Islamic terrorism is the fruit of Islam: Ali Sina

One of the most outspoken critics of Islam around the world these days is a Canadian man, Ali Sina, who is formerly a Muslim himself.  He runs the Faith Freedom International movement.  Ali Sina has some highly controversial positions concerning Islam and American president Barack Obama as well and he has recently come out with a book, Understanding Muhammad, which continues to stir things up.  I found this man to be extremely provacative as well as interesting so I asked him for an interview so that he could share his own insight as to what Islam is at base and what is going on in the world today.  The communication flowed as follows…

Gary Dale Cearley: Could you let us know a little about yourself and your background?

Ali Sina: I was born in a Muslim family.  Today no one in my immediate family is a Muslim and I know that many of my extended family that is still living in Iran, like most Iranians, have either left Islam or are in the process of doing so.  Many Iranians have just ceased to believe in Islam.

Since childhood, injustice harrowed my soul.  I became vegan because cruelty pains me.  Scenes of cruelty affect me profoundly.  They still do, as they did when I was a child.  Many young people react to injustice by becoming revolutionaries.  They choose violent means to combat injustice and hence bring more injustice and violence to the world.  I prayed to become an instrument of peace.  To bring love where there is hate; understanding, where there is confusion;  peace, where there is discord.  That was of course all wishful thinking, when I myself was confused, trapped in a bubble of lies.

I pondered upon injustice and I believed it is caused by greed.  Later I came to understand a lot of evil is committed, not because of greed, but because of belief in evil doctrines.  To quote Blaise Pascal, “Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.”

When I read the Quran, the whole meaning of Pascal’s words became apparent.  It was then that I decided the time for prayer is over and now is time for action.  Of course this awakening did not happen overnight.  It took me two years of study, inner fight and soul searching.  I was taken from denial to shock, and then to guilt and to confusion, to depression and to anger and finally to enlightenment, awakening, forgiveness and inner peace.  It was an arduous odyssey, but worth making.

I started writing about my findings on the internet and more enlightened ex-Muslims joined.  Our little trickle became a torrent and now we are a movement, bringing about a silent revolution, not with violence and bombs, but through understanding, through explaining the unexplained and through spreading knowledge.

We have helped thousands of Muslims who were filled with hatred of the non-Muslims to discover the fallacy of Islam and join the rest of humanity in amity.  My childhood prayer has come true.  I have become an instrument of peace and I am not alone.  We are now a legion that has risen to demolish the darkness of ignorance with the light of knowledge.

Gary Dale Cearley: You have written a book, Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allah’s Prophet.  Tell us about it.

Understanding Muhammad by Ali Sina

Understanding Muhammad by Ali Sina

Ali Sina: The book, as its title says, delves into the motives behind the actions of Muhammad.  Muhammad is an enigma.  He did many things that make one believe he was sincere.  He gave the impression that he believed to be a prophet of God, while at the same time he was ruthless, cunning, and evil.  So how can you explain this oxymoron?  Was he a liar?  If so how could he be so convinced?

In my book, Understanding Muhammad, I give a brief account of his biography.  Muhammad’s life story is covered in many books and one can learn it from original sources called Sira.  The concern of my book is the psychology of Muhammad.

Understanding Muhammad does not focus on “what,” but rather on “why.”  Instead of narrating what Muhammad did or say, it explains the mental impulses that led him to act in the way he did.

I have shown that Muhammad suffered from a series of morbidities, mental, and personality disorders that collectively explain the phenomenon known as Islam.  Once you understand the psychological makeup of Muhammad and the milieu in which he operated, you’ll come to see that phenomenon of Islam was inevitable.

The book does exactly what it claims.  It makes the reader understand Muhammad and Islam.  It has received encouraging reviews.  Sam Vaknin, the author of Malignant Self-love wrote, “Understanding Muhammad offers an explanatory scheme.  One “a-ha” moment chases another as things fall into place and a causative chain emerges leading all the way from medieval founder to his current day followers and emulators.” Once you read the book, you’ll not only understand Muhammad, but Muslims too.

This book has been read by many Muslims, who first wrote to me to prove I am mistaken.  I challenged them to read the book and now many of them are my strong allies.  I believe once the insight that this book offers spreads, Islam will become history and with it Islamic terrorism will ceases to exist.

Gary Dale Cearley: As you have become apostate in the eyes of Muslims, I am interested in what kinds of threats have you had from the Muslim community and from where have the threats come?

Ali Sina: When you leave Islam threats come from all directions.  Your apostasy offends every Muslim who will each attack you in their own way.  Some Muslims want to kill you but not every Muslim is a murderer.  Those who do not issue a death threat snub, pity you, vilify you.  I was informed that there are two fatwas to kill me from two mullahs in India.  There was also price put on my head:  One million rupees.  This is only $20,000 dollars.  I was a bit disappointed.  I thought I am worth more, but hey, it is more than 30 silver coins for which Christ was sold.

Gary Dale Cearley: What changes have you undergone within your own family since you renounced Islam?

Ali Sina: Not much really.  My family was not fanatical.  We were among those deluded believers who think Islam means peace and the terrorists have got it all wrong.  It was quite a surprise for me to read the Quran and see that it was we who got it all wrong and the terrorists are just doing what a good Muslims is supposed to do.

The majority of Muslims belong to this category.  They are deluded and think Islam is peaceful.  They condemn the so called extremists.  However, the truth is that the extremists are the ones who understand Islam best and the moderate Muslims don’t.  They believe in a benign form of Islam that is made up by them and has nothing to do with the Islam of Muhammad.

Gary Dale Cearley: Are you open with Muslims about having turned your back on Islam as a religion?

Ali Sina: I am not in contact with them anymore.

Gary Dale Cearley: If you could come face-to-face with Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Al Zawahiri, what would you like to tell them?

Ali Sina: I don’t have any message for these beasts.  My message to all Muslims is that Islam is a lie and they should not kill people or sacrifice their own lives for a lie.  Not all Muslims are terrorists, but they all harbor distrust, if not hatred of non-Muslims, to the extent that they practice Islam.

Esfandiar Rahim Mashai, former vice president of Iran, with Pope Benedict XVI

Esfandiar Rahim Mashai, former vice president of Iran, with Pope Benedict XVI

Islam is a faith that is built on the hatred of the enemy.  Without an enemy Islam loses its raison d’être.  A good example to make is what happened recently in Iran.  Ahmadinijad, the man who stole the elections appointed [Esfandiar Rahim] Mashai, a relative by marriage, as his vice president.  Mashai’s nomination angered the hardliners and Khamanei was forced to humiliate his own handpicked and protégée president and order him to dump Mashai.  Why?  Because last year Mashai said, “Iranians are friends of all people in the world — even Israelis.” He was serving as vice president in charge of tourism and cultural heritage at the time.”

By making this comment, even though he really did not mean it as he is part of the Islamic regime and shares the same hatred of Israel, Mashai had undermined the legitimacy of the Islamic republic that is founded on hatred and needs perpetual enemies to sustain itself.  Not only that, he also undermined the legitimacy of Islam that is founded on hatred of non-Muslims and particularly the Jews.  Islam needs enemies to survive.  The hatred must be kept alive.  Sigmund Freud wrote in Civilization and Its Discontents, “It is always possible to bind together a considerable number of people in love, so long as there are other people left over to receive the manifestations of their aggressiveness”

Muslims are united, as long as there are non-Muslims to hate.  But once among themselves they will start fighting over who is a true believer and will target their hatred towards those who interpret Islam differently.  As long as Islam is believed to be a religion of God the hatred will continue and the killing and wars will not end.  So, really there is no other option but to expose the fallacy of Islam and wean Muslims from Islam.

This message cannot be heard by hardened terrorists.  This message is for ordinary Muslims who don’t know the truth about Islam who will be shocked to learn it.  This mass of moderate Muslims is the backbone of Islamic jihad.  The Jihadis come from these very ordinary Muslims and are supported by them both morally and financially.  If we can make these Muslims see the truth Islamic terrorism will end.

Islamic terrorism is the fruit of Islam.  It’s the tree that has to be eradicated.  As long as the tree is in place it will continue to produce bitter fruits.

Gary Dale Cearley: How has the non-Muslim community accepted you?

Ali Sina: There is no problem with the non-Muslim community.  Non-Muslims do not have the concept of us vs. them” that is so intrinsic in Islamic psyche.  I live in Canada.  We are a nation of immigrants.  We are all equals and asking someone about his or her religion is considered to be rude.  No one cares what you believe.  In Canada I am just another Canadian.

There are Muslims who feel alienated in Western countries.  That is because they choose not to integrate.  They want to wear their backward Islamic clothing, cover their women in black bed sheets, eat differently, act differently, think differently and denigrate the culture and the country where they live.  It is natural not to be accepted if you are obnoxious.  We have large communities of Hindus and Sikhs in Canada that are fully integrated, and are the backbone of the Canadian economy while Muslims, coming from the same neck of the woods, do not integrate.  It is their fault that they do not integrate.  Western countries are open to all and sundry and people here are not prejudiced.  They are learning to dislike Muslims and who can blame them?

