The socio-economic consequences of GMO cultivation are difficult to assess

According to a report presented by the European Commission, there are current limitations in assessing the socio-economic implications of “cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops” in the European Union. The report, based on information principally provided by Member States, reveals that the existing information is often statistically limited and that it is frequently based on already preconceived ideas about GMO cultivation. The Commission also presents an analysis of the socio-economic dimensions of GMO cultivation as reported in the international scientific literature and in the conclusions of research projects funded under the European Framework Programme for Research.

There is no surprise that the amount of statistically relevant information on the 'ex-post' socio-economic impacts of GMO cultivation is rather limited, because the EU represents only a fraction of the worldwide surface dedicated to GM crops.

The economic data specific to the European paradigm concerned studies in Member States with experience in cultivation of herbicide-tolerant (HT) or pest-resistant (Bt) GM crops. These studies showed that, when the weed or pest pressure is high, farmers cultivating HT and Bt GM crops could benefit from higher yields.

Commission report shows that economic analysis provide a good picture of the economic impact at farm level world-wide, in particular for HT and Bt crops. However, available information on social impacts and effects along the food chain is rather reduced, if not absent.

The report fulfills the request to Member States from Environment Council of the 4 December 2008  of collecting and exchanging relevant information on the socio-economic implications of GMO cultivation across the food chain. Therefore, this is the starting point for the Member States, the Commission, the European Parliament and all interested parties to deepen their reflection on this sensitive topic. Nevertheless, this week the Environment Committee of the European Parliament approved a report which considers that the decision to ban or limit the cultivation of GMO by the Member States must be fair and only be limited to environmental or agricultural background.