Greg Oden still wants to be a dominator
Is the bloom off the Ricky Rubio rose?

Bryce Harper will have his jersey retired

By Reid Cherner, USA TODAY

The College of Southern Nevada will retire the No.34 jersey worn by Bryce Harper on Friday.

Harper, 18, played in 66 games with the school after skipping his senior year of high school to accelerate his eligibility to be drafted.

Harper ended up as the overall No. 1 pick by the Washington Nationals.

The catcher-outfielder hit .443 with 31 home runs and 98 RBI and won the Golden Spikes Award.

"How many times in this game is the first pick in the draft going to be from your program?" said coach Nick Garritano. "Thirty-one home runs, mostly with a wooden (bat), that's unheard of."

Greg Oden still wants to be a dominator
Is the bloom off the Ricky Rubio rose?
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