Gary Dale Cearley: What advice do you have for Barack Obama and other leaders of Western nations in dealing with radical Islam?

Ali Sina: My advice to Barack Obama is to pack up and seek refuge in Kenya before Americans discover you are a fraud and a traitor.

This man is on a mission to destroy America.  Polls show Americans are waking up and are realizing the big mistake they have committed.  Obama is in office not because of his merits, but because of the white guilt.  He hated America all his life.  Tell me who are your friends and I will tell you who you are.  Who were the friends of Obama?  Jeremiah Write, Bill Ayer, Louis Farrakhan, Rashid Khalidi, Tony Rezko, and a bunch of other goons!

Who were his mentors when he was growing up?  The pedophile Frank Marshal Davis and the black supremacist Malcolm X!  I do not give advices to the enemies of America.

However, if America had a legitimate president, my advice would be ban Islam and make the practice of Sharia illegal.

During the Cold War America banned communism because communism was a threat to the Constitution of America.  President Truman introduced the Federal Employee Loyalty Program (FELP) in 1947 aimed at combating security risks from working for the Federal Government.  Every person taking on a new job in the civil service or government had to be investigated.

Congress set up the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) that investigated Communist involvement in the film industry, education, unions and the government.  A couple, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of espionage and selling nuclear secrets to the Russians during the WW2 and rightly were executed.  Yes, excesses were also committed.  But it is a mistake to condemn America’s resolve to fight against its internal enemies because of those excesses.

Abdul Qadeer Khan made the "Islamic Bomb" possible...

Abdul Qadeer Khan made the "Islamic Bomb" possible...

Maybe because of those excesses Americans have become guilt ridden to the extent that they have lost the will to defend their country in the face of a real threat.  Remember how Pakistan got its nuclear bomb?  It was because Abdul Qadeer Khan, a Muslim, was allowed to join the staff of the Physical Dynamics Research Laboratory (FDO) in the Netherlands and from there he stole the technology and went back to Pakistan to build the “Islamic bomb.”  Muslims allegiance is only to Islam.  You cannot trust them in sensitive jobs.

Hizb ut Tahrir

Hizb ut Tahrir

This July the Islamic extremist organization Hizb-ut-Tahrir, (Liberation Party) hosted its first organized conference in the United States, titled “Fall of Capitalism and Rise of Islam.” The conference, attended by 700 people, was hosted in Hilton Hotel in Chicago.  Amazingly Hilton rejected an event featuring Geert Wilders, the Dutch parliamentarian that is fighting against Islamic expansion in the Europe.  The goal of Hizb-ut-Tahrir is to overthrow the governments of the world and establish the Khilafat, allegedly through non violent means.  This group is banned in most Islamic countries, but it is allowed to operate in the USA and to openly promote the abolition of the American Constitution.

These people are right here in America and are given full immunity to plot the destruction of America.  If there was a patriotic president in office, I would have told him to ban all Islamic groups that work against America and its constitution.  But we don’t have a patriotic president.  We have a racist man who hated America all his life and is doing everything he can to weaken its Judeo-Christian base and open the floodgate to Muslims.  His bow and genuflection to the Saudi King, the head of the Wahhabi school of Islam should tell us everything about where Obama’s loyalty lies.

Obama Bowing to Saudi King

Barack Obama Bowing to Saudi King

Anyone with commonsense knows that Islam is in war with America.  What does Obama do?  He appoints two devout Muslims to Homeland Security Posts.

Arif Alikhan, Assistant Secretary for Policy Development at the Department of Homeland Security

Arif Alikhan, Assistant Secretary for Policy Development at the Department of Homeland Security

Arif Alikhan is a devout Sunni Muslim.  As assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Department of Homeland Security, Mr. Alikhan was instrumental in taking down the LA Police Department’s plan to monitor its Muslim community.  He is affiliated with MPAC, the “Muslim Public Affairs Council”.  This is like putting the thief to guard the money.  Americans must prepare themselves for more terrorist attacks and the responsible is no one but Obama and of course every one of those people who voted for this traitor.

Now, I don’t blame Obama.  He is doing what he had dreamt to do since his youth and that is to destroy America.  My wonder is at Americans who have handed their country to a buffoon enemy.  Obama is not an intellectual.  He is stupid. Obama lied and he deceived the masses of the gullible people.  That is where narcissists excel.  They are charming and convincing liars.  We all commit mistakes.  But why now that the truth has come out and it is clear that this impostor is working against America he is not sacked?  Obama is not a legitimate president.  Don’t let the biased media fool you any more.  Facts are out there for those who care to study them.  Obama should be brought to justice, tried and preferably electrocuted for high treason.

Anyway, back to your question: America has to confront Islam, recognize it as a hostile ideology and educate the public of the threat that it poses.

Gary Dale Cearley: Lots of people, from the man on the street to sociologists to politicians, have expressed concern regarding the growth of Muslim immigration to the West.  Should they be concerned and if so what concerns should they have?

Omar Ahmad of CAIR

Omar Ahmad of CAIR

Ali Sina: Yes, they should be concerned.  Muslims are not like other immigrants.  They do not want to integrate in your melting pot, but to conquer the country through demographic and warfare.  Let us hearken to Omar Ahmad, Co-Founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who said

Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant.  The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth…”

“Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam, that is not suicide,  …They kill themselves for Islam.”

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  1. Parviz Haddadizaeh said:

    I found out so much authenticity on this interview. I believe all about it. I must say with people like Mr. Sina, Imani and all others, ……. freedom loving people of our planet earth, should be hopeful for the future of our children.

    Thank you so much Mr. Ali Sina for this interview and your book “Understanding Muhammad”

  2. God said:

    All religions are a scam. It was created by man to take advantage of the naive and brain wash them for greed. The mafia worked side-by side with the clergies and Al Capoun got rich during the prohobition. History has already seen it but because the Islamic world is always behind events, it will take time for them to get it. make people paranoid so they obey you. The media does it all the time telling us to drink bottle water or buy a certain type of soap….etc

    • indian said:


      In my opinion religions are evolved to provide basic rules, regulations and social orders for the smooth sailing of human life. Current days these are achieved by educational and civic systems. But the spiritual goals of a person still has be achieved by religion.

      The best is do the meditation. JUST MEDITATION. NOTHING ELSE. The best one is Vipassana Meditation. Here you observe just yourself but not an imaginery god. Please thy dhammaDOTorg for some dose of meditation.


    • R_not said:

      The closest group that reflects what islam is are the atheists, communists.

      Do a little bit more studying of history. They rival each other in censorship, killing, persecution. The difference being that the muslims admittedly use a god as their source for doing what they do – the atheists will pick and chose another human being instead.

      They have both proven deadly to anyone who doesn’t agree with them, and they project their own traits onto others as a strategy to deflect what they are all about.

      Atheism is just as much a ‘religion’ as islam is and both are just as much a political movement.

      One other big difference between atheism and islam is that islam controls fools even in their bedroom and bathrooms, along with dietary and other demands for their rituals to their god.

      Now, I believe that (after reading their texts and history) that their allah is mohammed. So, it is even more similar to atheism than you might be comfortable with since both use men as their gods.

      One difference is that the muslims will admit to worshipping a god even though they follow like robots and know little of it or their prophet. The atheists will deny doing such a thing while thinking they know about everything.

    • All religions are a scam ,maybe it’s true. but “adinul Islam” is the rule and guide of the gods who created man. because normal humans actually need.
      when there is a growing crime is not the concept of God but clues to human error and the influence of the interests of greed.
      we must Know that both of Islam and muslim is different ,
      Islam is Relegion.
      and true moslem is people who have the rule and guide of ALLAH,
      I never think what’ll happend if many ppl follow ali sina ‘s doctry the wor ‘ll grow up too hahhahah

  3. Amit said:

    Islam is the biggest threat to humanity including Muslims themselves. The sooner this evil is uprooted from the face of this earth the better it is for the human civilization. This is not the time to be politically correct, but to take affirmative action against those who have hatred for those who the Kafirs.

  4. pedoprophet said:

    To learn about the evil of Islam one has only to read Quran, the source book of this corny cult.

    Q ustionable
    U tterings of a
    R abid
    A rab
    N utcase

  5. Parth said:

    There are many religions in the world, many africans worship nature, some have developed scientology etc. But all these are not harmful as they have no rules for non-believers. Only Islam stand out which have rules for non-muslims in dhimmi rules.
    All western world should unite and tackle this menace now and ban islam from the western world otherwise it would be too difficult when muslims will be more than 10 %. Stop this islamic madness.

  6. Rishi said:

    How come mohammad become a prophet? Ali Sina (PBUH) is a real Prophet.
    I Love your site FFI Ali Sina. GOD Bless you and your companions.

  7. abu ahmad said:

    ali sina is great i am ex muslim my self. i join many group in internet, post comment in every website to promote ffi. islam must be exposed little by little soon the majority of muslim will leave islam the cult of hate.

  8. Iskandar Abdullah said:

    Dr Ali Sina is right in what he stand for. I have read most of his comments
    about Islam and also the book on “Understanding Muhammad”by Ali Sina.

