Udenrigsministeriet afviser censur

Udenrigsministeriet kalder det en misforståelse, at en Kina-kritisk tv-station ikke fik akkreditering til den kinesiske præsidents besøg. »Det lugter af blacklisting af et kritisk medie, og det er helt uhørt på dansk grund,« siger DJ-formand Mogens Blicher Bjerregård.

Udenrigsministeriet kalder det en misforståelse, at en Kina-kritisk tv-station ikke fik akkreditering til den kinesiske præsidents besøg. »Det lugter af blacklisting af et kritisk medie, og det er helt uhørt på dansk grund,« siger DJ-formand Mogens Blicher Bjerregård.
Det danske udenrigsministerium er kommet under beskydning efter, at den Kina-kritiske tv-station NTD ikke fik presse-akkreditering til det kinesiske statsbesøg. Jyllands-Posten har de seneste dage bragt flere historier om sagen og offentliggjort en lydfil fra en telefonsamtale.

Udenrigsministeriet afviser i dag i Jyllands-Posten, at de på nogen måde skulle være med til at undertrykke pressefriheden:

»Nej, under ingen omstændigheder, det ville vi aldrig gøre. Tværtimod arbejder vi faktisk for at fremme pressefriheden både i Danmark og i udlandet,« siger ambassadør for public diplomacy Kalvs A. Holm til Jyllands-Posten.

Ikke kinesere
NTD Television er en uafhængig tv-station, der sender til Kina og er "ugleset" i den kinesiske top.

»Vi har søgt om akkreditering i god tid. Men da vi kom for at hente vores akkreditering, fik vi at vide, at det skulle gå gennem den kinesiske ambassade. Vores to journalister blev nægtet adgang til at dække besøget,« har talsperson Carole Caulier Gustavsson fortalt til Jyllands-Posten.

»Forklaringen hos det internationale pressecenter i København, IPC, var, at vi var et kinesisk medie, og derfor skulle vores ansøgning behandles af kineserne. Men vi har hovedsæde i New York,« fortæller Carole Caulier Gustavsson.

Jyllands-posten har offentliggjort en lydfil af samtalen mellem Carole Caulier Gustavsson, som underbygger hendes citater. Hun forsøger flere gange at forklare repræsentanten for pressecenteret, at NTD Television ikke er et kinesisk medie, og at det er et seriøst problem, hvis man overlader til det den kinesiske ambassade, at afgøre adgangen til Kina-kritiske medier.

Repræsentanten slår dog fast, at han ikke kan gøre noget, da man betragter NTD som et kinesisk medie.

Aflyst pressemøde
Sidste år fik NTD akkreditering af de danske myndigheder til pressemøde, da den kinesiske udenrigsminister var på besøg i Danmark. Pressemødet blev aflyst. Ifølge NTD Television fordi udenrigsministeren nægtede at deltage på grund af tilstedeværelsen af det uafhængige tv-selskab.

Ambassadør Klavs A. Holm henholder sig til at formanden for den udenlandske presseforening i Danmark bakker op om ministeriets udlægning efter et møde i Udenrigsministeriet:

»Vi har ikke anlagt nogen politisk vurdering i forbindelse med udstedelse af akkrediteringskort, og havde sådan set udstedt et kort til det pågældende medieselskab. Men der skete en misforståelse, et kommunikationsbrist,« siger Klavs A. Holm til Jyllands-Posten.

»Det forarger mig«
Formand for Dansk Journalistforbund, Mogens Blicher Bjerregård har skrevet til Udenrigsministeriet for at få en forklaring på forløbet. I sit brev understreger han samtidig det problematiske i håndteringen af akkrediteringen fra NTD Television.

»Det er dyb dybt problematisk, at NTD Television ikke har kunnet dække det kinesiske besøg på dansk grund. Det lugter af blacklisting af et kritisk medie, og det er helt uhørt på dansk grund. Jeg forventer en forklaring på forløbet, og en uforbeholden undskyldning til NTD Television fra Udenrigsministeriet,« siger Mogens Blicher Bjerregård til Dansk Journalistforbunds hjemmeside.

