Democrats Spar Among Themselves Over PhRMA Deal

The first big fight over the Senate Finance Committee’s health care legislation erupted Tuesday night: a rollicking brawl over a deal that the Obama administration cut with the pharmaceutical industry to achieve $80 billion in savings on drug costs over 10 years, money that would help pay for the legislation.

Top House Democrats have hated the deal from the get-go. Senate Democrats are now bitterly divided. And Senate Republicans are eagerly jumping into the fray to needle the Democrats over their divisions.

Senator Bill Nelson, Democrat of Florida, has proposed an amendment that would essentially toss out the White House deal with PhRMA, the lobbying association for the drug industry. Mr. Nelson said his alternate plan would extract an additional $86 billion more from the drug industry.

One by one, the more liberal Democrats on the Finance panel, including John Kerry of Massachusetts, Charles E. Schumer of New York and Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, raced to Mr. Nelson’s side, asking to be added as co-sponsors of his amendment.

And Mr. Schumer, urging adoption of the amendment, warned that it would be an early litmus test for senators in the health care debate, by posing a clear choice of siding with average citizens or siding with a corporate interest group.

“This amendment is a metaphor in a certain sense for where this bill is headed,” Mr. Schumer said. A vote on the amendment is expected on Wednesday.

But as Democrats sharply criticized the deal with PhRMA as a giveaway to the drug industry, Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the senior Republican on the panel, interjected derisively. “You know who cut the deal,” he snapped at Mr. Schumer. Later, Mr. Grassley added: “If this is a bad deal, you ought to be embarrassed for your president. It didn’t come from anybody sitting on this side, this deal.”

Mr. Kerry tried to defend the Obama White House, suggesting that President Obama was not personally involved. But high-level White House officials, including a deputy chief of staff, participated in the negotiations.

And, as Mr. Grassley noted sarcastically, Mr. Obama has attended several news conferences with health industry groups, including the drug makers, to trumpet their support for his effort to overhaul the health system.

Senator Thomas R. Carper, Democrat of Delaware, warned that it would be unethical for Democrats to back away from the agreement with the drug industry, which was reached by top White House officials working closely with the Finance Committee chairman, Senator Max Baucus, Democrat of Montana.

“This is not the way that I would like to be treated,” Mr. Carper said. “Whether you like PhRMA or not, we have a deal.”

Mr. Schumer insisted that senators were not bound by the agreement. “That’s a value judgment,” he said. “This is going to be a constant debate when we come to this bill, and I don’t disagree that this is a difficult balance, but how often do we side with one of the interest groups, and how often do we side with the average citizens?”

The fight over the deal with PhRMA actually stems from the legislative battle over the Medicare prescription drug legislation that Republicans successfully pushed through Congress in 2003. As a result of that legislation, about 6 million elderly Americans who had been receiving drug benefits under Medicaid, the government insurance program for the poor, were instead shifted into the new Medicare drug program, resulting in the government paying far high prices for drugs.

Representative Henry Waxman, Democrat of California, and now the powerful chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, has long complained about that switch. And the House health care legislation, of which Mr. Waxman is a main author, seeks to reverse the arrangement and to recoup the extra money that the government has been spending by restoring the old Medicaid drug discounts or “rebates” as they are known.

That would save the government at least $86 billion over 10 years, but would potentially cost the drug industry far more.

“You know who pays for that deal,” Mr. Kerry intoned. “The taxpayers. Taxpayers are paying for that. Taxpayers are covering the difference because PhRMA won’t.”

The White House has said that its deal with PhRMA would help narrow a gap in Medicare coverage of prescription drugs that is known as the doughnut hole, which forces people to pay some of their drug costs after a certain level. But also there are questions about the extent to which the drug industry also benefits, because the increased drug coverage for seniors means that the government will pay for more medication on their behalf, particularly brand-name drugs. In some cases, seniors now stop taking medication or switch to generics when they reach the doughnut hole.

Since the White House reached its deal with PhRMA in June there has been some disagreement between the industry and the administration over the precise terms of the arrangement. PhRMA has insisted that the White House agreed not to seek any additional concessions from drug manufacturers and to block Mr. Waxman’s plan in the House legislation. And the industry said that its support of the health overhaul was specifically aimed at Mr. Baucus’s proposal.

Mr. Baucus had previously announced that the first votes on amendments would not take place until Wednesday, so a final outcome of the fight was postponed.

Comments are no longer being accepted.

