Intellectual Ventures
Category:Patent trolls
Category:Nathan Myhrvold
Intellectual Ventures was conceived by a Microsoft executive, Nathan Myhrvold, around the time that Microsoft struggled on several fronts. Intellectual Ventures is backed by Bill Gates (privately). Today, Intellectual Ventures is the world's largest patent troll and it habitually uses other smaller firms (reportedly over 1,000 of them) do handle litigation and assist blackmail in a pyramid scheme-like fashion. Some firms, like Dominion Harbor, buy patents from Intellectual Ventures purely for litigation/extortion, just like Finjan. Techrights has tracked Intellectual Ventures for several years and kept record of its activities in the posts below.

Latest Software Patent Lawsuit Against GNU/Linux (GNOME) is Connected to Microsoft
Somehow Microsoft is Always Everywhere Linux Gets Attacked by Lawsuits and Antitrust Actions
Microsoft's Patent Trolls Are Still Suing Microsoft's Rivals to Help Sell Microsoft
Unified Patents Goes After Patent Trolls Funded and Armed (Given Patents) by Microsoft
Unified Patents Targets Patents of Patent Trolls, Including Some That Are Connected to Microsoft
Lobbying and Blackmail Rewarded? JUVE Awards Team UPC Firm Bardehle Pagenberg, Which Represents Microsoft's Worst Patent Troll, Intellectual Ventures.
Microsoft's Largest Patent Troll, Operating Through Shell Entities, Broadens Extortion Campaign in Eastern Texas
Microsoft's Patent Troll Intellectual Ventures Still Suing Microsoft's Rivals, Microsoft Gags Its Staff Regarding Patent Matters
Ask OIN How It Intends to Deal With Microsoft Proxies Such as Patent Trolls
Microsoft's Patent Trolls Are Alive and Well, Seeding Destruction Among Microsoft's Competition
Patent Trolls Roundup: Microsoft's Patent Troll Collapses, Samsung Fuels Patent Troll Sisvel, and Patent Troll VirnetX Wants Apple's Cash
Patent Trolls Are Still Active and Microsoft is Closely Connected to Many of Them
On Virnetx, Intellectual Ventures, Interval Licensing and Other Microsoft-Connected Patent Trolls That Microsoft Leverages to Attack Its Competition
Pen One Acquisition Group is a Patent Troll Indirectly Connected to Microsoft and There's No Simple Solution to Such Problems
Microsoft's Biggest Patent Troll Now Leverages the US 'International' Trade Commission (ITC) for Embargo Attempts
A Post-TC Heartland (and Post-Alice) Patent System is Bad if Not Fatal News to Patent Trolls Like Microsoft's Intellectual Ventures
Microsoft and Its Patent Trolls Face an Uphill Battle in a Patent System Which is Increasingly Hostile Towards Software Patents
Microsoft is Attacking the Competition Through Patent Trolls Based in Texas, Armed by Microsoft's Former Management
Microsoft/Intellectual Ventures: Still Pairing to Tax the Entire World With Patent Lawsuits and Extortion
More Litigation Ventures of Intellectual Ventures (Microsoft's Patent Troll) Stopped by Unified Patents
Multiple Microsoft-Funded Patent Trolls Are Attacking Microsoft's Rivals Inside and Outside the Courtrooms
Aggressive New Activities of Microsoft-Connected Patent Trolls: Finjan, Intellectual Ventures, and Dominion Harbor
Quick Mention: Dominion Harbor Reinforces Its Connection to Microsoft
Patent Trolls Watch: Microsoft-Connected Intellectual Ventures, Finjan, and Rumour of Technicolor-InterDigital Buyout
Microsoft Has Left RPX, But RPX Now Pays a Microsoft Patent Troll, Intellectual Ventures
Microsoft's Patent Moves: Dominion Harbor, Intellectual Ventures, Intellectual Discovery, NEC and Uber
Canon Has Proven That Microsoft's Shell Game With Patent Trolls Makes 'Peace' Deals (Paying 'Protection' Money) Futile, Belatedly Joins OIN
Intellectual Ventures, GNU/Linux/Android/FOSS Patents, and the Ascent of European Patent Trolls
Patent Trolls Network-1 and Microsoft-Connected Finjan and Intellectual Ventures in the News Again
Microsoft's Patent Troll Intellectual Ventures is Going After Carriers Now
Microsoft’s Troll Intellectual Ventures, via Dominion Harbor, Goes Patent-Trolling in China
Microsoft and Bill Gates Become More Actively Involved in Their Biggest Patent Troll (and World's Biggest Troll), Intellectual Ventures
Patents of Microsoft’s Largest Troll, Intellectual Ventures, Are Sold to be Used Offensively