Han undrer sig over, hvorfor andre landes myndigheder, kan have indflydelse på akkreditering af medier på dansk grund:

»Vi må i Danmark ikke lade os presse af andre lande til at forringe vilkårene for den frie presse. Når offentlige begivenheder foregår i Danmark, skal alle medier kunne dække besøget. Der er så sandelig brug for kritisk presse over for det kinesiske styre, og derfor forarger det mig virkelig, hvis der er tale om bevidst blacklisting af den amerikanske tv-station.«

3 Kommentarer

Gisela Olsson
21. JUNI 2012
Re: Udenrigsministeriet afviser censur

Hi again,

As a good researcher I NEVER judge anything or anyone before doing my homework.

I have over the years gather many information about the qigong method called Falun Gong and the persecution of Falun Gong.

I send to you all journalists in Denmark and all readers at this webpage what I founded from different experts and researchers for your references.

By the way I did find another page at wikipedia who is not from CCP vesrion so you always finds what you want to find right?

From wikipedia about Falun Gong:



Here is a research paper about the qigong method called falun gong:



Here you have more experts opinion about the persecution on falun gong:  





Gisela Olsson
21. JUNI 2012
Re: Udenrigsministeriet afviser censur

NDT Television is NOT owned by Falun Gong then you have not made a good seriuos research at all! And you are writning on the main webpage for journalistes in Denmark. I myself work at a production company called Journey West Media who mainly do TV production and advertisement for NTD Television in New York.

 I live in Copenhagen and many of my colleagues in both New York and Sweden is not into Falun Gong they are seriuos journalist working for freedom of speech in China and the chinese community around the world!! 

Falun Gong has its own association in both New York, Copenhagen or Stockholm. NTV Television is a big running TV-Station with headquarter in New York.

What you say is right on the spot on what the Chinese communist party says see lies to damage a companies reputation that the chinese communist party does not like!! So your words is the Chinese Communist Parties words so they are for sure happy to give you a big "Maoist award" for your statement on this website. Nothing I would be proud inmy career...

My be you are from the Chinese embassy yourself??

The reason why I work for NTD Television is because of their main goal that is - Tto contribute to a world of free exchange of information which are fundamental to a society's well-being and development. NTD Television is working toward this goal by offering a genuine voice for the global Chinese community.

To give you some more research information NTD Television was founded from a simple desire to broadcast news to Chinese community, news that was not distorted or filtered by any state actors. After the tragic events of 9/11 2001 many chinese was dismayed by the anti american reporting tone adopted by chinese language media on mainland China. Because a lot of that reporting found its way into overseas chinese communities, the one who started out NTD Television (chinese living in New York) recognized the importance of having a media entiry broadcasting in Chinese language that reflects western democratic values and journalistic standards. Maybe the founders was practising the qigong method - falun gong and aslo wanted to give the persecuted group of millions of people in China a voice but that does not mean that this fast growing chinese TV-station is falun gong. No one has  forced me to practice the method during the time I worked for the production company who do mainly the TV productions for NTD Television? So what are you talking about?? And I have been visiting the headquarter for NTD Television in New York and no one forced me there either??

 I now that for exampel many of the employed at the newspaper New York Times has a jewish faith but no one says that The New York Times is a jewish magazin?? Sorry but your arguments is not strong enough..

So yes some employe at NTD television is practising Falun Gong some are practising yoga some are christians some are jewish...so whats the problem??


I think it is great that some chinese americans in New York wants to give the chinese people inside and outside of China news that is NOT DISTORTED by chinese propaganda machinery. So yes NTD Television do report on the persecution of falun gong and also the persecution of Tibet and the persecution of different human rights lawyers inside China and NTD Television do report persecution of the muslims called uyghur in the nortwest of China where over 11 miljons of people are severly persecuted. NTD Television report aslo on the persecution of the christians in China ect. ect. ect.