    To educate the muslim is not an easy thing one might says.One billion muslim, 65 percents is not educated, most of the educated muslim are not arab, they could not read or understand the arabic word in the Koran..

    The Muslim biggest mistake that they have made since mohammad until
    today is that they create hate against non muslims by killing them because
    the non muslim did not belived in muhammad.You could talk BAD things about God, curse God in the eyes of the muslim you will be forgiven just
    pay a fine (Money) and you are free. But if you just make funs of Mohammad,in the eyes of the muslim you are commiting a mortal sin then
    you die..Mohammad is greater than The Almighty God.

    Dr Ali Sina and companions and those ex-muslim understand what the
    Koran meaning all about and they are try to tell the muslim brothers to
    understand it.

    The other educated muslim who seat in the higher office in the Govermnent
    establishment around the world who can read and understand in Arabic
    Classical/Non classical refused to acknowledge the facts and tell the truth to the muslim about Islam.

    To Dr Ali Sina keep up with the good works and God Blessed You.

  9. Talal said:

    I really like Dr. Sina’s outspoken criticism of Islam. He’s helped me come out of my belief in Islam. I don’t disagree with a lot of what he said from his views on Islam to the current Obama adminstration. In fact, I’m even more proud that he’s vegan as I became a vegetarian for several reasons one of them being my hatred for the way Muslims celebrated cutting an animal in a barbaric and ritualistic way. But, why Dr. Sina would you advocate for electrocution of someone? Now, I don’t like Obama as a choice for presidency, but I can’t figure out the electrocution part. Again, thank you so much Dr. Sina for fighting for the cause to enlighten mankind.

  10. Herbal said:

    This interview is a window into a bitter soul. Faith Freedom and Ali Sina seem to be a propaganda ruse for anti-Islam hate, a creature of Dick Cheney. I say this as a Christian, my faith not not blinding me from recognizing hate promoted as ‘education”. Such a bigot must be a terrible embarrassment to the institution that granted Mr. Sina an advanced degree, even if only an on-line diploma mill. Readers should check up on his past in relation to the CIA’s coup meister, the Shah Palavi. How can Mr. Sina not condemn the atrocities of all faiths and the cruelty done by organized armies as well as the disorganized guerillas irrespective of religious apostacy?

    This from the real Wikipedia:

    “Relevant texts
    Qur’anic verses that support religious tolerance
    Lewis states that verse “…there is no compulsion in religion…” [Qur’an 2:256], has usually been interpreted in the Islamic legal and theological traditions to mean that the followers of other religions should not be forced to adopt Islam. He also holds that verse “…To you your religion, to me my religion…”[Qur’an 109:6] has been used as a “proof-text for pluralism and coexistence” and that the verse [Qur’an 2:62] has served to justify the tolerated position accorded to the followers of Christianity, Judaism, and Sabianism under Muslim rule.[26]
    [edit]Qur’anic verse 9:29″

    This entire website is fraught with self-righteous indignation without a nod, even in the light of the Hiroshima anniversary, to the many and continuing atrocities committed by the USA and G. Britain in their colonialism and neo-colonial empire building. Jesus was/is a pacifist, post Constantine church and Crusades notwithstanding. The Koran calls Jesus, Isa, the most beloved of God of all the three main prophets including Mohammed. Mr. Sina would have us kill Moslems in Jesus’ name? Moslems are closer to Christianity than Christ denying Judaism. Why would someone have enough hate to deny that there is any room for conciliation or peacemaking with Moslems? No quarter or tolerance for Moslem faith? There can be only two possible answers; hatred and money.

    • john D said:

      I am with you to an extent, in that I think Mr Sina goes too far with his rhetoric – perhaps he has become infected a bit by the disease he so zealously seeks to eradicate. However, unlike you, i don’t think you should dismiss it as hate-fuelled rhetoric and nothing more. The literature of Hate has little concern for the Truth; Mr Sina, on the other hand, cares about the truth, and wants Muslims to open their eyes to the truth about their own religion. If there is absolutely no substance to his claims – that Islam is incoherent, that it encourages blind faith, that it has a troubling relationship to violence (historical and doctrinal), that the example of Muhammad should repel rather than inspire men of good will – then this is indeed a hate site. If these claims are backed up by argument and evidence, however, then this site might just be doing a service to Muslim people – and humanity in the process.
      Sure, I also dislike the venom; I think Mr Sina should be less passionate, more patient in argument, less smug, and rely more on the relentless force of bare, accumulated fact. But don’t just assume that because of the above, there is no substance.
      BTW, I am also a Christian. To equate Christian failure to love their neighbour to Muslims’ failure to love their neighbour is invalid for a very simple reason: Muslims are not enjoined to love their neighbour, in the sense that Jesus intended “neighbour”. The morality of islam is rooted in the morality of the tribe, where duty is indeed strong and binding as far as the tribe extends – but beyond that it is much compromised (not however entirely absent). Christian morality, on the other hand, is based on the radical transcendence of the tribe and of the nation.

  11. Herbal said:

    btw, the most famous vegan is Adolf Hitler

  12. @ herbal said:

    > Moslems are closer to Christianity than Christ denying Judaism.

    you must be on crack or something. if you follow the news, it’s muslims who like to kill & persecute christians (and people from any other religions) in the name of their idiot allah. Their allah must be on crack too everytime muslims recite the qur’an saying: “Lo! those who believe, and those who emigrate (to escape the persecution) and strive in the way of Allah, these have hope of Allah’s mercy. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”. fyi, they like to kill their fellow muslims too. yeah, peaceful indeed.

    > Why would someone have enough hate to deny that there is any room for conciliation or peacemaking with Moslems?

    You bury the real peace deeper everytime you talk about “there’s peace in islam”. what’s wrong with you? Islam is indeed a peaceful religion & muslim will likely eager to kill every single person left on earth to prove it. don’t fool me!! please, keep your bullshit to yourself. All muslims in the name of islam must learn to “kiss the soil” of foreign countries where they stand or others may force them to eat the soil instead.

    • Carion said:

      Naive Herbal. You really absolutely blind and narrow minded about New Testament Said that Jesus Denying Judaism. Go to sleep is better for you to have a clear mind before you make any low quality conclusion from you narrow minded.

  13. abu_ahmad said:

    herbal is a christian apologist for muslim or he is totally ignorant about islam,

    • Herbal said:

      Herbal apologizes for no false religious people. All fakes, impostors and hypocrites are to be called to live their faith. Being a Christian, I apologize least of all for the religion I know best. How can people of this web site claim that Christianity is any less blood thirsty than any other religion? Read Trial of Henry Kissinger, by Christopher Hitchens, for example. This US White House advisor and Dept. of State operative is a genocidist who has killed many more innocent civilians than Osama bin Laden over a period of decades. He is not Christian but the “Christian Nation’ of USA was quite content with his murders. How can you have the audacity to call Moslems depraved and USA good. There is no comparison, of course, because it all depends on individuals and their personal moral choices. Sins of omission are just as reprehensible as “Terrorists”. The popular bumper sign on American cars, for you who do not live there, says, “Terrorism”= murder by poor, “War”=murder by rich. Israel has been guilty of genocide in Palestine and with few words of condemnation. All monotheistic religions repudiate killing. like first Commandment that few practice. Yes, Muslims better begin to practice tolerance of their own Koran and Christians better begin to honor their own savior’s example of how to live as he did.

      The world’s fastest growing religion? Fundamentalism. Fundamentalism in all religious traditions; Hindus in Sri Lanka, “Evangelical” Christians around the world, Orthodox Jews in Israel/Palestine, Even Buddhists in Sri Lanka. All violate their own founder’s teachings by finding a few intolerant words and honor literalism to ignore the real intent. Hate and Love them all to convert them to reason; but to kill them is to join them! You haters of men become the ones you hate.

      • Raj said:

        AHaahaa!!! Herbal! You claim to be a Christian but your genre & style of writing reveals that you are infact purely a “muslim”!
        You are following nothing but “Al-taqiyya.” i.e., ‘sacred lie’. You are deluding yourself as a Christian to promote your “Evil Islam”! Jesus said, “Know the tree by it’s fruit. a bad tree produces bad fruit. a good tree produces good fruit” i.e know a person by his character. It is very obvious you are a muslim with the same Islamic characters!

  14. R_not said:

    Mr. Sina wrote: ‘There was also price put on my head: One million rupees. This is only $20,000 dollars. I was a bit disappointed. I thought I am worth more, but hey, it is more than 30 silver coins for which Christ was sold.’

    I consider you priceless! Thank you for what you do. I love your website and the articles, and I bought your book, Understanding Muhammad. I use it as reference to this day, and if/when I quote from it – I write the name of the book in case anyone is interested to purchase it. It has become invaluable to me.

    (if you can’t tell – I am a great admirer of yours)

    You also wrote: ‘Islam is a faith that is built on the hatred of the enemy. … and then later said something that islam will always need enemies’

    This is the main precept to other such beasts such as Stalin and Hitler. I am sure Mao, and other notable beasts have had the same precept. If they didn’t have an outward enemy – they killed their own. Stalin and Mao are both great examples of that. Hitler did it too once he came to power he ‘got rid’ of people he was paranoid about. Our own left has similar traits too by creating the Christians, conservatives, and Republicans as their enemy – just because they don’t agree with them.

