fixed the applet init at case without available audio devices;
* some fixes && improvements;
v.0.50.0 :
* fixed changing a color of horizontal slider's handler;
* refactoring;
* added slider's size Settings;
* added displaying a changes of slider's color & size into Settings;
v.0.51.0 :
* added sensitivity for sliders;
v.0.51.1 :
* reimplemented the retrieve of restored volume parameters;
* some fixes for disconnect SLOTs at close;
v.0.51.2 :
* added the restriction of notification;
* reimplemented tooltip;
Ratings & Comments
Honestly, this is the first and only one applet, flooding desktop notifications each time when its panel hides. It would be nice to show at least only first time. Or complement notification with action "Don't tell anymore" to allow user disable it manually. IMHO, such widget is must have for those, actively working with multimedia/pro-audio stuff. Yet it would be nice to support scrolling to change preselected channel, like all known applets do.
Okay, I'll do your first request, but, as for the second, it is already implemented. You can specify in the settings which channels display into panel and manage scrolling without causing permanently Common device panel. Actually I did not make restrictions notification because this panel is very rarely invoked. http://img.flashtux.org/img133512b193efxefa8dd95.png
Yeah, i completely forgot about that. I had disabled all sliders, because there is another bug: they didn't affect applet size on panel. Hm, just noticed it fixed, thanks :)
But tooltip still needs to be fixed. I have intel hda, and there are ≈8 channels. When i enable sliders for all, only 3 or 4 are visible. It just ignores some of them., including even Capture slider. Last time i tried again to enable all, they all where visible on tooltip.
Got it again (about tooltip but). One issue: value in last line is unaligned with other values.
Tooltip reimplemented. I did not understand: all your devices are detected now or not?
Sorry for long delay. I restarted plasma-desktop by killall -6. Notifications still appear, for tooltip i have all but one last value visible. New problem: sliders on panel's widget change to previous value after attempt to change. But in dialog it doesn't happen. And tooltip: when i begin to change value from panel widget, missing value for last slider appears, but when changed value jumps back, appeared value disappears from tooltip again.
Hm, it jumps back if changed by dragging. But with scrolling it is OK.
Plasmoid behavior is that: if make-clicking in the widget, that it restored to the saved state. This state is set only when you call the Common device panel. Just when initiating plasmoid restores the saved state, but not the last state. Unfortunately, tooltip shows only those devices that have already been initiated. That is, until the new device will not change the value, it is not displayed in the tooltip.
The handle color settings works now and size settings with previews are very useful. One suggestion for future improvement: it's good to be able to point the slide/icon and adjust the volume by mouse wheel but the increment is rather big (10%). Would be nice if one could set the value in settings. Nonetheless, this is very neat plasmoid!
When I first tried to change the color of the handle, it didn't change it but when I tried to change the volume Plasma crashed. This happened every time until I removed and added the plasmoid again. Now it won't crash but handle color still won't change. Changing color of other elements work. Using KDE 4.11.1. Would be very useful if there was an option for bigger size handle. Now with my "42 TV screen it's hard to see and hit that with mouse cursor.
I'll look into it as soon as time. Thank you
Try new version ;)
Thank you, it works by installing python-alsaaudio.
Error: No module named alsaaudio. Install necessary packet. I had to install the python-alsaaudio packet
This means that you need to find a Debian package, which supports module for python alsaaudio.
Great plasmoid! I put it on panel near system tray and can change volume without opening KMix and it's great! But it's a pity that it's impossible to change size of this plasmoid. I can change size of it when I put it to desktop, but it is small in panel mode. Can you add this function in plasmoid settings please?
Plasmoid designed to change its size with the change in the height/width of the panel. For vertical panel need to change the orientation of the plasmoid in the Settings. Maybe I do not quite understand you correctly.
Awesome man! its really useful for me Thanks
Tried the update but no success. Tried bartman2589 repackaging idea & it worked. However the "on Icon" selection in the set-up gives a window that shows all outputs but can't close the window because it covers the icon that closes it.
I can not reproduce this problem on my Kubuntu. In this case, use Esc, please.
Thanks F1ash escape works fine. I think the problem is related to the fact I have dual monitors & I placed the widget too close to the upper left hand corner of the right hand monitor. Great plasmoid solved a lot of issues I've been having with pulseaudio & alsamixer.
Thanks F1ash escape works fine. I think the problem is related to the fact I have dual monitors & I placed the widget too close to the upper left hand corner of the right hand monitor. Great plasmoid solved a lot of issues I've been having with pulseaudio & alsamixer.
After installing as per instructions, any use of plasmoid crashes plasma-desktop. Configuring plasmoid crashes desktop and even closing plasmoid crashes desktop. Have followed all discussions above with no success. Any suggestions?
I need the output of plasmoidviewer to the console. Crash usually occur from a premature call to the tracking thread, although the script does not suggest such a possibility.