So the TV station is transmitting high quality and uncensored news, culture and entertainment via satellite, cable and internet throughout the world! And the programs are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, both live and on demand. The website receives an average of 700,000 hits a day with 3.000 hours of programmerdownloades every day. And the hits on the website is growing each day!


I send some links for you to look at to see that we really send all different kinds of news...


NTD Television:



Nyheder om Forskellige forfulgte grupper i Kina:


1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmlBAgVWbJ4&feature=relmfu

2) http://english.ntdtv.com/ntdtv_en/news_china/2011-09-13/ccp-uses-9-11-as-excuse-for-crackdown-on-uyghur-muslims.html

3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLJiH6q1_Gw

4) http://english.ntdtv.com/ntdtv_en/news_china/2012-01-26/chinese-regime-s-persecution-of-falun-gong-2011-death-toll.html

5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD7Py2-mvDw


Program: Forbidden news




A documentary we made also:





Jan August Hillers
20. JUNI 2012
Re: Udenrigsministeriet afviser censur

Jeg græmmes. Ikke så meget som en simpel googling på NTD Television ser det ud til at Mogens og danske medier har orket/ønsket  at give os som tilskudsinformation. Tv-stationeen drives og ejes af Falun Gong.  I  anerkendelse af danske journalisters magelighed følger her hvad der står i Wikipedia. Forresten forhindrede den canadiske statsminister for præcis to år siden NTD Televiisions i at blive akkrediteret da Kinas Middelstore Rorgænger besøgte landet.
Personligt ser jeg meget mere perspektiv for verden i buddhisme end i jødedom, kristendom og islam. Men det er en anden historie.


Falun Gong or Falun Dafa (literally means "Dharma Wheel Practice") is a spiritual discipline first introduced in China in 1992 through public lectures by its founder, Li Hongzhi.[1] It combines the practice of meditation and slow-moving qigong exercises with a moral philosophy. Falun Gong emphasises morality and the cultivation of virtue in its central tenets of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance (Chinese: 真、善、忍), and identifies as a qigong practice of the Buddhist school, though its teachings also incorporate elements drawn from Taoist traditions.[2][3] Through moral rectitude and the practice of meditation, practitioners of Falun Gong aspire to better health and, ultimately, spiritual enlightenment.

Falun Gong emerged at the end of China's "qigong boom", a period which saw the proliferation of similar practices of meditation, slow-moving exercises and regulated breathing.[4] It differs from other qigong schools in its absence of fees or formal membership, lack of daily rituals of worship,[5] its greater emphasis on morality, and the theological nature of its teachings.[6] Western academics have described Falun Gong as a qigong discipline, a "spiritual movement" based on the teachings of its founder,[7] a "cultivation system" in the tradition of Chinese antiquity,[8] and sometimes a religion[9] or new religious movement.

Although the practice initially enjoyed considerable support from Chinese officialdom, by the mid- to late-1990s, the Communist Party and public security organs increasingly viewed Falun Gong as a potential threat due to its size, independence from the state, and spiritual teachings. By 1999, some estimates placed the number of Falun Gong adherents in the tens of millions.[10][11][12]

In July 1999, Communist Party of China (CPC) leadership initiated a nationwide crackdown and multifaceted propaganda campaign intended to eradicate the practice. In October 1999 it declared Falun Gong a "heretical organization" and began banning Internet access to websites that mention Falun Gong.[2][13][14] Human rights groups report that Falun Gong practitioners in China are subject to a wide range of human rights abuses; hundreds of thousands are believed to have been imprisoned extrajudicially, and practitioners in detention are subject to forced labor, psychiatric abuse, torture, and other coercive methods of thought reform at the hands of Chinese authorities.[15][16][17][18] In the years since the suppression campaign began, Falun Gong adherents have emerged as a prominent voice in the Chinese dissident community, advocating for greater human rights and an end to Communist Party rule.

Li Hongzhi has lived in New York since 1998,[19] and Falun Gong has a sizable global constituency; inside China, some sources estimate that millions may continue to practice Falun Gong in spite of suppression.[20][21] Hundreds of thousands are believed to practice Falun Gong outside China across some 70 countries worldwide.[22]