    Unfortunately, communism might have outwardly been banned, but it infiltrated our media, TV, and Universities and we are now left with such ilk as Obama and those who worship him. And if we let islam loose in our colleges (the MSA – Muslim Student Association with direct ties to the Muslim brotherhood) we will have a worse problem in a few short years.

    • Herbal said:

      Perhaps we should reread the Book of Acts when the Christian apostles and saints lived communally. Yes, they were communists. There is no threat inherent in being “…your brother’s keeper. The problem, perhaps is in the implementation of good ideas and man’s imperfections that carry ideals into corruption, just as Stalin was corrupted. This is the main reason that the framers of our US Constitution allows for religious freedom and ideological free speech. Communism and all other political systems are legal as long as they do not establish religion. One would think his is one distinction between Islam and other religions, theocracy. But the US hypocritically has acted to help found theocracies even though it bans theocracy at home. The US State Department, Administrations and Congress helped to create theocracy in Saudi Arabia, Israel, East Timor and Indonesia (Muslim), Niger and George Bush almost legitimized ‘faith based’ theocracy in the USA! We should be very carful not to try to ban any religion as well as to establish what we think is the perfect one. The founding politicians of our country were a diverse group and they realized the wisdom of all getting pluralistic to keep the peace long enough to get the country rolling. For example, Pennsylvania was named for William Penn, a famous Quaker. There were Church of England believers in NY, Virginia and most of the colonies. Puritans who were persecuted in the king’s church in England and divorced the Anglican church had to face up to them when the US came into being and learn to live and let live. Maybe this is one of the main reasons for the survival of USA as the longest lived republic in the world.

      Lets draw a distinction between fascists ad communists some time. Look up the difference and appreciate that Hitler was much worse than any other tyrant because of systematic destruction of people based on race and nationality. He killed 29 million Russians in addition to Romas, elderly, handicapped and Jews. Because they were not blond and tall? Probably not; rather because it is a way to cause conflict between people so stupid issues become points of gaining power over people. Bigotry exploits people for political power.

      • R_not said:

        Communism is a fascism. You go look it up. The apostles were not trying to tear down the established governments – they were trying to save people’s souls which is unlike islam AND communism. Well, islam claims that they are saving souls if one reverts to islam, but if lying, stealing, killing, persecuting, etc anyone who disagrees with them will save anyone – they are the ones who are smoking the ‘herbs’.

        islam and communism, and also Nazism, creates the ‘us vs them’ divisions. And I should add that so does the Democrat party these past few years.

        islam creates an enemy, as does the other two ‘isms’ which are hypocrites (he defines muslims who do not wage jihad, or support jihad as hypocrites) and unbelievers (non-muslims).

        And as far as Hitler being the one who killed 29 million Russians – you got your history wrong. Stalin did that. And they are not even sure how many he killed of his own people – those who STalin made into his enemies. Mao did the same thing, as do many communist/fascist leaders. Hitler killed many Germans, Jews and Christians (from many countries) and also Russians but failed to kill as many as you claim.

        Hitler basically is abhored for his murders, and a ‘religion’ gets away with their genocide of not only Jews, but Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and many other pagans. And they not only have done if for 1400 years, but are carrying out their genocide in our time.

        Fascism is not only a mixture of socialism – an extreme socialism (that our lefties want), but also an idealistic idea of the state. And it is more – it is a complete control over the individual to a point they do not recognize individual rights. And islam, communism and nazism are just that. I explained in a previous post that islam controls not only ‘religion’ and politics, but also controls what goes on in the bedroom and in the bathroom. Which makes it even more radical than even communism.

        In islam, the only way that they recognize peace is only if the person reverts, accepts subjugation (dhimmitude), or dies. In communism it is more subtle. But, they are very much the ‘us vs them’ attitude that islam has.

  15. Herbal said:

    First, Hitler was a professed “Christian”, not a Moslem. Adolf got the support of both Roman Catholic cardinals and the Lutheran church in his move to Mussolini’s “corporatism”. Please look up Corporatism in Wikipedia for a description of something far more foreboding than communism or Islam; where we are headed and should be working together to confront. Corporatism is the cancer within our own society that, like Rome, is destroying our USA and Western civilization, not Islam, Hindu or pagans. Communism is dead and is an old harp. Officially sanctioned institutions; war profiteers and corporate mammon, elect our Congress with campaign donations. ‘One man, one vote’ is a thing of the past. Now it is one dollar, one vote, the one party system.

    What could be more Us vs. Them that “You are either with us or against us”? What could be more controlling of personal life and eroding personal freedom than absolutist religious fanatics like James Dobson, Jerry Falwell and, for that matter, Ken Mehlman the Christian wonder boy who could not accept appointment to Chairmanship of the Republican Party because he was hypocritically homosexual? Fundamentalist Christians would mislead the masses to judgement based on a very narrow invasion of government, the home and family. They work for thought control through the mechanism of a Mosaic Law kind of guilt tripping. They are no different than the fundamentalist Moslems or fundamentalist Hindus and any other anti-democratic ideology. After all, it is a guilty conscience that first points the finger.

    Are we to judge? We better take care of the log before the mote in the eye, are we not told? Jesus came with a new covenant that fulfilled the Old Scriptures. And He let us know that the eye for an eye of the OT was replaced by the Lord with “Love your enemy.” So if Moslems bait you into violating your professed faith, they win. See New York Times about the restraint of the Shiites in the face of Sunni Moslem sectarian violence yesterday. What an opportunity to convert souls to Christ; if only we practiced what we preach. But instead we hang the man Hussein, who was hired by our own CIA who was the most tolerant and westernized tyrant of them all; the least fundamental and was the most tolerant of women’s role in society. So how can we really address saving souls when we bomb them? What atrocity perpetrated by any other religion is worse than the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or the fire bombing of Dresden, all civilian targets. Democrats invaded Vietnam to take that colony of France for their offshore oil. Haliburton Republicans invade Iraq for their oil. It is about mammon and support for our materialistic personalities that we maintain the most powerful militarism in the world; 56% of our national budget for military.

    Who Would Jesus Bomb? says the bumper sticker. “Saddam Hussein”, says my local Christian churchmen. It needs to be edited to ask, “Who Did Jesus Bomb?” Jesus is our model who our Lord intends us to follow. We are not expected to be perfect and have forgiveness through Jesus’ resurrection. That is the good news, not having to be perfect and not having to judge others. That is where freedom resides, to love God and to love our fellow man; even if like the early Christians we are martyred. Can we show the world the Light of God through our tolerance for Sunni’s as do the Shiites? Can the Irish live with the Irish?

    So we must leave behind our own Us vs. Them, before we can provide a light for others, including Moslems. Anything else is our own hypocrisy.

    • R_not said:

      herbal wrote, ‘What could be more controlling of personal life and eroding personal freedom than absolutist religious fanatics like James Dobson, Jerry Falwell and, for that matter, ‘

      I forgot to address this in my previous post.

      Never did any of the above tell, preach or write down:
      – impose our beliefs onto anyone else and if they disagree – subjugate them, or kill them.
      – in the case of islam – impose a strict set of rules on how to go to the bathroom, what to do in the bedroom other than say to be married and not kill your children (or encourage them to blow themselves up because it will give them a sure ticket to heaven and to name them, the parents, as one of the saved too), etc.
      – tell people that if they leave they are of Satan, and if they don’t come back that they will be killed
      – create an ‘us vs them’ scenario. Just because you don’t like what they preach they don’t call you a nazi, fascist, Hitler, or any other of a multitude of names that the left spouts out to those who disagree with them.
      – tell the followers to infiltrate the government and schools and impose their demands onto anyone else not of their group.

      If you cannot tell the difference between what islam, or muslims, are doing vs those you think are the same as the thugs such as Hitler, Stalin, and mohammed, to name a few, then I really suggest cracking open the islamic texts (koran, and at least one of the accepted translations, Bukhari, of the hadith) and learn the basic teachings of islam.

      I feel like I am discussing something with someone that has only heard things vs not done his, or her, own reading. And the same goes for the islamic history.

      And the best source of all of this is from former muslims because muslims practice taqiyya and da’wa. As Hitler and Stalin mislead people when they first follow them, so do muslims – and afterwards they can do what they will with you.

      • That women in US and elsewhere could support Israel, a theocracy installing Orthodox with constitutional predominance, is very interesting when one considers its institutionalized chauvinism with roots over 2,000 years old. Where does Hillary Clinton get off supporting Bibi Netanyahu and his Likud party? How is theocracy in Israel different than theocracy in Saudi Arabia? How is institution of Sharia Law substantively different than institution of Halakhah Law?

