
in our next project I'd like to use buildr for build management.
Now I only have to convince my colleagues, why we should use buildr and
not maven or ant+ivy.

I'd say it has the best of both worlds:
- standard build process (like maven)
- conventions for project/directory structure (like maven)
- dependency mgmt using maven repos
- and though it provides the flexibility as ant does
- all ant tasks can be used in buildr

It has some advanteges over maven and ant:
- buildr is even easier and more flexible as ant since you don't have to
  work with xml to do e.g. an if/then/else - just use ruby (no need to
  create tasks/mojos)
- build profiles supporting inheritence (and usage of profile
- much more compact than maven and ant
- great multi-module / multi-project support: if you have project A and 
  B, where B depends on A, then you can just build B, which
  automatically triggers a build of A if necessary
- fast (I only compared it to maven)

To be fair to my colleagues I'd also like to mention the drawback I see:
- relatively new, so there might be some issues we run into
- not so many examples / documentation available (as it's new),
  however, this is compensated by this great mailing list :)
- not so many built-in reporting-plugins available as they are available
  for maven

Would you add/remove/change some item of this list?

Thx && cheers,

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