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Re: ubuntuone client default folder


I appreciate that having a space in the name of the Ubuntu One folder in
the users home directory is something that many people have opinions on,
and I don't think everyone will end up agreeing.

The version of the name with the space in it subjectively looks better
(I know this is something I can't really defend or prove with facts).
Also, spending time removing the space would be time much better spent
on other features, like providing the ability for users to sync any
folder they want.

So, I'm saying thank you for the feedback, and providing a definitive
answer on this thread: we will not be changing the name of the folder to
remove the space.

Any program that ships in Ubuntu that cannot handle the space in the
name (whether from the GUI or the command line) is broken, and if you
file bugs on it we will get it fixed.

Thanks for the passionate discussion on this :)
Elliot Murphy | https://launchpad.net/~statik/

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