    • Raj said:

      Herbal! Was Hitler truly a Christian? How long will you Muslim hold on to this shallow arguements?
      In fact, Hitler rejected Christianity. He was a follower of Onidism, an indegenous religion of Germanic tribes before Christianity entered Germany. Hitler despised Jews and anything remotely Jewish and so naturally he despised Christianity. Infact he removed all Christian symbols from Germany to replace the Onidism symbols like swastika. For your information Hitler was highly appreciative of Islam not Christianity. Some of his quotes:
      “Christianity is the biggest lie the Jews ever told humanity”(Adolf Hitler, 13 December 1941)
      ‘You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese.. The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?'” [Speer, Albert, Inside the Third Reich, Bonanza Books, New York, p. 96]
      “Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.” [p. 51]
      “The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jews. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity.” [Hitler’s Table Talk, p. 6-7]
      “So it’s not opportune to hurl ourselves now into a struggle with the Churches. The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death,”(Adolf Hitler, 14 October 1941)
      “The Jew who fraudulently introduced Christianity into the ancient world—-in order to ruin it—-re-opened the same breach in modern times”[p. 314]
      He was waiting for the end of WW-II because: ‘Once I have settled my other problems,’ he occaisionally declared, ‘I’ll have my reckoning with the church. I’ll have it reeling on the ropes.” [Inside the Third Riech by Albert Speer pg 147]

      “The Nazi Master Plan; The Persecution of Christian Churches”, describes how the Nazis planned to replace Christianity with a religion based on racial superiority and the worship of Germanic gods like Thor and Odin. The report, prepared by the O.S.S”
      “Hitler belonged to the New Order of Templars. The society was created by liebenfels in 1909, and combined the legends of the Templars with Aryan supremacy. There is verified record of Hitler visiting Liebenfels, and certainly there was a working relationship between the two. Liebenfels wrote to a disciple in a letter in 1932 “Hitler is one of our pupils.” and promised that through Hitler they would “make the whole world tremble”. They did, but the end results were probably not as he and Hitler would have hoped.
      magazine issue of 1940 mentions Hitler had his own observatory and practiced astrology

      • Templars were Christians. NAZI is an acronym for National Socialism, a form of Collectivism. You would be right if you said Leninism is like fascism because both are Collectivist, the totalitarian centralization of political and economic power. See: Now the USA has taken on the Nazi task of centralizing power and dominating the world with help of Great Britain, Germany and Israel. Also please read Jimmy Carter’s Palestine; Peace or Apartheid.

  16. R_not said:

    ‘We’ can do anything ‘we’ want to do – (‘”So we must leave behind our own Us vs. Them” quoted from Herbal) – it is the muslims who have been waging a jihad against us. You can bury your head in the sand, and there are many there to comfort you.

    I am just relaying what the muslims are telling us. If you chose to listen to their taqiyya, and kithman, then do so. Don’t call me a hypocrit because you are just projecting your own self onto me.

    As for Hitler, he was as much a Christian as STalin was. And if the world would have read Mein Kampf, just as I tell everyone to read the koran/hadith/sira, then we wouldn’t be arguing over stupid things.

    Go to the basic teachings of Christianity and Hitler was not being a Christian, but we cannot say that about the basics of communism, nazism, or islam. And it seems even the left wing in our own country who are more in line with the Lensky which is more in line with communism.

    From your posts it is apparent you have not cracked open any islamic texts, or know too much about islamic history. I bet you don’t even know that slavery is still being practiced in islam, some of them were even found doing here in the USA and now sit in prison – who knows how many do it and are not caught!

    As for Popes – or anyone – I cannot speak for them since they are still clueless about islam. It is not Abrahamic, nor is it anything close to either Judaism or Christianity. Not the basic message, not the rites, not mohammed who was only a self-proclaimed profit, oh er I mean prophet, that is more in line with cult leaders that are studied today.

    Some similarities between some cult leaders such as isolating their followers, plagiarizing the Bible and if there is a conflict – just make up a different version, dehumanize those who do not think the same as they do, tell them if they leave they have the spirit of Satan in them or something similar to that, they are self-proclaimed prophets or ‘gods’, etc.

    And mohammed took it a step further by waging wars, attacking poorly armed caravans for their loot and women/children for slavery, torturing, etc.

    I can read that you have a problem that some people are ok with attacking monsters. yes, Saddam did indeed have ties to Al Qaeda and in fact the French helped him to make those WMDs that he used not only against the Kurds, but also the Iranians and even his own people.

    Saddam, along with Arafat, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood (who uses the MSA – Muslim Student Association – as one of their tools), the Saudi Wahabbis, CAIR, etc all made a pact with Al Qaeda in the late 1980s and renewed it in the late 1990s.

    source: The Link, The Secret Relationship between Saddam and Al Qaida

    Saddam’s Secrets

    Or how about the ties between Hitler and muslims? Two nazi panzer units were of the Bosnian muslims set up by Al Husseini. Husseini was going to carry on the genocide of the Jews in the Middle East after Hitler was done in Europe – he wasn’t able to realize his dreams because we won.

    Oh, I bet if the left were alive and well in the 1940s they would have ranted and raved that one of their heros, Hitler, was being attacked and finally died. Just like our lefties smooch with such ilk as Kim Jong Il, Ahmadinehad, Castro, Saddam (remember the lefties who went and then came running back home after they realized Saddam wanted to place them in the areas the USA was going to attack?!), Che, Chavez, etc.

    source: The Nazi Connection to islamic Terrorism

    The problem with your argument(s) is that you are trying to make out like the Christians are using Christianity to war – they are not. Unlike communists, nazis, and those in islam who did, or now do, indeed wage violence for their ‘ism’.

    This is where the argument falls flat. As I wrote – go to the basic teachings and then maybe you might realize the problem with your argument. I have read them all before. None of these arguments you pose are new – just rehashing. And next that will come is the bashing, oh but you already started that. Too bad – it is only an indication that the argument is not valid and there is nothing else. Call me what you will, you only project your own insecurities onto others.

    • Sina says, “Some similarities between some cult leaders such as isolating their followers, plagiarizing the Bible and if there is a conflict – just make up a different version, dehumanize those who do not think the same as they do, tell them if they leave they have the spirit of Satan in them or something similar to that, they are self-proclaimed prophets or ‘gods’, etc.

      And mohammed took it a step further by waging wars, attacking poorly armed caravans for their loot and women/children for slavery, torturing, etc.”

      I can read that you have a problem that some people are ok with attacking monsters. yes, Saddam did indeed have ties to Al Qaeda and in fact the French helped him to make those WMDs that he used not only against the Kurds, but also the Iranians and even his own people.”

      Saddam, along with Arafat, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood (who uses the MSA – Muslim Student Association – as one of their tools), the Saudi Wahabbis, CAIR, etc all made a pact with Al Qaeda in the late 1980s and renewed it in the late 1990s.”

      Sorry, but this is predominantly fabrication and ignorance.
      The first is true of cults, but most often done by Christian cults like John Hagee’s Christian Zionists. Look up that freak who is a darling of AIPAC. See:

      Slavery? There is human slave trafficking in every country in the world; including in Washington DC in many different forms from prostitution pimps to cartels, foreign domestic workers, child trafficing and many other forms you can read about on-line.

      The USA supplied the chemicals to both sides of the Iran-Iraq, Sunni vs Shiite wars. Divide and conquer is an old British colonial tactic that US and the West use to steal oil from the time of 1953 CIA coup that ousted Musharaf, the democratically elected President of Iran before they installed Shah Pahlavi as brutally repressive monarch. Sina thinks the USA is innocent Christian nation?

      Mohammed attacking ?? As if Christians were strangers to war and agression, Sina mentions the aristocraticTemplars as heroes of Hitler without knowing that these Crusaders preyed upon Muslim pilgrim families; killing families for their travel money.

      The Saudi Wahabbis are the most extreme fundamentalist and murderous religious fanatics and Sharia Law practitioners
      in the world; they are USA biggest allies in the Oil Wars; monarchists.

      Sina somehow practices an inconsistent and contradictory philosophy that characterizes bigots. He says all Muslims are violent, inferior and that is unconscionable and dishonest.

      • No, I am not Muslim but a pacifist Christian. Knowing how the Palestinian Arab Maronite Christians have been persecuted right along side of Arab Muslims by Israel opened the door to understanding of the real underlying motivations and policies of Zionism. It is quite an ugly picture and again I invite readers to examine Jimmy Carters Apartheid book. No religious group, no ethnic group deserves the violent hegemony of Israel, the theocracy that would replace German Nazis with Jewish Israeli Nazis. Israel practices genocide on Palestinians, even denying their historical existence.

  17. Iskandar Abdullah said:

    Dr Ali Sina an Iranian telling the muslim brothers to READ,READ,READ and understand what Islam is all about…..

    Another famous Author, Novelist and Paliamentarian, also an Iranian Mr Ali Dashti also wrote about Islam..,telling the muslim about Mohammad.Mr Ali Dashti had the same thinking…..

    “I search for the way, but no the way to the Ka’ba and the temple.
    For I see in the former a troop of idolaters and in the latter a band of self-worshippers” – MawlaviJalal od-Din Rumi..

  18. Joeast said:

    Persians’ original religion is Zoroastrianism not Islam..Ali Sina Can’t forget that islam damp the fire of the Magi .The Persians resistance has lasted to this very day.
    Ali Sina is the biggest liar and loser in the history of Islamic critics because he is invited many times to debate with Dr.Zakir Naik, but he rejects that.

