Snoop Just Interrupted Will Ferrell's Reddit AMA, With Glorious Results

Will Ferrell was just minding his business, doing an Ask Me Anything on Reddit. Then Snoop happened.
Will Ferrell was just minding his business doing an Ask Me Anything on Reddit. Then Snoop happened. Images courtesy of...
Will Ferrell was just minding his business, doing an Ask Me Anything on Reddit. Then Snoop happened.Images: Courtesy of Paramount Pictures (left) / Ariel Zambelich/WIRED (right)

Here_Comes_The_King is Snoop's Reddit handle. Yes, Snoop is an active redditor. He also loves popping into Ask Me Anythings to thread-bomb other celebrities and talk about...well, weed. The ever-unflappable Ferrell rolls with it, and the result is an Internet moment for the ages, as distilled perfectly by the guy who asks "is this real life?" Thank you, Reddit.


For reference, from the glorious Step Brothers (NSFW language):