Intellectual Ventures -- Like Microsoft (Which It Came From) -- Spreads Patents to Manifest a Lot of Lawsuits
Dominion Harbor Group (DHG) is a Patent Troll Connected to Intellectual Ventures
The Long Reach of Microsoft's Patent Troll, Intellectual Ventures, and the Impact on TiVo
Xinova is a Patent Troll With Connections to Microsoft and Intellectual Ventures, the World’s Largest Troll
Kudelski Group Not Only Acts Like a Patent Troll But Also Run by Intellectual Ventures Person; Mobile Market in Dire State of Patent Armageddon
Several Software Patents of Microsoft's Patent Troll Intellectual Ventures Have Just Been Trashed by the Federal Circuit, But Patent Law Firms Keep Quiet About It
Microsoft Says It Loves Linux, But Its Anti-Linux Patent Trolls Are Still Around and Active
Patent Bubbles Implode and Patents Are Passed to Trolls for 'Monetisation'
Microsoft's Patent Troll and Taxman Intellectual Ventures Gets Indirectly Closer to Google (Android/ChromeOS Steward) and to Linux
US Patent Trolls Epidemic and Microsoft/Intellectual Ventures' Latest Contribution to That
IAM Magazine Glorifies the World’s Largest Patent Troll, Microsoft’s and Bill Gates’ Patent Troll Intellectual Ventures
VENUE Act Not the Solution and Amid EFF News About Intellectual Ventures and Garfum It's Time to Tackle Software Patents
No, Biggest Patent Troll of 2014 is Not eDekka But a Microsoft-Connected and Bill Gates-Funded Patent Troll (or Extensive Network Thereof)
IP Dealmakers Forum Brags About Having the World’s Largest Patent Troll as Keynote Speaker
The Alice Case Beats Microsoft's Patent Troll Intellectual Ventures (Yet Again)
Alice Case Beats Microsoft Patent Troll, USPTO Director Michelle Lee Wants Reform
Grooming of the World’s Biggest Patent Troll, Nathan Myhrvold of Microsoft and Intellectual Ventures
UCLA Foolishly Grooms Microsoft's Patent Troll Nathan Myhrvold (Intellectual Ventures), Who is Busy Attacking Android and Linux These Days
Microsoft’s Troll Intellectual Ventures Loses Software Patents
Microsoft Continues to Attack (and Tax) Linux Using Software Patents
Microsoft is Trying to Patent Software in India While Microsoft’s Proxy Troll Intellectual Ventures Extorts Motorola (Android)
Bill Gates’ Pet Troll Intellectual Ventures is Collapsing as Founder Quits
Microsoft's Patent Troll Intellectual Ventures is Collapsing as 20% of Staff Laid Off
Microsoft’s and Bill Gates’ Biggest Patent Troll (Intellectual Ventures) Suffers Setback and Nokia is Dead While Patents Scattered to Microsoft Patent Proxies
More Microsoft Subsidies to Patent Troll Intellectual Ventures
Bill Gates’ Pet Patent Troll (Intellectual Ventures) is Seemingly Collapsing But Trying to Disrupt the Government With a PAC
With Intellectual Ventures, the USPTO Becomes Basis for Pyramid Scheme, FTC Investigates
Microsoft’s Patent Mafia Called the Proof That Patent Trolls Must be Eradicated or Patent Law Changed
Millions of Dollars Worth of Lobbying From Patent-Trolling Giants Can Render Reform Against Trolls Effective Only Against Small Trolls
The World’s Biggest Patent Troll (and Racketeering/Pyramid Scheme Operation) Grows Closer to the Gates Foundation
US Government Should Kill Bill’s and Nathan’s Criminal Patent Racket and Pyramid Scheme, Intellectual Ventures
Intellectual Ventures Called a Microsoft Spinoff, Has Strong Ties to Bill Gates
Intellectual Ventures Pays for Another Propaganda Campaign Advocating Patent Trolls
Kindly Remind President Obama to Shut Down (Potentially Mass-Arresting) Massive Trolls Like Intellectual Ventures and End Software Patents
Microsoft is Suing Android/Google/Motorola Again, This Time Through Intellectual Ventures
Microsoft’s Patent Troll is Going After Banks Now, Expanding to Large-scale Racketeering Using Pyramid Scheme With Approximately 2,000 Proxies
Microsoft Sociopaths
Microsoft Vultures Under Research Campaigns
Microsoft Patent Trolls Get Staff From Microsoft While ‘Mother Ship’ Sues Google Over Android
Slashdot and CBS/CNET Help Promote Patent Trolling
Bill Gates is Openly Promoting Patent Trolls Which Attack Linux
World’s Biggest Patent Troll, a Microsoft Offshoot, Takes Extortion Public Again