    It is easy to fabricated stories to support the lies

  19. Parviz said:

    I like to thank Dr. Sina not only for above interview but also for his book “Understanding Muhammad”. I have read the comments by several people who have compared Islam with Christianity. I have read both the Qur’an and the New Testament several times and must admit that they are vastly different in ideology. In the entire of New Testament you will not find any teaching on murdering the unbelievers or for that matter any so called apostate, hypocrite,or infidel. Jesus in response to a question that what commandments were important said there are 2. Love the lord your God with all your heart , mind and soul; and the second just as important, love your neighbor as yourself. There is a vertical love relationship with God, and when that is established, then there is a horizontal love relationship with ” man kind “. No where in the Qur’an do you find such command.

    Jesus had nothing. In response to where he lived, he said, Foxes have holes, birds have nest, but I have no where to put my head down. He never raided, got booties, invaded or conquered any thing , but man’s ” Heart”.

    In treating women, when they brought a prostitute caught in the act of adultry to stone, he looked at the crowd and said, any one of you who is without sin throw the first stone. When did ever Muhammad showed such mercy to women. Read about Aiyshe, Hafsa, Zeinab, Mariam and a string of others in the Qur’an and the Hadiths.

    When they came to arrest Jesus, his disciple Peter, took a sword from one of the Roman guards and cut one of the soldiers ears off. Jesus rebuked him and healed the ear which had been totally cut off. He told Peter, put a way your sword, for those who use swords perish with swords. When did Muhammad show such love to anyone, when did he tell his follower not to use violence.

    Jesus said, love your enemy, if some one strike you on your left cheek turn the other side also. Forgive those who hate you and do you harm.

    After being so brutally beaten beyond recognition, and crucified ( the most cruel way of execution ever in the history of the world ) from the cross he said about those who nailed him to the cross, Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.

    How can you bring yourself to compare these two. Read about wars Muhammad carried out, all the beheadings that he did personally, the rape of women. Jesus was/is symbol of the Love Of God, a being totally blameless, without sin, who even Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governer who ordered his crucifixion said ” in him I find no fault “.

    I can go on and on making comparisons till the kingdom come, but those with eyes that can see have already seen the truth and those who are blind will remain blind. And those who listen to words without facts as proof are blinds who lead the blinds.


    • I agree with what you say as far as it goes, but you must go beyond and practice what you preach and love your enemy, the Muslims so you can reach Muslim’s “Heart”. Also, read the Old /Testament and know that it is studies, accepted and cited as a call to war by Jews and Christians. An eye for an eye and the slaughter of Jerico areTalmud and Old Testament; no different to what you and Sina criticise in Muslim faith. Get a hold. Jesus was crucified because his pacifism offended the Pharisee and Sadducee rabbis, not the pagan Romans. What the Israelites and Moslems had in common was a sense of righteousness in monotheism and dehumanization of pagans and polytheists. Today’s Obama Christians can be held to the same comparison of intolerance and violence and Sina by extension; no better that those he criticizes.

  20. Christianity is supreme said:

    It is sad that the Crusades couldn’t wipe out the cancerous religion of Islam 500 years ago. I am afraid that Islam will become too powerful in the United States and being politically correct we cannot get rid of this evil religion who treat women as property instead as human beings. Since it is illegal to build Christian churches in Muslim countries I believe we should make it illegal to build Mosques in Western Countries.

    • gulam said:

      Looks like sending 6000 000(six million) Jews to death, dropping atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, exterminating red Indian race, killing 80 0000 000 african in transatlantic slave trade, colonizing non European countries and peoples, creating Apartheid and other racist regimes everywhere are acts of great honor and dignity.”IF IT IS HEAVEN WERE THE CHRISTIAN GO THEN I RATHER GO TO HELL”

      • I applaud your better judgement. USA is guilty of the worst genocide, after Hitler Germany perhaps, How about the 4th Crusade; Christian against Christian, the work of Pope Innocent II. The Children’s Crusade is another landmark of “Christian” ignorance of Christ’s teaching. Arabs, not necessarily all Muslims, are Abrahamic descended from Ishmael; the Jews from Isaac. Arabs and European Jews are genetically identical. Israel is a fascist theocracy under its rule by Likud government and Bibi Netanyahu.

    • See above; you are anti-Christian, my friend. What version of the Sermon on on Mount did you read??

  21. carol said:

    i an enlightened on the evils of Islam by dr ali sina’s comments. I heartily agree with him and its time the silly westerners who rejected Christianity rediscover thier religion of peace before they are wiped out by the religion of violence. I never did like Obama and i think its shameful how he bows to the Saudi King. He should have asked him why there are no churches allowed to be built in Saudi Arabian but there are thousands of minarets allowed in Christian America. Good for you Mr Sina. Keep up the good work

  22. GodsSeer said:

    Ali, a very compassionate man, is being attacked because of his plight against injustice and cruelty. When you get to the point of dying to save them, then you will know the love of Christ and His sacrifice for souls, which revelation, Islam has cheated you from, from birth. May The Living God give you a dream or vision or revelation of His love for You, Mr. Sina, and please do not look at the majority of self proclaimed Christians. As Jesus said; there are only FEW WHO FIND.

  23. Pingback: boutique islamique

  24. Leonardo said:


    Although many modern Muslims, groomed with the Western secular education, readily brag about how Islam recognizes Christianity (Judaism, too) as a great religion, yet these dishonest hypocrites hide a number of verses in the Koran that are demeaning, hateful and even violence-inciting towards Christians and Jews. Here they are:

    1. Jews and Christians believe in idols and false deities.. 4:51

    2. “Those (Christians and Jews) are they whom Allah hath cursed.” 4:52

    3. Allah has stirred up enmity and hatred among Christians. 5:14

    4. Jews and Christians are losers. 5:53

    5. Christians will be burned in the Fire. 5:72

    6. Christians are wrong about the Trinity. For that they will have a painful doom. 5:73

    7. Don’t choose Jews, Christians, or disbelievers as guardians. 5:57

    8. Don’t take Jews or Christians for friends. If you do, then Allah will consider you to be one of them. 5:51

    9. Christians and Jews are perverse. Allah himself fights against them. 9:30

    10. Give tidings (O Muhammad) of a painful doom to the rich and greedy Christian monks and Jewish rabbis. 9:34

    11. Jews and Christians are evil-livers. 5:59

    12. Evil is the handiwork of the Jewish rabbis and Christian priests. 5:63

    13. Christians and Jews must believe what Allah has revealed to Muhammad or Allah will turn them into apes, as he did the Sabbath-breakers. 4:47

    14. Fight against Christians and Jews “until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.” 9:29

    Although there is a kind of recognition of Christianity (Judaism, too), being a religion of the same God, in Islam – the ultimate message in Islam is that ‘Christianity is old and obsolete’. Islam is the finalized version of the religion of the same God, which all people of the world, including the Christian and Jews, must follow.

    The old and obsolete Christianity is now a symbol of evil, Christians are evil people, Allah has cursed them and hellfire will be their eternal abode hereafter. However, Christians do not have a choice for them to make the hellfire their eternal abode and live in peace in this world. They must follow the finalized religion of Allah or else Allah will, without failure, turn them into apes:

    [Quran 4:47] O ye unto whom (Christian & Jews) the Scripture hath been given! Believe in what We have revealed confirming that which ye possess, before We destroy your countenances so as to confound them, or curse them as We cursed the Sabbath-breakers (of old time). The commandment of Allah is always executed.

    And again, Allah is just not happy with the punishment of transforming the Christians into apes. He now incite his followers (Muslims) to fight the Christians until they are subdued to a humiliating status (Dhimmi) and pay the poll-tax (Jizya) as punishment for not accepting the command of Allah:

    [Quran 9:29] Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture (Christian & Jews) as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.


    Whether one is a monotheistic Christian or Jew, or a polytheist or idolater – the ultimate message of Islam is the Islamic Shahada – the central creed of Islam, which says, “There is no God but Allah”. Since, Allah is the absolute owner of everything in the Universe, everyone must submit to the final command of Allah, which is Islam – the final, complete and perfect code of life. Any code of life other than the Islamic one is neither approved nor accepted by Allah after sending down Islam. Those must be destroyed by whatsoever means. Muhammad had clearly spelled the verdict of Islam about Christianity as his last wish on his death-bed through his order to exterminate the Jews and Christian from Arabia. And the command was religiously and ruthlessly pursued.
    Christians of today must learn the lesson from history. The Jews of Medina gave Muhammad shelter and support when he arrived there as a refugee with his small band of converts in 622 CE, because Muhammad was preaching a similar monotheistic religion (sister religion). Within 5-6 years, all the Jews of Medina were exterminated by Muhammad through mass slaughter (Quraiza), taking as captives or sending to exile. The Christians of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) gave Muhammad’s converts shelter, support and protection when they sought refuge there as voluntary exiles in 615 CE. Here again, the Christian king showed sympathy to the Muslims, because of Muhammad’s preaching a monotheistic sister religion, which recognized Christianity. And in time, Muslims turned the entire African continent into a giant slave-breeding farm so much so that Africa became synonymous with slavery – the price of which, the Blacks of Sudan (Darfur) are paying even today at the hands of the Arab militias.

