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anti-sec: OpenSSH <= 5.2 zero day exploit code - 48 hours until it is publicly released!

From: Ant-Sec Movement <anti.sec.movement () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 16:32:18 +1000

Dear Reader,
In 48 hours, the anti-sec movement will publicly unveil working exploit code
and full details for the zero-day OpenSSH vulnerability we discovered. It
will be posted to the Full-Disclosure security list.

Soon, the very foundations of Information Technology and Information
Security will be unearthed as millions upon million of systems running ANY
version of OpenSSH are compromised by wave after wave of script-kiddie and
malicious hacker.

Within 10 hours of the initial release of the OpenSSH 0-day exploit code,
anti-sec will be unleashing powerful computer worm source code with the
ability to auotmatically find and compromise systems running any and all
versions of OpenSSH.

This is an attack against all White Hat Hackers who think that running a
Penetration Test simply searching for known vulnerabilities is all they have
to do in order to receive their payment. Anti-sec will savor the moment when
White Hat Hackers are made to look like fools in the eyes of their clients.


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