Microsoft Extorts Linux Again, Its Troll Intellectual Ventures Suggested for Antitrust Intervention
Weeks After Google Buys Part of Motorola Microsoft’s Patent Troll Sues Motorola
Microsoft’s Patent Troll (IV) Helps Increase Microsoft Tax, BSA Changes Intellectual Monopoly Laws
Microsoft’s Proxy Fights (via Patent Trolls) Emerge in the Courtroom
Myhrvold’s “Criminal Enterprise”, Detkin’s Criticism of Extortionists and Terrorists (Which He Himself Became)
Rage Against the Masochist
Connection Between Patent Troll Lodsys and Former Microsoft CTO/Microsoft Proxy Highlighted
Lodsys Patent Attacks on Android (Linux) Developers Come From Microsoft’s Former CTO
Exclusive: Microsoft Patent Schemes Nobody Knows About
Microsoft’s Three Musketeers (Gates, Allen, Myhrvold) Still Assault the Market With Patents
SCO’s Strategic Consultant Mike Anderer Foresaw Microsoft-Organised Patent Lawsuits Against Linux (Through Small Companies)
Microsoft-backed Patent Troll, Intellectual Ventures, Takes More Toll and Lobbies the Government
Bill Gates and Nathan Myhrvold Find New Ways to Extort the Competitors, Using Patents
Microsoft Patent Trolls Intellectual Ventures and Interval Extortion Sue by Proxy, Directly
Microsoft’s Patent Troll Intellectual Ventures Is Reportedly Extorting Linux Now
Justice Department’s National Security Chief Becomes a ‘Patent Terrorist’ for Microsoft’s Nathan Myhrvold
Red Hat Pushes for Patent Reform While Microsoft Patent Trolls Are Suing, Sometimes Losing
Microsoft’s Patent Troll Intellectual Ventures Starts Attacking Companies Directly
Intellectual Ventures and Other Microsoft-affiliated Groups Are Poisoning Linux With Patents
Microsoft Sellouts Join Microsoft’s Racket Intellectual Ventures and Not OIN
Microsoft Generates Massive Patent Troll Which Strikes Again
Microsoft’s Patent Trolls at Intellectual Ventures and Acacia Are Attacking Again
Intellectual Ventures Revisited as Facebook is Hoarding Patents; Apple Patents Other People’s Ideas/Implementations
Nathan Myhrvold (Intellectual Ventures) Gives Patents for Another Company to Sue With
Microsoft’s Software Patents Lobbyists and Patent Trolls
Is Nathan Myrhvold’s and Bill Gates’ Pyramid Scheme Finally Collapsing?
Gates Foundation Pays for Press Coverage of Its Work, Involved in Fatal Vaccination Disaster in India (With Merck), Collaborates With World’s Largest Patent Troll (IV)
Durham Logistics Unmasked as Potential Intellectual Ventures Proxy
Microsoft Sued by VirnetX (Again) and Kodak Alleges That Microsoft’s Patent Troll Bullies Companies Along With Ray Niro
Microsoft’s Patent Racketeer Intellectual Ventures a Weapons Feeder of Patent Wars
Intellectual Ventures “a Combination Mob Protection Racket + Ponzi Monetization Scheme”
Nathan Myhrvold’s Intellectual Ventures Could be Biggest Racketeering Operation in the United States and Beyond
Nathan Myhrvold Connected to Father of Patent Trolling, Ray Niro
Microsoft Has the World’s Biggest Patent Troll, But What’s Up with Google?
Microsoft Takes Software Patents Agenda Up a Notch
Nathan Myhrvold/Bill Gates Use “Embrace and Extend” Against “Making it Easy for People to Do Competitive Operating Systems”
Microsoft IP Ventures and Intellectual Ventures
Why and How Microsoft Turned from a Software Company Into a Patent Aggressor/Taxman
Patents Roundup: Linux, Microsoft, Apple, Patent Trolls and Reform
Linus’ Old Employer Swept by Microsoft’s Patent Übertroll
Patents Roundup: Microsoft|Myhrvold Trolls Fill Up Their Patent Basket
Searete a Part of Intellectual Ventures, a Patent-trolling Firm
Report: Bill Gates Becoming Patent Troll Like Nathan Myhrvold
Patents Roundup: Microsoft’s Own Patent Trolls Subjugate Indians; New Evidence of Ill Systems
Microsoft Storms India with Patents, by Proxy
Microsoft is a Major Patent Troll, By Proxy
Bill Gates Backs Patent Trolls, Microsoft Gets More Patents
Report: Microsoft’s Patent Racketeering Comes from Myhrvold
Latest Attempt to Expand Software Patents to Europe; Microsoft Shenanigan Revisited
Microsoft + Government + Patent Troll Push Against Free Software
Nathan Myhrvold Intellectual Ventures Does Not Like GNU/Linux
A Reader’s Perspective: Entering the Minds of the Patent Trolls
Also see Acacia.


Also see Acacia.