    For the Christians of the West, there is a history from which serious lessons must be learned. The Koran is available in libraries and bookshops and the message is very clear: Submit to the command of Allah (Islam) or else! And of course, there are living lessons to learn from Christians living in Muslim countries like Egypt, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia where Christians live in complete subjugation as demanded in the Koran [Q 9:29].

    There are only ~3% Muslims in Britain but their message to the Christian was made clear in the sermon of a prayer imam in Bradford (UK) who rejected all Gods other than Allah and termed the Christian doctrine of the Trinity as “an extreme and absurd example of false divination of humans”. He termed Britain a “sick and divided nation” and only the imposition of Islam can heal. “The implementation of Islam as a complete code of life cannot be limited to the home and personal relationships. It is to be sought and achieved in the society as a whole”. Government must be brought into line with what is appropriate for an Islamic state, not a secular state. Every Muslim must “extend the sphere of Islamic influence in the world.”

    [Ibn Warraq, Why I am not a Muslim, p353]

    These are indeed the messages of the Koran. Allah himself says, “The commandment of Allah is always executed” [Q 4:47]. History tells us that his earthly soldiers (Muslims) have always responded to his commands with unfailing convictions. The lesson, signs and messages are all there to learn from. Those, who do not learn, do not deserve a respectable living. Islam (Koran) has promised the Christians of the world, a life of humiliation and dhimmitude [9:29], even if the Prophet’s death-wish of outright extermination is ignored.

    • You should read what the Koran says about dhimmi people, other monotheistic Abrahamic religions. You also need to study the Crusades, the most abominable chapter in the history of Christianity when the Christian popes departed from any behaviour remotely Christian.

      Please note that Mohammad and Moslems today revere Jesus as the most important of their prophets and Mary as his mother is afforded more respect than she does in Christianity. The intolerance of Moslems toward idolaters and apostates and heathens does not exceed the intolerance demonstrated during the centuries long Inquisitions in Europe!

      From Wikipedia:
      Non-Muslims and Islam

      “The main advantage of the dhimmis over Muslims was the guarantee of their protection without the responsibility to actively engage in that protection themselves.”[1]

      The Qur’an distinguishes between the monotheistic People of the Book (ahl al-kitab) (Jews, Christians, Sabians and others) on the one hand and polytheists or idolaters on the other hand.[citation needed] There are certain kinds of restrictions, when involved with People of the Book, which do not apply to polytheists. One example is that Muslim males are allowed to marry a Christian or Jew, but not a polytheist. Muslim women, however, may not marry non-Muslim men.[2]

      The idea of Islamic supremacy is encapsulated in the formula, “Islam is exalted and nothing is exalted above it.”[2]

      Abraham, Moses, Hebrew prophets, and Jesus were all prophets of Islam, but according to Muslim tradition their message and the texts of the Torah and the Gospels were corrupted by Jews and Christians. Similarly, children of non-Muslim families are born Muslims, but are converted to another faith by their parents.[3]

      Apostasy in Islam can be punishable by death or imprisonment according to some interpretations.[4] W. Heffening states that Shafi’is interpret verse [Quran 2:217] as adducing the main evidence for the death penalty in Qur’an.[5] Wael Hallaq states the death penalty was a new element added later and “reflects a later reality and does not stand in accord with the deeds of the Prophet.” He further states that “nothing in the law governing apostate and apostasy derives from the letter of the holy text.” [6] There are also interpretations according to which apostates aren’t executed nor punished, and there is freedom of religion.

      This man, Sina is a false teacher, my Christian friend.

  25. Gejo said:


    I think Dr. Ali Sina’s real name is Ahli Zina (Adultery Guru). He is, as he admitted by himself in above interview, a depressed, confussed and guilt. In other words, he is just a mad or crazy person and he projected his madness to Muhammad, the prophet. He is also imbecil since he is not capable to comprehend the Qur’an and Hadits as a whole. He only capable to take both partially, piece by piece. He is also paranoid and confused by saying that no Islam experts dare to debate with him. Instead, he always avoid any debate with Islam experts by saying that they will kill him. A real paranoid and confussed! And, finally, he said that “I prayed to become an instrument of peace.” But, instead, he said “Obama should be brought to justice, tried and preferably electrocuted for high treason.” Now, he unaware shows his real character! Ha ha. Real mad! And real mad like this always show up in this world in each generation! Maybe he want to become the prophet, but for the mad people in this world, eh?

  26. Gejo said:


    I think Dr. Ali Sina’s real name must be Ahli Zina (Adultery Guru), not Ali Sina. He is, as he admitted by himself in above interview, a depressed, confussed and guilt. In other words, he is just a mad or crazy person and he projected his madness to Muhammad, the prophet. He is also imbecil since he is not capable to comprehend the Qur’an and Hadits as a whole and in context. He only capable to take both partially, piece by piece. He is also paranoid and confused by saying that no Islam experts dare to debate with him. Instead, he always avoid any debate with Islam experts by saying that they will kill him. A real paranoid and confussed! And, finally, he said that “I prayed to become an instrument of peace.” But, instead, he said “Obama should be brought to justice, tried and preferably ELECTROCUTED for high treason.” Now, he unaware shows his real character! Ha ha. Real mad! And real mad like this always show up in this world in each generation! Maybe he want to become the prophet, but for the mad people in this world, eh?
    Actually, he is a real psychosis! He loses the contact with reality, a significant sign of psychosis! Do not believe it? Here is the prove:

    He claimed “Islamic terrorism is the fruit of Islam”. Who is the Islamic terrorist? Al-Qaida? No! Who attack the WTCs and Pentagon? Al-Qaida? No! It’s the Inside Job! The 20 hijackers/attackers is not in the Passengers’ Lists. One already dead two years before the attack. The other one is still alive in Saudi Arabia at the time of the attack! The airplanes was totally damaged, but one passport of the attackers found several blocks from WTC intact! Strange! The fact is that “The two towers were the first skyscrapers explicitly designed to withstand being hit by a jet plane.” (see BBC Horizon – The Fall of the World Trade Center (2002)). The fact is that Al-Qaida is fighting against Colonialists (U.S.A. and NATO) who attacked Moslem countries, e.g. Afghanistan. Afghanistan has nothing to do with the WTCs and Pentagon attack. None of the attackers came from Afghanistan. But why USA attack Afghanistan? The answer is OIL! So, to deceive their own people and the world, they said they attack the terrorists! Thief shout thief!
    So, it’s clear that Mr. Ahli Zina (Adultery Guru) has lost contact with the reality alias he is a psychosis!

  27. gulam said:

    Islam saved the Arabs, the Indians, a large number of Africans and Indochinese from total extermination which has happened to red Indians, Maoris and indigenous Australians{aborigines) in the name of Jesus and Christianity. Had it not been for Islam, the Roman Colonial Empire{which had colonized the whole of north Africa and the middle east} would have lasted and terrorized Africa and Asia up to the present day.

  28. gulam said:

    Mr Ali,nobody need to read any religious book to understand that is his right,obligation, to defend himself and his close ones against oppression,colonialism,massacres and other barbaric acts usually perpetrated by westerners.You know one thing, the so called “terrorists” always became victorious(see Vietnam, Cambodia, Angola,Mozambique,Zimbabwe,South Africa,Namibia,Afghanistan etc.etc. they became heroes and some even won Nobel Prizes}.So I would suggest it would be prudent for you to revise your bet.

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  30. msHoneyBunny said:

    Islam is the world like what democracy was to South africa, what the revolution was to the french, yes it causes an uproar,yes there will be collateral damage.but when the day is doNe, it is a blessing to makind in a way a spanking is to a naughty child, it wakes you up from your airy fairy dreams, cause let’s face it,were a huge democracy. Here in the RSA where every1 is equal in the law and guess what we are the world no 1 rape capital in the world, imagine that a democracy enshrined In an “infallable constitution. With a majority christan religion yet there is a reported case of rape every 14 minutes in this country,so tell me how your civilised democracy in any country allows a christian man to rape and murder 7 year old girl and get 15 years in jail (shocked) when if it were your kid you would want maximum death penalty, but when its sharia and only because its sharia it is opposed because its deemed islamic? Yet that is what a monster deserves. It aggrevates me that any crime committed by a muslim is headlined immediately muslim killed so and so ,but why is it the crime a christian minute commits is never headlined christain man kills wife? Etc etc, that is due to propaganda reporting and biased journalism and shrewd and crafty writers like sina,who bend the truth when convienient, just to say I think you are a sleazy person n don’t tell us your rubbish lies, keep it to yourself you soul leech

    • baltic said:

      I think sina is a dumb ass too. 🙂 Yeh. In my county we are predominantly christIan here too, majority of crime and acts of unspeakable crimes are done by non islamic people yet, no other religion gets a bad rap to the things they do.