The PHARMA deal is a disgrace. They want all imported drugs from Canada or other places made illegal and for that they will cut the price of Medicare Part D drugs during the ‘donut hole’. My wife and I order prescriptions from Canada when we hit the donut hole. My wife had two prescriptions that cost $1,000 here but only $200 from Canada. They are generics of the name brand drugs not sold here. Under this plan, our costs will go up $300 each month, just for those two drugs.

We, in the USA, subsidize the drug costs of the entire world while we get screwed with paying the bill.

Now the Congress wants to bail out the third world countries and we can’t even help ourselves out first. I am getting so mad at our government for the way it is approaching domestic and international issues.

What happened to Tort Reform?

In 1996, Obama said “anyone who doesn’t think there is a crisis in medical malpractice is a trial attorney”.

Fast forward and his ten biggest donors are personal injury attorneys.

There can be no affordable healthcare without tort reform.

Lets face it people, “fundamental change is coming” as Obama promised. It starts with fear and “redistribution” of wealth (giving everything free to everyone, including illegal immigrants).

Oh that’s right, there won’t be any Illegal Immigrants as Obama says he wants to legalize them all…. SOOO they can get their free health care!!

Guess Joe Wilson was wrong, Illegal Immigrants won’t get free health care… because there won’t be any illegal immigrants anymore!!

They should pass a law saying that drug companies can not charge more in the U.S. than what they charge for the same or equivalent drug in Canada and the E.U. It will be a chore for the FDA to regulate it as different drugs have different approval times in various countries and the companies will try different formulations to get around the reg. but I think it could be made to work.

honestly, this seems like a very shady deal. Liberal interest groups used to complain about ‘secret’ meetings with oil execs during the Bush years and were fighting tooth and nail to get lists of the people in attendance.

Now that a liberal is in office, most people keep quiet and nobody wants to know what goes on behind the scenes anymore. we need some investigative journalism. Obama and Rahm E. cut that Phrma deal many months ago and now this is the first we are hear ‘grumbling’ about it and mention of the details in the press. The media is not doing its job. you guys need to wake up and find out the details of these meetings. Was there any quid pro quo? any conflicts of interest?

The Baucus plan increases the cost of healthcare insurrance for everyone except Government employees and those receiving Government aid. Therefore, any penalty imposed for not participating is too much.

The Baucus bill will raise costs to everyone who pays for healthcare themselves. Its these people who cover the cost for everyone else. If this bill goes through, the Democrats are done for. Unless they pass a bill that imposes a tax on people who vote Republican.

And, I’m an independant who voted for Obama.

Obama and his faux do-gooder administration is just that–More limousine liberals talking the talking and walking in the other direction. I am against this health care reform because it is pandering propaganda. We don’t need health care reform. We need people to be responsible and prioritize their expenses but in todays world everyone deserves everything and anything they want that they don’t have. Its the liberal ethos! Obama is a joke! They want to pass health care reform to say they did it…………they dont care if it makes sense, is good business or really makes the system better.

(full text on //

“Remarks for Senator Barack Obama
Roosevelt Middle School
Monday, July 30th, 2007
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
It’s a pleasure to be here today. And it’s also fitting. Because I want to talk with you about an issue that was the life’s work of the man this school is named after.

When Theodore Roosevelt took office over a hundred years ago, he looked out on a country where wealth was becoming more concentrated in the hands of a few robber barons, railroad tycoons and oil magnates.

It was an era known as the Gilded Age, and it was made possible by a government that played along. From the politicians in Washington to the big city machines, it was a system that kept power and money and influence in the hands of the few while working folks found it harder and harder to earn a decent wage or work in a safe environment or get a day off once in awhile.

But Teddy Roosevelt wouldn’t play along. He devoted his presidency to busting trusts, breaking up monopolies, and doing his best to give the American people a shot at the American dream once more.

Over a century later, America needs this kind of leadership more than ever. We need a President who sees government not as a tool to enrich well-connected friends and high-priced lobbyists, but as the defender of fairness and opportunity for every American. That’s what this country has always been about, and that’s the kind of President I intend to be.

We cannot settle for a second Gilded Age in America. But that’s what we’re seeing. We’re seeing a new economy where more wealth is in danger of falling into fewer hands; where the average CEO now earns more in one day than an average worker earns in an entire year; where Americans are struggling like never before to pay their medical bills, or their kids’ tuition, or high gas prices, all while the profits of the drug and insurance and oil industries have never been higher.