      Ms bunny you are definetly correct when you say sina is a propoganda specialist and a very dark soul indeed.he is in my opionion extremely negative and is more of a hate catalyst than a peace maker, I think he dislikes the president because he was an avid Bush supporter and this feels like the US shouldn’t be peaceful but to nuKe all the muslims,whch as I think he is more of the satans spawn than a human being, he totally isn’t faie and I do urge every 1 to be cautious of Him as he never alllows forgiveness and acceptance to muslims, I am no propaganist to any religion and was reffered to this site by a friend ,sad to say I see a lot of disgracful people here who harbours hate in their hearts and poison in their souls, who think eradication of the islamic people is better than eradicating the hatred and malice in their own hearts( I am free spirited and will no let any1 distort the truth especially low life slime that Sina is.. Yuck,this is who you people look up to shame(you guys have low standards… ) Anyways all religions teach peace even Islam,which I must say is gaining momentum here in eurOPe so I’m not sure if they are so bad,why is it that thousands of free minded,intelligent and sophisticated people are becoming muslim????????? HMMMMMM

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  35. No doubt there are some bad-ass Moslem fundamentalists in the tradition of fundamentalist Christians in the American South, fundamentalist Buddhists in Ceylon, fundamentalist Hindus in Punjab. Fundamentalism seems to be the fastest growing religion in the world; all united by their sense of self-righteousness, bigotry and desire to murder.

    You should read what the Koran says about dhimmi people, other monotheistic Abrahamic religions. You also need to study the Crusades, the most abominable chapter in the history of Christianity when the Christian popes departed from any behaviour remotely Christian.

    Please note that Mohammad and Moslems today revere Jesus as the most important of their prophets and Mary as his mother is afforded more respect than she does in Christianity. The intolerance of Moslems toward idolaters and apostates and heathens does not exceed the intolerance demonstrated during the centuries long Inquisitions in Europe!

    From Wikipedia:
    Non-Muslims and Islam

    “The main advantage of the dhimmis over Muslims was the guarantee of their protection without the responsibility to actively engage in that protection themselves.”[1]

    The Qur’an distinguishes between the monotheistic People of the Book (ahl al-kitab) (Jews, Christians, Sabians and others) on the one hand and polytheists or idolaters on the other hand.[citation needed] There are certain kinds of restrictions, when involved with People of the Book, which do not apply to polytheists. One example is that Muslim males are allowed to marry a Christian or Jew, but not a polytheist. Muslim women, however, may not marry non-Muslim men.[2]

    The idea of Islamic supremacy is encapsulated in the formula, “Islam is exalted and nothing is exalted above it.”[2]

    Abraham, Moses, Hebrew prophets, and Jesus were all prophets of Islam, but according to Muslim tradition their message and the texts of the Torah and the Gospels were corrupted by Jews and Christians. Similarly, children of non-Muslim families are born Muslims, but are converted to another faith by their parents.[3]

    Apostasy in Islam can be punishable by death or imprisonment according to some interpretations.[4] W. Heffening states that Shafi’is interpret verse [Quran 2:217] as adducing the main evidence for the death penalty in Qur’an.[5] Wael Hallaq states the death penalty was a new element added later and “reflects a later reality and does not stand in accord with the deeds of the Prophet.” He further states that “nothing in the law governing apostate and apostasy derives from the letter of the holy text.” [6] There are also interpretations according to which apostates aren’t executed nor punished, and there is freedom of religion.

    This man, Sina is a false teacher, my Christian friends.

  36. About Dhimmi status from Wikipedia
    Jimmy Carter needs to write a companion book to his Palestine Apartheid; emphasizing the historical tolerance of all the “Peoples of the Book”, monotheistic Abrahamic prophets. The Talmud, after all, is a compilation of books of the ancient Jewish tribes. And the question is how Jews and Christians will know when the Messiah comes or returns. The most difficult challenge will be how to explain away the Christian Crusades.

    “Early Muslim practice

    “During the thirteen years that Muhammad led his followers against the Meccans and then against the other Arab tribes, Christian and Jewish communities who had submitted to Muslim rule were allowed to worship in their own way and follow their own family law, and were given a degree of self-government.

    “Some Jews generally rejected Muhammad’s status as a prophet.[7] According to Watt, “Jews would normally be unwilling to admit that a non-Jew could be a prophet.”[8] In the Constitution of Medina, Muhammad demanded the Jews’ political loyalty in return for religious and cultural autonomy.[7][9] In every major battle with the Medinans, two local Jewish tribes were found to be treachous (see [Quran 2:100]). After Badr and Uhud, the Banu Qainuqa and Banu Nadir (the latter being an ethnic Arab tribe who converted to Judaism, according to the Muslim historian al-Yaqubi), respectively, took up arms against the ummah and were subsequently expelled “with their families and possessions” from Medina.[10]

    “However, this incident does not imply that Jews in general rejected Muhammad’s constitution. One Yemenite Jewish document, found in the Cairo Genizah, claims that many Jews had not only accepted Muhammad as a prophet, but even desecrated Sabbath in order to join Muhammad in his struggle; historians suggest that this document, called Dhimmat an-nabi Muhammad (Muhammad’s Writ of Protection), may have been fabricated by Yemenite Jews for the purpose of self-defence.[11] Still, some Yemeni Jews considered Muhammad a true prophet, including Natan’el al-Fayyumi, a major 12th century rabbi who incorporated various Shia doctrines into his view of Judaism.

    “The Syriac Patriarch Ishôyahb III wrote in his correspondence to Simeon of Rewardashir, “As for the Arabs, to whom God has at this time given rule (shultãnâ) over the world, you know well how they act toward us. Not only do they not oppose Christianity, but they praise our faith, honour the priests and saints of our Lord, and give aid to the churches and monasteries.”[12]

    “After Muhammad’s death in 632, the Islamic rule grew rapidly, encompassing what is now the Middle East, Egypt, North Africa, and Iran. Most of the new subjects were Christian or Jewish, and considered People of the Book. (After some argument, the Zoroastrians were considered People of the Book as well.[13]) Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians were called dhimmi, protected peoples. As noted above, they could worship, follow their own family law, and own property. People of the Book were not subject to certain Islamic rules, such as the prohibitions on alcohol and pork, but were subject to other restrictions. Under the Islamic state, they were exempt from military service, but were required to pay a poll tax known as jizya. (They were, however, exempt from the zakat required of Muslims.) They could be bureaucrats and advisors, but they could never be rulers.
    Later Islamic practice

    “Under the Ummayads and Abbasids, the Islamic community was increasingly fragmented into various sects and kingdoms, each of which had its own evolving policy towards dhimmi and towards conquered polytheists.
    Later Islamic conquests
    Further information: Muslim conquests and Spread of Islam

    “With the Ghaznavids and later the Mughals, Islam also expanded further into northern India. Will Durant, in The Story of Civilization, described this as “probably the bloodiest story in history.” This approach was not uniform, and different rulers adopted different strategies. The Mughal emperor Akbar, for example, was relatively tolerant towards Hindus, while his great-grandson Aurangzeb was heavily intolerant. Hindus were ultimately given the tolerated religious minority status of dhimmi in their own homeland. However, the underlying complexity of Hindu philosophy was useful in this regard, as it had always posited an underlying unity of all things, including the fusion of various deities into a single reality (Brahman).

    “The Buddhists of India were not as fortunate; although Buddhism had been in decline prior to the Muslim invasions, the destruction of monastic universities in the invasions such as Nalanda and Vikramashila were a calamity from which it never recovered. According to one Buddhist scholar, the monasteries were destroyed because they were large, fortified edifices considered threats by Muslim Turk invaders.

    “The Almohad rulers of Muslim Spain were initially intolerant, and engaged in forced conversions[citation needed]; Maimonides, for example, was forced to masquerade as a Muslim and eventually flee Spain after the initial Almohad conquest.

    “However, it is worth mentioning that most Muslims rulers in Spain could be considered tolerant with some exceptions.[citation needed] Christians were free to practice their own beliefs, and had kept their own churches. The tolerant atmosphere in Muslim Spain made it a refuge for Jews persecuted in other European lands.[citation needed]

  37. Ali Sina is right. Truth is not hate speech, no matter how unwelcome, disturbing, and politically incorrect it may be. After thirty plus years of studying Islam, I know that he is dead on about this “religion”. Further, those who try to equate Islam with Christianity are both ignorant and philosophically muddled. Ignorant of Christianity or of Islam or possibly of both. The teachings of the two creeds are simply NOTHING alike, and the history of Islam is far, far bloodier than that of Christianity. By many estimates, the Islamic conquests and oppression of conquered peoples have killed about 250,000,000 individuals over 14 centuries. The only other ideology that comes close to that death toll is atheism in all its many guises (French Revolution, Fascism, Communism, Juche, capitalist materialism, etc.)

    Further, those who equate Islam with Christianity in order to exonerate the former are engaging in a logical fallacy. Islam stands or falls on its own merits. The fact (or fiction) that crimes have been committed in the name of other ideologies as well in no way excuses Islam. After all, Islam is supposed to be perfect – how then can Muslims defend it by pointing out that non-Muslims are equally evil? Aren’t they thereby admitting that Islam is quite flawed?

    Keep on telling the truth, Mr. Sina. Believe it or not, you are having a positive effect. Millions of Muslims around the world are waking up to the truth, thanks to the effort of brave souls like you.

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