And once again, we are faced with a politics that makes all of this possible. In the last six years, our leaders have thrown open the doors of Congress and the White House to an army of Washington lobbyists who have turned our government into a game only they can afford to play – a game played on a field that’s no longer level, but rigged to always favor their own narrow agendas. Year after year after year, they stand in the way of our progress as a country. They stop us from addressing the issues that matter to people most.

Take health care. Over the last decade, the drug and insurance industries spent $1 billion in lobbying. And they got what they paid for – because their friends in Congress broke the rules and twisted arms to push through a prescription drug bill that actually made it illegal for our own government to negotiate with the pharmaceutical companies for cheaper drug prices. As a result, seniors on Medicare here in Iowa are paying 71 percent more for their drugs than veterans who get their prescriptions at the VA, and 47 percent more than those who buy drugs at Canadian pharmacies.

We’ve got to change that. It’s time we had a President who stood up to the drug and insurance industry and said enough is enough. When I am President, I will sign a universal health care bill by the end of my first term in office. It will cover every American, cut the cost of a typical family’s premiums by up to $2,500 a year, and finally make it legal for Medicare to bargain down the price of prescription drugs. We can do that….”

Why doesn’t anyone mention that a significant portion of the “affordability” of the Baucus plan comes from shifting Medicare and Medicaid expenses to the states! Cash poor states like California, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut will have to raise taxes to cover these unfunded mandates.

Its another one of Obama’s promises — “I won’t raise taxes on people making less than $250,000.” (I’ll let the states do it for me).

If we’re going to make all these concessions to the drug companies can we, at least, make them do their manufacturing here? At least for the stuff intended for the US market?

Right now, they get 80-90% of their profits from the US market. And they do most of their manufacturing in Europe (to get better terms from their various national health care groups), and Asia (because it’s cheaper there). And they’re starting to outsource their R&D to India. If we’re going to supply the profits, we should at least get the jobs.

The deal with phrma is a complete disgrace. Obama wants to cut costs in healthcare by cutting physician salaries and health insurance costs. Well, over the last 20 years physician salaries have stayed the same or gone down (compare that to salary on wall street) however at the same time costs of health care has increased exponentially. The increased costs almost parallel increasing costs of medications. So how does making a deal with Phrma save us money in the future????

As an old lady who still works full time, is eligible for Medicare, and is considered Middle Class, here is my take. I want a prescription drug plan that is fair to both me and the drug companies, but it is not the deal the drug industry proposed to President Obama, The drug companies are running scared but they can offer a better deal if pushed.. For years the Conservatives have told us to let the free markets rule, but if I try to order drugs from Canada, the market does not rule. I am sick of the drug companies so I want my elected officials to worry about me, not them. I am also sick of the health insurance companies. I bought a private policy from Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Paid more per month so that my premium would only increase if the entire group I’m in should increase (which the salesman said would only occur every few years). Well, my premium increased by $50.00 per month each year. I escaped when I went on Medicare. It is time for my elected officials to think about me, not the for profit medical industry. I am truly sick of this. And I am sick of wimpy Democrats who cower before the for profit medical lobby, For God sakes, Democrats, grow a pair!

I saw that the Finance Committee accepted an amendment by Rockefeller that would allow the Secretary of HHS to rewrite trough regulation any medical definition that she deems necessary…

The language was accepted by the Finance Commmittee on Tuesday before the votes even started. This is a huge power given to a non-elected official!! I’m wondering why Congress would want their health plan to be essentially reqritten at any point through regulations and not throught he legislative process.

If Congress passes this bill, they shouldn’t give this huge new power to anyone because this might turn over all of the technical powers to people that we can’t vote out of office.

Medicare should be bargaining for discount prices on all meds; if prescription drugs cost half as much, most people would not get into the doughnut hole in the first place. And drugs imported from Canada should be legal for people who want to buy them. The ban is a giveaway to the drugmakers, not a safety issue to protect the consumer. Obama’s deal with big pharma- a loser for the average citizen.

the issue is health care people illegal or legal if you get a cut on your finger you bleed if fall you get hurt

the fact being that it doesn’t matter who you are you’ll get hurt or sick

you’d rather have your own kind die than come to a agreement that can someone in a sad situation

either way when death comes knocking it wont leave empty handed

I don’t feel that my Senators are responsible for any deal the executive office stuck with the drug industry. They knew that when they made the backroom deal with one branch of the government. I want my Senators to get the best deal available. Foreign government programs pay far less than we do for many drugs. It is time this playing field gets leveled and Americans gain access to the same drugs at the same prices as citizens of other countries. No more going to Canada or Mexico or France for cheaper drugs. They need to be cheaper right here in America.

To all those who say we need to pay these high prices so new drugs can be developed I say you are wrong. Pfizer has had excess billions for over a decade from Lipitor profits and they have come up with nothing new. That model doesn’t work. We need to finance new drugs another way.

Joe Smith, the GOP has been guilty of re-distributing wealth from the middle-class to the wealthy for decades, so you can take your stale diatribe and stick it in your ear. And if you have a problem with immigrants, then by all means, help solve the “problem” and take the next boat back to Europe, ignorant bigot.

JW Morrison: If you’re so mad, why don’t you do something like see your US Senators and US Representative?

This is the problem with people. They get upset and then expect someone else to fix it.

History – you obviously don’t read much.
Tort reform is a sleight of hand deception. It’s about 1% of US healthcare budget – call it $25 billion a year, total. States like California which already have tort reform have seen minimal reduction in insurance premiums despite a reduction in med-mal lawsuits.

In short, the problem is insurance, not attorneys. I’m not an attorney, and my med device firm pays high insurance premiums.

Why is this sleight of hand deception? The health insurers are pocketing $350-450 billion A YEAR and they have their shills on radio and TV harping about tort reform.

In short, you’re being played.

Enough subsidizing insurance companies and drug companies.

Pass single payer or some compromise that provides robust competition and buys all drugs at big discounts.

And someone please remind the right wing that people are people– no matter your legal status. If you need health care in Mexico, in Europe or anywhere else, you get it.

Exactly what fake line in the sand are you drawing when you say “No health care for illegals?” Do you think a doctor should refuse to treat someone because they don’t have ID?

That sounds like a definition of hell to me, putting a caretaker in that position.

Of course, when the pie is getting sliced thinner and thinner, it is easier to look at someone poorer and more powerless than you. Mad at your boss, kick the dog.

Corporate health care taking more and more from your wallet? Well — let’s just shut down THOSE illegals.

This kind of thinking is a race to the bottom based on the false premise that there isn’t enough to go around. There is enough to go around, and then some.

The current health care is brutal and profit driven.

It should simply be a human right to get care when you need it. And the earlier the better. Stop using the ER as a first aid station and save billions.

This doctor’s thoughts on health care reform make sense to me:

1. Remove health insurers’ tort immunity. A 1974 law called the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) governs employee benefits in the United States. An infamous clause in that law referred to as “pre-emption” removes any state law jurisdiction from services covered under ERISA, such as health, life and disability insurance. Consequently, insurers in these areas are almost entirely immunized from any state regulatory practices. Lawsuits can still be filed in Federal court, but Federal regulatory laws are utterly inadequate and punitive damages are unavailable. Thus, a bill designed to codify and protect workers’ benefits became the largest abrogation of civil liability law in American history. Needless to say, SCOTUS has interpreted these protections for corporations exceedingly broadly.

This protection from lawsuits can be cancelled in two ways. One, Congress could simply cancel the pre-emption clause in ERISA, opening up insurers to liability under state consumer protection laws again. This could easily find its way into “medical malpractice reform” being discussed in Congress under the health care bill now. Two, Congress could institute national consumer protections under which insurers could be sued in Federal courts. The first option is much easier, and has the advantage that suits in state courts tend to be far cheaper and quicker. The second would protect people nationwide, and would avoid the phenomenon of insurers picking off state legislatures one by one. Battle cry: Kill off the private insurance death panels.

2. Cancel the insurers’ anti-trust exemption. A new bill introduced by John Conyers and Pat Leahy, which would end insurance company exemption from anti-trust enforcement (originally granted by the McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1945.) This is critical, because insurance company collusion called “market allocation” has allowed them to divide up state markets so that most of them have only one or two dominant insurers in the market. This plainly anti-competitive practice violates the essence of anti-trust laws, but has been made legal. It should be made illegal. Battle cry: If the opponents of reform insist that competition among private insurers will fix health care, let’s give it to them.

3. Make health insurers spend our premiums on health care. The medical loss ratio is the proportion of health insurance company revenue that is spent on providing health care. It may be regulated by states, which tend to favor this regulatory mechanism because it is easy to measure and administer. Wall Street also closely watches medical loss ratios, and a company’s stock price depends heavily upon it. Wendell Potter described, in testimony to Congress, how this works for insurance company executives and their customers (see heading 2.) In 2005, medical loss ratios for six of the largest health insurers ranged from 77 – 84%. Ten years earlier, they were in the high 80’s or 90’s. By contrast, Medicare’s administrative costs are reported by the government as 3.6% (though conservative critics often cite 5-6%) and costs under Canada’s single-payer program are 1.3% (same link). By contrast, the Bush administration’s effort to privatize Medicare called Medicare Advantage pays between 12 – 17% more than standard Medicare rates to private insurers to administer a Medicare-plus program. The pluses are sometimes substantial, sometimes illusory.

An essential feature of reform, both to further cost containment and health insurance regulation, is to limit the money health insurers skim off the top. I would propose that any private health insurer taking Federal funds maintain a medical loss ratio of at least 90%, rising to 96% over ten years. 96% corresponds to the Medicare administrative overhead, which is slated to diminish in upcoming years as Medicare outlays increase. Any ownership interest in qualifying companies by non-qualifying insurers would have to be prohibited, to stop the shell company scam. If private insurers are going to finance care, why should we accept greater inefficiency than government shows? Battle cry: Spend health care money on health care.

4. Give all government sponsored health insurance programs access to the VA drug formulary. The VA Health System drug formulary is the main source of prescription coverage for veterans using the VA. It covers many commonly used drugs in all drug classes, but not all of them. By negotiating aggressively on price, the VA can buy drugs at prices that compare with Canadian provincial systems, which are much lower than other sources in the US. While any provider or patient in the VA system will complain about the drug formulary, it provides the most benefit for the least cost of any drug program in America.

Dramatic cost savings could be achieved by allowing participating insurers meeting government guidelines to buy drugs from the VA or at VA prices. While the VA makes its formulary mandatory with defined exceptions, other buyers would not have to follow their practice. This would strongly incentivize drug manufacturers to compete with each other on price to get on the formulary, and it would further strengthen the VA’s bargaining position to get even lower prices. This measure would obviously cancel the White House’s agreement with PhRMA not to negotiate on price, but let’s remember that Congress is not bound by that agreement. Battle cry: Let’s get the best value we can.

To that I say AMEN.

“Later, Mr. Grassley added: ‘If this is a bad deal, you ought to be embarrassed for your president. It didn’t come from anybody sitting on this side, this deal.’ ”

Count me in as embarrassed for my president, but far more embarrassed that I was duped into believing in him. Of course, I had no idea the Rahmster was going to be advising and calling so many (boneheaded) shots. These are not Democrats, and make Bill Clinton look awfully good. And I never thought I’d say that.

Confiscate the drug companies. Confiscate the insurance companies. For free quality health care for all. Confiscate the banks, finance companies, and credit card companies. Cancel the debts. For a Workers’ Party to fight for a workers’ government that would expropriate, without compensation, all major industry, banking, communication, transportation. For a socialist America. Then there’ll be some real justice, not this gang of right-wing Demopublican-Republicrat representatives jointly administering the capitalist plutocracy masquerading as a “democracy” under which we all live.

–Allan Greene

This is why the system needs to be overhauled. Right now, it all works on profit margins. Donors to campaigns, pork to local districts, bonuses to CEOs. Obama seems to be trying to massage both sides – don’t bite the hands that fed him, but be fare to the American people. I don’t think he can do it. Something has to give. Why is everyone in the pockets of those who have money? From the President to Congress. I wonder if the Supreme Court are at the beck and call of those with money?

The only way to really have affordable, fair, and quality care is to implement a single-payer system. Japan does it, and they make it mandatory, at least for legalized citizens. No one complains about the quality and cost of health care. Complaints come from the waste in the system, but that is an issue of management, not delivery or coverage.

What is the obstacle for the United States, the wealthiest nation on the planet? Like JW Morrison said, “we can bail out the third world, but we can’t help ourselves first.” This debate is showing a side of the United States that is quite deplorable.


The Obama administration is selling us out if the interests of the pharmaceutical industry are placed before those of our (mostly elderly) citizens. No deals should be made with Pharma — this is an industry that has been spending millions every year to persuade doctors to use its products and passing the cost on to the consumer. Force Pharma to truly benefit society. Those companies will still turn a huge profit, but Americans will receive the healthcare they need in the process.

I’m very glad my Senator (Kerry) seems to have joined others in pointing the spotlight on a previously shadowy deal that didn’t make headlines until it was done. We should be wary of making compromises and striking deals with the pharmaceutical industry until we’ve negotiated a bill first.

I for one won’t feel the health care industry is subject to real competition until there’s a robust public option in the plan, national in scale…or, alternately, passed as a separate bill. The private insurers need to be given a run for their money. If the public option isn’t good value, people won’t buy it. The planned exchange should make that all very clear. Real competition should ensure that prices to consumers grow with inflation and no faster.